Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Why he's no longer a prosecutor and she has a no show job

These 2 look happy, don't they? Well you would have the same puss on your face if you were as dumb as they are. Case in point - Their opening statements at HDC's candidates night last night:

Photo, videos from the Juniper Park Civic Association


Anonymous said...

A couple of quick observations regarding Elizabeth Crowley's remarks. One, she absolutely needs to get some speech therapy for her apraxia disorder. Her poor speech delivery is a major distraction and convinces me she has issues. Two, she spends her entire 2 minutes rehashing her own college credentials. A smart candidate would be extremely mindful and understanding that the majority of families in Queens are struggling to find options to pay for their children's college education and would not spend their public time reeling off their own personal privileges and college conquests. Yet, Liz seems oblivious to any issue that does not pertain her directly and is far more interested in talking about herself (the worst kind of politician). It's nice that she has a preservation background, but please someone give her some talking points and speech lessons.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's obvious now why they wimped out on the JPCA debate. These 2 are the worst political speakers in history.

Anonymous said...

Como sounds like a complete idiot.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They heard they were to be in a contest.

Apparently they misunderstood.

They obviously believe they are in the dumbass contest.

OK! She wins! No, he wins! OK. It's a tie. They are both total dumbasses.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, District 30 is in trouble if these 2 are considered to be the frontrunners.

Anonymous said...

Como sounds like a complete moron and Crowley sounds nervous. Who says they were late because they were trying to get the endorsement of a union? The same type that says they aren't coming to a debate because they were trying to get an endorsement from a joke of a newspaper.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have the videos of Ober and Ognibene?

Anonymous said...

I have them, I will post them soon. I was out late last night and didn't have time to upload them yet. You Tube seems to be taking forever lately.

Anonymous said...

What is on the ceiling that captured the simple minded interest of Dizzie Lizzie? She couldn't understand what was going on around her?

Imagine a constituent asking her a real complicated question about a driver failing to feed to meter. Would that subject matter overwhelm her too?

As for the other - partner - dumbass, look at those vacant eyes.

He should have a sign on his forehead: Vacancy. Day and night rates. (An attorney joke, dumbass!)

Anonymous said...

I am still ashamed for them....and what was with the dumbasses calling the landmarks preservation commission "committee" can see how much they have dealt with any preservation issues..dont even know what the godamn agency is called...
except for ober, they all are totally IGNORANT to the goings on around them in these neighborhoods under district 30. do they know one have been rezoned, have historic status, what they have accomplished? hell,,,,COMO
thinks Simcha in Richmond Hill is responsible for their preservation efforts...
and i bet they have no clue as to what is and has been going on with Saint Saviors...time to do some homework dumbasses! the problem is LPC...and giving them more money is never going to help QUEENS.....what they need to do is grab the LPC and push them up against the wall..all that other bullshit means crap in Queens.

Anonymous said...

Jesus H, If Humpty Como gets puts on anymore weight, he'll be blind because his fat face covers up his eyes. You can hardly seem them as it is now. The guy really needs some help.

Anonymous said...

Como looks and sounds like Porky Pig.

Pa pa pa... pa pa pa pa pa....


Anonymous said...

I was at the debate, and I think its a complete joke how both party endorsed candidates were total and complete asses (these videos are just the tip of the iceberg, trust me) while the two candidates that the parties turned their back on were both sharp and intelligent.

I am appaled at the garbage that Jackass Joe Crowley, Idiot Serf, and SuperMario Phil Ragusa have the gall to push on us while shutting out quality candidates. They must have outright contempt for the people of this district.

Anonymous said...

There's a deal in place to let Crowley win, thanks to Cousin Joey's dealmaking.

It's simple. In order for someone as stupid as her to win, they had to find someone who sounds even dumber to run against her.

But the Joke is on Joe. Even if they get dimwitted Liz in office she will make a complete fool of herself in no time, and it will become obvious that she's just been installed by her cousin and both of their political careers will be over as a result. I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

"But the Joke is on Joe. Even if they get dimwitted Liz in office she will make a complete fool of herself in no time"

That is absolutely right, it would be the end of Joe Crowley's empire of shame. The problem is that it would hurt and embarass the people of the district to have Lizzy the Lame represent them even for a day. She's a complete idiot.

Anonymous said...

Someone better tell the Ober campaign that Michael Mascetti is working for Crowley to get info from Ober's campaign manager to get back to Crowley. They promised him a lot of money for his nonprofit if he gets info out of the campaign manager and gives it to Crowley.

I got wind of this a few days ago at Crowley's campaign that Michael had told Crowley's people that he had an in with the Ober campaign and that he could get info out of the campaign to give to Crowley and they promised him a lot of money for his non-profit and something about Michael's father needing a job in the union. so beware Ober that this is out there. Can someone please get this message to the Ober People in case he is in contact with them. They need to know about this right away.

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