Wednesday, April 18, 2007

LI Building Moratorium

It looks like people on Long Island know how to take action on overdevelopment:

Hempstead building moratorium hearing packed

So what's wrong with NYC?


Anonymous said...

#1. Because the real estate industry has a strangle hold on the residents of NYC!

#2. The politicians are their co-conspirators!

#3. For example, Melinda Katz is the poster child for campaign contributions given to her by developers!

(Multiply this by every other politico who gets real estate bucks)!

Unless there is a public referendum to prohibit these kind of practices and seek true election reform, it will be business as usual!

I've been asking many politicians to sponsor "moratorium bills" for 15 years now.....their answer, overwhelmingly, "Are you kidding"!

Note: Tony Avella, I believe, is the only one who submitted an "intro" for such a bill. It was , of course, killed!

Anonymous said...

Yes, let's institute a moratorium of all buildings in the largest city in the country, and one of the largest in the world. That makes sense...let's just shut the door on anyone who wants to live here. This is a city of 8 million, not 8,000.

Give me a break.

Anonymous said...

It is perfectly fine to institute building moratoriums in areas where teardowns are destroying neighborhoods. It also makes sense to do it after a rezoning is starts its way through the ULURP chain but hasn't yet been passed into law. Then maybe there wouldn't be a rush to pour those foundations and then let the site sit for 3 or 4 years.

Anonymous said...

The more residents, the better. We don't want our population to stagnate or decline like Buffalo. I'd like to see 9 million by 2020.

Peter said...

New York City is, um, a city. A moratorium on buildings in a city is like a moratorium on trees in a National Forest.

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