Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Piled high and deep

Here is one of the ugliest blocks (imho) in Middle Village, the previously mentioned 66-53 to 66-65 69th Street. You will notice in the pic that there is not much room to navigate the sidewalks on trash day. That nice grafittied-up truck has been parked next to the house for several weeks without being moved at all. Same thing with the contractor's truck in the foreground. The contractor's truck smells like it is leaking fuel as well. To make matters worse, 69th street is one of the main thoroughfares through Middle Village and sees more than its share of trucks and buses. Couple all these things together along with a $634,000-$750,000 per home estimated real estate value and you have all the makings of a poor quality of life sandwich. - Russ


Anonymous said...

That scene is brought to you by the wonderful people in the Department of City Planning, The NYC Department of Buildings, the Giuliani & Bloomberg Administrations, and our "hardworking" part time city council members who have yet to meet a developer that they didn't like.

Anonymous said...

Well, Russ, it looks like everyday is garbage day in this neighborhood. Or should I say crap day?

This looks like a bunch of used red shoe boxes thrown on top of one another in an old lady's closet.

You can't put 'hardworking' in quotes here, since both council people from this area don't even pretend to work hard anymore, since both are term limited, lame duck, special-interest-loving wastes of oxygen that should be flushed down the toilet with the rest of the diarrhea.

Anonymous said...

There's a famous vintage photograph of the Lower East Side (around 1900) entitled "Bandits 'or Robbers' Roost". It depicts a filthy back alley of wooden clapboard ramshackle structures and unscrubbed characters lurking about (I think, near the 5 Points district).

This looks like an updated version (this time in brick) of that kind of squallor! All of this can be had for $700,0000. ? They must be joking!

Imagine paying the real estate taxes based on this assesed value? No thank you!

Anonymous said...

DOB, City Planning, Council members look at scenes like this and think: bribery!

"How can we make money from this disgusting waste?"

"Is there some other neighborhood where we can bring our joyless ugliness, and make money?"

Why not your neighborhood, dear reader? What have you done to protect your neighborhood from the vipers?

Anonymous said...

We live on a block full immigrants. They are fine people (except the odd party at night that goes to 5 AM or issues regarding piles of garbage - but we can hang those issues on the absentee landlords, right?)

The problem is the city's attitude towards these blocks, which boarders on racism. When you get a majority of immigrants, the city cuts back. Services simply suck.We see the odd hipster show up for a few months, then inevitably move. No one wants to live in these conditions.

We never see cops. Someone threw a bag over a motorcyle parked it outside, and for months the steet cleaners simply drive around it. And as for garbage pickup, throw in a few holidays, a little ice, and guess what?

We now have rats running up and down the block past thse piles of garbage. We are waiting for them to show up in our basement.

Thanks NYC. Welcome to 21st Century Queens.

And realtors pumping Queens, guess what? We shall use this board so the public knows the real Queens.

Anonymous said...

Since this picture was published here the 2 trucks magically moved! I have a feeling that word spread through the crapper and made someone nervous. Thanks crapper, I shall let you guys know when they return.


Anonymous said...

These kind of buildings are great as natural pigeon roosts. After they've been streaked with droppings they attain a magical "sugar drizzled" Gingerbread house appearance......you know....like in those light-up ceramic Yuletide villages that people put under their X-mas trees (I'm only joking.....yeeeccckkkhhhh) !

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