Friday, March 16, 2007

Developer listens to community

A developer cutting down his proposed building by half in the face of community pressure is unheard of, but just happened in Brooklyn:

High-rise is scaled back

"They should be applauded for their consideration. It's an amazing thing," said Father Patrick Burns, pastor of St. Michael's Church.

The church's landmarked brick and stone bell tower at Fourth Ave. and 42nd St. is now the dominant feature of the neighborhood's modest skyline.

In many towns across America, the rule is that the buildings can not be taller than the steeples of churches.

Photo from


Anonymous said...

This happens all the time in Manhattan.

Just because the preservation community doesn't share things like this city-wide doesn't mean it does not happen.

Everyone knows that rules differ borough by borough and community board by community board and politician by politician.

That is why the landmarks law and spot down zoning should be overturned.

We should all face a level playing field.

georgetheatheist said...

On the other hand, for your consideration, those "Cathedrals of Commerce", the Woolworth Building & the World Trade Center, towered over landmarked Trinity Church...why did they get a pass?

Queens Crapper said...

Because fortunately or unfortunately, NYC is not like most towns in America.

verdi said...

Now.....if we could only see some good consideration being given to saving St. Saviour's!

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