Friday, August 29, 2008

Serf campaigns via commercials

Rarely do State Senate candidates broadcast their pitch for voters on television – let along during a widely watched event. But Mr. Maltese, who was elected in 1988, is one of the prime targets of Democrats hoping to regain control of the Senate. Indeed, of the handful of incumbent Republican state senators whom Democrats are singling out for defeat this year, Mr. Maltese is at the top of the list.

Maltese Runs TV Ads in Appeal to Democratic Voters

The ad, which ran on Time Warner Cable stations, portrayed Mr. Maltese as a champion of tax cuts during his years in Albany. By contrast, the ad said, Mr. Addabbo voted for an 18 percent increase in New York City property taxes several years ago.

It was not Mr. Maltese’s first campaign commercial this year. He has broadcast four others in recent months. But the placement of the ads – shortly before the high point of last night’s convention – was a sign that Mr. Maltese is once again after Democratic votes.

In fact, his ad made no mention of his party affiliation. But the 15th State Senate District has about 72,000 registered Democratic voters, compared with about 30,000 Republicans (There are about 6,000 others registered in the district). Winning Democrats and independent voters has been vital to Mr. Maltese’s political survival.


Anonymous said...

What ever it takes if successful - then I suspect and already know he can be quite effective as Senator because he uses all the tools neccessary to get the job done. Do you want the unproven BOZO whom is running against him in the race to win? I don't think the BOZO knows where Juniper Park is yet alone care who the residents in the district are that the Senator has reponded to and cared for over the years.

Anonymous said...

Serf may have taken care of the residents of his district near Juniper Park, but he ain't done much in my neck of the district. And if he ain't proud enough of his party, and what it stands for, to state his affiliation, he doesn't get my vote. He's a has been do-little slave to the party he does not even want to acknowledge he's a part of. And by the way, as ads go, it was a second rate ad not ready for prime-time play.

Anonymous said...

If the Democrats take control of the state senate, say goodbye to Gov. Paterson's attempts at budget discipline and say hello to Shelly Silver controlling everything. That would be a disaster.

Anonymous said...

Not for us. I kind of like the idea that the 3 men in a room will all be NYC guys. Maybe for once this city and its residents get our fair share.

Anonymous said...

"Not for us. I kind of like the idea that the 3 men in a room will all be NYC guys. Maybe for once this city and its residents get our fair share"

By "us" you mean Manhattanites? Right? Because Queens is screwed if the Republicans lose the Senate.

Anonymous said...

By us, I mean NYC- Manhattan and the 4 other boroughs versus everything else to the the north and east. Queens is already screwed, in my area it got screwed on Serf's watch and he did nothing. I wish I had a two fer this year and also could dump the other has been do-nothing Seminerio. Gallagher is gone, but Como's no better. I'll take my chances with Addabbo and the Dems in the Senate.

Anonymous said...

"I'll take my chances with Addabbo and the Dems in the Senate."

well good luck then - not for me - I'll sell my charming litle one family, fully attached house that's 18 X 30 on its 18 X 100 lot to some Bukarainians who'll build a nice 100 X 18 house and move to another state with $600K in my pocket - and I don't even live in Serph's district!

Anonymous said...

You'll cut and run, but I'm staying right where my family's been for generations and voting to dump Serf.

Anonymous said...

Baldeo sold out to the machine. Addabbo is a puppet of the machine. What happens if the democrats take over the Senate Parkside and boltzs and Crowley make more money.

How will the machine pay off Baldeo for droping out of the race, a judgeship, money women?

Anonymous said...

"You'll cut and run, but I'm staying right where my family's been for generations and voting to dump Serf."

Fodder for the tweeders.....

Anonymous said...

SPeaking of commercials. Here's one about Pedro Espada campaigning in the Bronx. Check out the video.

Anonymous said...

Obviously you don't undrstand that the laws passed in the Assembly never reach the Senate floor for a vote. Example: important tenant protection laws. Democratic majority in the Senate is the only and last hope for the middle class in this City.

Anonymous said...

Maltese has been Pataki and Bruno's puppet for years.

Anonymous said...

How about laws in the Assembly that would hand over the entire state budget to the unions? Give the senate to the democrats and watch how bad things will be.

Anonymous said...

In case you haven't noticed, keeping the Senate & Assembly under different control is just what many unions want. Lot of unions got just what they wanted out of Bruno and his boys and girls. Serfie's going negative this early means he knows he's in trouble. The man hasn't had an original thought in decades.

Anonymous said...

"Obviously you don't undrstand that the laws passed in the Assembly never reach the Senate floor for a vote. Example: important tenant protection laws. Democratic majority in the Senate is the only and last hope for the middle class in this City."

Obviously, you're a Democrat. And a renter. And someone who speaks for the middle class, but isn't middle class. "Important tenant protections laws" Like what? Don't pay your rent and you won't get evicted? Like inheriting your lease? Puhleaze already with the tenant rights crap. It's a freaking contract. pay your rent and your get to stay, don't pay it and go away!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am a Democrat and a renter. Worked all my life to become middle class. Today, I ask what middle class?

Since you know that you are better and smarter than everyone else, why bother to research The Tenant Protection Laws before you attack.

Anonymous said...

What's so bad about being a renter anyway? You usually pay less than you would for a mortgage and when something breaks it's not your responsibility to fix it. Also, if you don't like where you're living, you can easily move to a new location. When you have a house you get too tied up in mundane details.

Anonymous said...

Obviously you haven't the slightest idea what is happening to other people besides yourself. Renters are are being harrassed, no repairs, no heat or hot water, etc.



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