Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Parkside contacts Pinky

If you're an elected official in NYC, you know better than to have lobbyists contact you directly through the city e-mail system. The smart way is to have them send correspondence to a Yahoo e-mail account used by one of your employees. And speaking of employees:
What does Councilman Dennis Gallagher do when half of his staff is out? Answer: the same thing he does when his office is fully staffed. Nothing - except make backroom deals with foreign developers who want to tear down our history.

A shout out to NY Magazine, who posted this on their Intelligencer blog today...

Maspeth: Councilman Dennis "Pinky" Gallagher (yeah, the one indicted for rape) says he really tried to save a historic church here rather than sell it out to developers, but locals say he's a lying S.O.B.

And then there's this from Curbed:

Maspeth's St. Saviour's church, so brutally stripped of its trees and greens as a big "F-you!" to area residents who were fighting like mad to save the property and turn it into a park, appears finally headed for —wait for it— residential development. The Daily News reports that embattled Councilman Dennis Gallagher — who residents have argued is acting in collusion with the St. Saviour's developers — has been secretly lobbying city officials to push ahead approval of the plan to build 70 new units on the 1.5-acre property. Gallagher denies it, and says he's done everything he can to preserve the property, but multiple sources say that's not the case. Queens, everybody!


Anonymous said...

Evan Stavisky (spawn of Toby), Bill Driscoll (best friends with an indicted rapist), Patrick Brennan (Nazli's predecessor) and Harry "the Commissh" Giannoulis are certainly making a reputation for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Let me guess, the Crapper hacked into Parkside's computer too? HA HA HA inside info, Pinky...you're too stupid to realize you put your staff in a position that makes them sick. It's all coming out...can't wait to see what's next!

Anonymous said...

There's a smoking gun for you.

Anonymous said...

does this surprise anyone? i mean there have been bloomberg lobbying scandals and spitzer lobbying scandals, so what's the surprise here?

Anonymous said...

"I left the message on Dennis's cell phone." Great. I love it. Lobbyists have council members' cell phone numbers. Probably have them on speed dial.

georgetheatheist said...

Driscoll, you little verminous Manton rodent, you see, you can run, but you cannot, cannot hide.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why he is taking up space on the City Council at all. It's obvious he is not working for his constituents, he is working to line his pockets. What he has done to his community is criminal. He should be in prison for theft of quality of life. Everyone that supported him should face the music and see him for what he is -- A THIEF!

Anonymous said...

The Developers are making money off the backs of hard-working citizens. They should be banned from doing business in this borough for 5 years. As for Mr. Gallagher, giving up his cell phone number to anyone that will pay him off is disgusting. What a bunch of crooks. They could care less about our community. They don't even live here. Let's see how they would like it if developers invaded their residential areas.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone sent this to our friend at the Daily News? jlauinger@nydailynews.com

Could be a big story if thoroughly investigated.

Anonymous said...

This is so incredibly sad. There are no words. But it shows how unbiased John Lauinger was when he wrote his article.

Anonymous said...

God bless the people who fight corruption. I hope DA Brown makes good use of this information.

Anonymous said...

2046 e-mails in your inbox? what a loser!

Anonymous said...


Hope that Bubba rips Pinky a new Holland Tunnel....
when he's finally incarcerated !

Anonymous said...

Time for the FBI's anti corruption unit
(at Fed Plaza) to examine the rampantly
compromised practices
of many of our city's governmental officials !

This town needs a damn good enema !

Milk of Magnesia won't do it all !

Anonymous said...

When Gallagher is not porking grandmothers he's sleeping with developers.

Anonymous said...


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