Saturday, August 16, 2008

The purple pigeon of Queens

We heard it through the grapevine - Queens has a purple pigeon.

The royal-hued bird wasn't born that way, though. Someone with a sick senseof humor - or a problem with pigeons - painted him purple.

"It was terrible," said Joe Mora, an animal lover who rescued the bird Thursday from a Long Island City playground, where onlookers were gawking at the oddly-colored columbine.

Fowl play: Sicko paints pigeon purple in Queens

Friday,city Animal Care and Control officials transferred the pigeon to Bobby Horvath, a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in Nassau County who hasextensive experience caring for injured birds.

The young pigeon, about three or four months old, might not survive the prank - if it was one, Horvath said.

What's with the painting of wildlife by sickos in this city?


Anonymous said...

Whe have those in Port Washington. The shits in Manorhaven have been shoothing the birds and gulls with paintball guns.
(Some kind of contest)
The parents dont speak English nor give a dam what they do in the streets, beaches and parks. Hell these parents dont even come to the police station to pick them up.

...I guess these Guatastizo shits will packing real guns by 16.
---how they raise kids to be adults in "the old country"

-Isnt multiculturalism great ?

Anonymous said...

hey joe:

I thought the Manorhaven section of Port Washington is supposed to be upscale. No? I've got family there. That's what I've ben told.

Anonymous said...

"NYC Animal Care and Control officials transferred the pigeon to Bobby Horvath, a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in Nassau County who hasextensive experience caring for injured birds"

The bird wasnt injured, it was shot at.

Bobby Horvath has been dealing with this recent craze of "imported" gangs marking birds for quite a wile and IM SURE he told the reporter that !!

As usuall ---Got to keep the story PC Correct and not profile criminals.

The editing desk or reporter cut up that story !!
What bullsh*t what rag paper reported this again ?
(IM on PDA)


Anonymous said...

Pigeons are vile animals that don't deserve to live.

Anonymous said...

So is Dennis Gallagher but no one is painting his ass.

Anonymous said...

Angry kiddies arent we.My god three comments about pigeons.Get rid of your gangs or sit down.

Anonymous said...

Washington is supposed to be upscale

A couple blocks are nice but Not any more, Manhasset Isle, Manorhaven, hads turned into a 3rd world slum of renters and latino gangs.
Some are packed 20 to a house. Lots of car window smashing and sex crimes.
The cops have there hands full, they lock them up however INS and refuse to pick them up says "No felony let Em go"

This carbage started when the first Democrat in the history of (TNH) May Newburger got into office.
She threw all the old paperwork, maps, laws down the toilet and merged our parks with Nasssau county.
No you go to the beach and see brown skinned mongris leaving carbage and checking checking out hitting on 14 year old girls.

Anonymous said...

The pigeon may not survive? As the saying goes, "what goes around, comes around." Enough said!

Anonymous said...

what is a Guatastizo?

Anonymous said...

Guatastizo=Guatemalan/Central American jackpot baby.

Example: Guatemalan/Mestizo.

The majority mestizo population today are Belize, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala, and Paraguay.


Robert said...

Hi there. You have nice and interesting articles. God bless you and your family...

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