Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Parks thinks Gallagher is still in office

Word of June 3rd's Council District 30 special election apparently hasn't gotten to the Arsenal yet...

Screenshot taken minutes ago.


Anonymous said...

You expect timely updates to a NYC.GOV web page? hahahahaha. Remember, you're dealing with NYFC, which takes 20 years to do something private industry does in 30 days

Anonymous said...

... and this blog's obsession with dennis gallagher continues ...

Anonymous said...

The problem is with Parks, not Pinky this time.

Anonymous said...

"Parks thinks Gallagher is still in office"

At least they aren't still listing Ognibene.

Anonymous said...

I would have a tough time not being "obsessed" with Gallagher if he had represented my district in such a fine, upstanding manner. It's gonna take some time to undo all the damage he has done.

Anonymous said...

... and this blog's obsession with dennis gallagher continues ...

Yes, and I hope Crappy continues to shed some light on that pig Dennis Gallagher, who got away with rape, assault and kidnapping. He should've been locked up for 30 years.

Instead he's allowed to walk the streets.

Anonymous said...

Please forgive the terminal morons who run the Parks Dept. Remember, they work for the hyper moron, Commissar Death and Taxes.

As for: "Yes, and I hope Crappy continues to shed some light on that pig Dennis Gallagher, who got away with rape, assault and kidnapping. He should've been locked up for 30 years.

Instead he's allowed to walk the streets."

But, always remember, like OJ and Clinton, he walking the streets vindicating himself. That's why he has so much hair on his palms. And, he has stunted growth from all that self vindicating. Plus, he has difficulty with his eyesight.

Anonymous said...

"... always remember, like OJ and Clinton, he walking the streets vindicating himself. That's why he has so much hair on his palms. And, he has stunted growth from all that self vindicating. Plus, he has difficulty with his eyesight."

You can also add Diabetes, one testicle, and a bad heart to his many shortcomings.

The little pervert finally met his match with that grandmother and he'll be working out a payment schedule for the rest of his sorry existence.

Yes Mildred, there is a God.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jack, why would you poke fun at Mr. Gallagher? He has disgraced himself, his family and if what you're saying about his health accurate, he's someone who needs help. How about being a good Christian?

Anonymous said...

Because I'm not Christian. And I believe in telling the truth.

Anonymous said...

"Pinky" Gallagher may be out of office but he's still interested
in orifice!

There seem to be a quite a lot
of rapes still going on in Queens these days!

Maybe he's using "The Arsenal"
now that he hasn't got a district office to drag his "dates" to.

That could account for
Parks Department's state of confusion.

Anonymous said...

Not an obsession....just JUSTICE!

We'll follow you to your final days "Pinky" for what you did to
Saint Saviour's.

Then St. Peter can have you
to hand you your destination ticket...up or down!

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