Monday, February 11, 2008

Fedders on Gates

Miss Heather, as always is on top of Brooklyn crap, like this gem at the intersection of Gates and Wilson Avenue.

They’re #1 At Building #2


Anonymous said...

How long do you think it will be before the stariwell becomes a thing of the past, and in its place we'll have ladder shafts? For some reason the doors on this thing give me the impression that on the other side is a tall closet.

Just install a pulley on the ceiling for moving in your furniture and boxes of nik naks and you're all set!

Anonymous said...

Knick knacks.

Anonymous said...

Nik Naks! Nick Nacks! Knick Knacks! Sick Cats!

Anonymous said...

The soviet union built a lot of building that were attractive like these back in the 50s...

Anonymous said...

Looks perfect for SJU dorm solution. Trendy area, gritty and living on crime edge. Students love this. Pathway to hipsterville.

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