Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturation pricing now


New York City officials signed off on an 8.5% water bill hike for property owners on Thursday — the largest increase since 2011.

The city Water Board begrudgingly approved the new rates during a meeting where the group also passed a resolution saying they were forced to approve such a steep hike due to a budget maneuver by Mayor Eric Adams.

The members said Adams imposed new fees on the Water Board, an independent agency that oversees the city’s water supply. The resolution said the increase will make it more difficult to justify water bill hikes in the future, which could limit board's ability to fund infrastructure to handle increasing rainfall and rising sea levels caused by climate change.

“It undermines the board's ability to consider rates in the future for critical water infrastructure, like storm water resilience and coastal resilience,” board member Dan Zarrilli said in an interview after the vote.

The increase will add $93 to the average city property owner's water bill, from $1,088 to $1,181. The new rates go into effect July 1.




GopGeorge said...

Clean water is for commies!
I prefer mine mixed with fracking chemicals.

Anonymous said...

Put an infrared camera on a drone and find all the underground streams causing flooding. While Rubber Moses buried a lot of them (and of course, the pipe isn't wide enough when it rains), a lot of stream which can be found in hundred year old maps online have shifted and moved, in part due to construction, and developer arrogance, but many have also moved naturally as weather and geologic forces changed. DEP did in fact once use an infrared drone, and they found a two hundred year old sewer line in Brooklyn emptying directly into a waterway. Infrared drones are cheap enough that every civic association should own one, and wreak havoc on the self assured blindness of bureaucratic moles.

GopGeorge said...

The city needs the money to send to Israel asap. Just because they have free healthcare, education and housing("chosen" ones only), doesn't mean they don't need our money.

Anonymous said...

So home owners pay more socialist tax as illegals live in hotels, get unlimited free healthcare, dental, custom meals, clothing, diapers, metrocards, buss passes, backpacks and cell phones (complete with data included)and a free $1500 a month cash debit card (to buy booze, dope, cigarettes, guns, fake ID cards on Roosevelt ave, lawyers) or anything they want for free ?

The black people are not going to be happy about this new $$ grab, their own people THEY ELECTED have really been screwing them.

Throw every democrat in Albany & City Hall out !!
Vote republican!

Maga Mike. said...

Let's drink beer instead!

Anonymous said...

INSANITY. The water bill is already too high! This is what happens when government has no checks and balances.

Anonymous said...

My 97 year old mom is a hardcore ny democrat. She said she's voting for Trump. I nearly spit my drink out.

Anonymous said...

GopGeorge said...
The city needs the money to send to Israel asap. Just because they have free healthcare, education and housing("chosen" ones only), doesn't mean they don't need our money.

Ok pro hamas who loves his terrorists.

Anonymous said...

Remember the days when water was FREE.

Anonymous said...

The absolute truth is . . . .
Rich are getting Richer and
Poor are getting Poorer .

Anonymous said...

That's what's been happening for a long time now.
Raising taxes on the middle class.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who says this is the best economy ever is delusional !

Anonymous said...

Taxed to the Limit said...

As one of the "Little People" (the filthy unwashed poor) I work as a baker, and my department and every other in my store is running with skeleton crews, everyone is fulfilling multiple jobs, equipment that should have been repaired ages ago is being kept running with duct tape and bubblegum. Corporate is squeezing every penny it can and working people ragged while cutting hours and refusing to hire people.

Anonymous said...

While spending millions on hotel rooms for u know who

Anonymous said...

@Taxed To the limit

Welcome to the world of corporate monopolies and corporate owned government.

Anonymous said...

@“ Ok pro hamas who loves his terrorist”

So, if I don’t want my tax money paying for free healthcare and education in Israel, I’m a Hamas Supporter?
Is that Zionist logic 101.

I bet if I don’t want the US arming and funding the IDF extermination machine, that would make me an “anti-Semite”?
Zionist propagandists are hilarious 😂

Anonymous said...

@ "Clean water is for commies"
Aww someone is triggered by the truth.

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