Friday, May 23, 2008

DOI needs more inspectors to investigate council crooks

The job of probing the City Council's slush fund has grown so large that the city's top watchdog said yesterday she needs more investigators to handle the "crushing" workload.


Investigations Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn told a council budget hearing that she has asked City Hall to let her hire four more investigators and auditors to help in the far-reaching probe that has so far resulted in two federal indictments.

The Department of Investigation is probing the council's use of fictitious organizations to park $17 million since 2001. The funds were dispensed to community groups after the budget was adopted each year in June.

Hearn said her investigation so far is looking at 42 not-for-profit organizations, including a dozen reported to a city hot line set up after the indictment last month of two council staffers.


Anonymous said...

This is good news. I hope Dennis Gallagher's phony civic association, funded by Gallagher, Katz and Maltese, is at the top of the investigation list.

Anonymous said...

"Investigations Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn told a council budget hearing that she has asked City Hall to let her hire four more investigators and auditors to help in the far-reaching probe that has so far resulted in two federal indictments."

What irony.

DOI has to ask the City Council for more money to hire additional investigators to continue the investigation of the same Council.

Now that's ethical!

Do Council Members ask voters for permission to raise taxes so they can use it for personal and political purposes?

The whitewash is being manufactured.

Remember, the Commissar also has a slush fund. He hires the very same DOI Commissioner who asks the Council for more money and who must investigate the Commissar's tax abuses.

You tax dollars at ____. Not "work"; but at crime.

Anonymous said...

How come Eric Gioia (D-Queens), chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Investigations let the number of inspector drop from 242 to 172 without a peep? The up and coming pol Eric recieves over $15,000 in extra pay to chair his committee. But the question what does he do to protect the public or he protecting his political friends, lobbyist and his own wife who rasies funds for elected officials including Elizabeth Crowley.
President, The Esler Group has gotten paid by Crowley over 11,000 so far to raise money. One of he groups she get the money from are the non profits.
If you think our political system stinks. It really stinks when you connect the dots.

Anonymous said...

All DOI has to do is call in the federal troops.....the FBI
(maybe even the IRS)!

I'm sure there are plenty of
501c3 status violations going on here!

Jeffrey Rosenstock
and all you other not for profit'd better make sure that your passports are current and in order.

you ought to check the extradition treaties of any countries you might be planning on skipping to.

Oh...and don't wait to long to book your flights!

Anonymous said...

While they are at it they should investigate councilmembers like Jim Gennaro who profess to be fighting the fight to protect the community from overdevelopment all while accepting hefty donations from the same developers they claim to be fighting against. If this is not a conflict of interest I do not know what is!

Anonymous said...

Gennaro used his member items to fund a non-profit that hired his step son.


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