Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Action Jackson

Jackson Heights is home to a group of people who are fed up with the way things are going in their neck of the woods:

Enough with the gridlock! - nabe group

A group of Jackson Heights activists will rally tonight to vent frustration and demand answers from city officials about what it's calling the "slumification" of its neighborhood.

Photo from


Anonymous said...

Hey Sears, how about a hint on all the overdevelopment you and your buddies are voting for?

A 'study' of the problem? Hey, how about a few pro-active phone calls?

Or is lipservice the limit while your buddies in the clubhouse 'tweed' the neighborhood?

Anonymous said...

'Tweeding' a neighborhood is sometimes not pretty.

Just ask the Con Ed customers in Astoria.

Just ask the community preservationists in Sunnyside Gardens.

On the other hand, 'Untweeding' a community is devastation. Just ask all those folks now living in the dull and lifeless Manhattan communities free of all those wonderful things that machine policies gave them back in the 70s.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Sabini will show up or is he with the crap tables in Vegas again?

Anonymous said...

Tsk, tsk, tsk........ that sensitive Jackson Heights Beautification group will frown on the use of the word "slumification".

Anonymous said...

Funny how the affordable housing groups gets so much press coverage and something like this?

The back pages.

That is until blogs. he he he he

Anonymous said...

Sorry Jackson Heights, but a lot of neighborhoods are hurting far more than you are. You'll get no sympathy from me. Take a look at the overdevelopment that's going on in western Queens. You're already landmarked......stop complaining!

Everytime someone in "prissy-fied" J.H. gets a hangnail, it's a major tragedy.

If the commercial"signage" is not appropriate or the lace window curtains are the wrong color you all cry like babies!

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