Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mighty John Young strikes again

...Chris Lundgren's family has lived on 32nd St., between 36th and 37th Aves., in Dutch Kills, since his great-grandparents came from Germany in the early-1900s.

Dutch Kills neighbors together vs. Department of Planning

"My mother and father still live in the house I grew up in," says Lundgren, a Teamster on movie sets who lives at 36-32 32nd St. "In 1996 I bought this house on the same block. My sister also lives on the block. It's a great neighborhood with great people and a great view of Manhattan."

He produces a map of Dutch Kills prepared by the city planners in which their block is shaded with diagonal lines, which the map legend decodes this way: Projected Lots. "Which means the city itself expects these properties to soon be reduced to lots," says Lundgren.

On the map, this little block in Queens that oozes history, a place where four generations of a single family has lived and paid taxes, had been reduced to something called Sub Area C.


Anonymous said...

CB1, the community board from hell.

Anonymous said...

cha ching ching
i can smell the money already

Anonymous said...

We all get mad at John Young. But the real devil is Bloomberg and his big vision for NYC.

Have you ever been to a civic meeting where one of the speakers is John Young and everyone is scolding him? Pathetic.

Then, it hit me.

Talking to him is like talking to a rock.

You got to go after Burden and Bloomberg.

Anonymous said...

We all get mad at John Young. But the real devil is Bloomberg and his big vision for NYC.


The fault is squarely with the management of that civic (development is good for you!), that community board (development is good for you!), the LOCAL elected officials (developement is good for you!), the local newspapers (development is good for you!), the local community board (development is good for your!) and the preservation community (...silence..., which is this case is indeed death)

Bloomberg and Young and the developers thrive in that culture.

Anonymous said...

Well said. You hit the bullseye there.

Anonymous said...

Sadly this shit isn't going to end until Bloomturd is out of office - if then. Rudy was trying to make last minute deals all the way up until the end.

Anonymous said...

Wait for Commissar Death and Taxes to pronounce that the neighborhood is "blighted" and needs to be cured with the NY Soviet system of eminent domain.

The city takes private property from homeowners and delivers it to a private developer for profit to the developer. This will be called a "public benefit" because a public official is bribed.

Can't happen? Identify the public official who you trust without reservation to protect your home from confiscation.

Can't identify a trustworthy official? is your property safe?

Anonymous said...

You know, this is REALLY worrying me. If they can do it to Atlantic Yards and Willets Point, who's to say this can't happen where I live in Flushing in an R2 zone.

The city feels it has the right to rezone any area or use eminent domain for the "public good". Whatever is happening in Dutch Kills, LIC, Astoria, Willets Point is only going to spread east.
The city may decide to upzone all the areas that were downzoned in order to accomodate these million more people.
I fear Queens is slowly beginning to look like Manhattan, only slummier.

Anonymous said...

The city may decide to upzone all the areas that were downzoned in order to accomodate these million more people.

No shit sherlock. Your downzoning will be little more than a piece of paper in 10 ro 20 years (well, all these studies DO enrich someone)

The only way to be protected is for everyone to band together and downzone the entire city.

Anonymous said...

"The only way to be protected is for everyone to band together and downzone the entire city."

What's the point?

Even if the entire city would be downzoned, in 10 years the city could upzone it again and we'd all be screwed again.

I think people need to start getting a little bit angrier about what's been happening. We've all just bent over and taken it. Why are we doing this? Why are more people not pissed off?
In this city of 8 million people, the only people concerned are the elderly people and the people where overdevelopment has affected them financially in some way.
Again where are the politicians and civics screaming about all this sh**?
Tony Avella is the only upset about overdevelopment? Come on. Let's organized. You got to fight fire with fire. What has the QCC done besides plan a few rallies for a dozen elderly people? Give me a break. And most of these civics are only interested in writing fancy letters to the city to downzone than get their hands dirty.
We need to take the city back before it becomes Bloomberg City.

Anonymous said...

Better change the name
to Dutch Killed....it's finished!

Anonymous said...

hey crappy:

Why do you always call him "Mighty"?

Just curious.

Anonymous said...

Mighty Joe Young

Mighty John Young


if you don't know popular culture, how in the hell can you debate the smoke and mirrors of politics and development?

Anonymous said...

I'm mighty obliged you mighty troll.

I hope your knowledge of "Mighty Joe Young" gets you far in life.

Anonymous said...

I hope your knowledge of "Mighty Joe Young" gets you far in life.

Thanks for the compliment Mr Young. Acting stupid and going with the developers is what gets you far....until they screw you over.

Thinking and forming your own concluions, well, gets you nowhere.
he he he

Anonymous said...





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