Saturday, December 1, 2007

Building tumor

When I saw a link on Curbed to a post on Brownstoner calling a building in Brooklyn an "atrocity" I thought, well this can't be any worse than what we have here in Queens. But I must say after clicking the link that this is pretty damn bad...

14 Months Later, Still No Buyers for 45 Third Place!


Anonymous said...

My first reaction is shock.

My next its sad.

Then its disgust.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the lack of public education on development is reaping fine rewards.

Now if we can get them to do this more often in landmarked districts, everything would be fine.

Anonymous said...

No buyer 14 months later?

Solution: Demolish the hideous addition and restore the greenery in honor of Bloomie's PlaNYC 2030.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Who took a giant crap on the old building?

Anonymous said...

If the city allows it.....
it will happen.

Hope the builder has eternal indigestion !

Anonymous said...

At first I couldn't tell where the front of the building is or what was going on. What a mess. Was the original building just not good enough!?

Unknown said...

Absolutly disgusting. It makes me sick.

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