Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Queenscape - too many meters

Holy crap. Talk about lack of aesthetics!
Was there no better way to attach these to the house?


Anonymous said...

Not if you want cheap construction.

Besides, the thinking goes, did you ever see wiring in the countries that the new Queens residents came from?

This is a big step up.

Anonymous said...

The cable company is making a real mess with the way they lay lines all over the roofs, in back yards, even down the front of buildings (instead of useing airshafts and the like as the phone company used to do years ago)

An unsightly dangerous jerry-built mess.

Anonymous said...

An unsightly dangerous jerry-built mess.

As you politicians watch this board, instead of grumbling all the time that, despite your best efforts the public as found a voice, why don't you take this as an opportunity to pass legislation?

Anonymous said...

This meter thing is totally out of hand. There really should be a ordinance prohibiting it.
Maybe Como can actually start his term off on the right foot and do something about this mess.

Anonymous said...

It's the poor man's Pompidou Center- pipes on the exterior.

Anonymous said...

Having returned to Queens from Chicago and Seattle I'm truly shocked at how incredibly low rent and Third World this borough has become. What a slum! At the opposite end of the spectrum you have the truly hideous Guinea Mansions popping up all over Flushing as well. It's all bad!Brooklyn is a haven in comparision.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what cute little toilet seats.

Anonymous said...

These are the kinds of slums where Bloomberg intends to house his one million new immigrants.

We're already ahead of the game for Third World New York 2030!

Anonymous said...

First of all, Como isn't going to address this, he let his own contractor work with a SWO in effect on his own house! Where are the people that are supposed to guard against this kind of crap, it can't be safe with the gas pipes exposed on the sidewalk. Imagine what a kid with a match could do! Picture the front page on the Daily News when a car mounts the sidewalk! But I'm sure the slumlord who owns it sleeps well at night with all those checks coming in. What a major eyesore! He should get kicked in the nuts for allowing it to be sooooo ugly. My heart goes out to his neighbors.

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