Saturday, April 6, 2024

Judge orders squatters to GTFO


  NY Post

A judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by a pair of alleged squatters who sued the owners of a $930,000 Queens home after cops escorted them off the property last month.

“The case is over,” the couple’s attorney Rizpah Morrow told reporters outside Queens Civil Court Friday, shortly after Judge Vijay Kitson discontinued the case with prejudice, meaning the claim cannot be refiled.

“The landlords, the owners, own the house, they have possession. The people who said they were locked out have walked away from the situation. They are no longer requesting to be restored to possession and we still have their stuff,” she said.

The two men did not show up for their scheduled court appearance.

One of the home’s owners, Juliya Fulman, told reporters that although they prevailed in the case, the systemic issues it highlights remain, making it a hollow victory.

“Right now, there is a very big problem with these criminals and these squatters. Lawmakers need to make laws in order to protect the people, the citizens,” she told The Post outside the courtroom.

“These criminals are trying to drive people out of New York, and that is not going to happen,” she continued.

“I still don’t feel like I have the full justice in this case because there are people who broke into my house. They claimed they had property there. I would like to know how they got property there.”

The couple had spent over half a million dollars renovating the Jamaica residence as an investment property. Fulman told The Post last week that she incurred thousands of dollars in legal fees defending the ownership of her home.

“I want justice. I want these people to come forward. I want them to say how they got into the house, how their belongings got there, and yeah, it would be very good for them to reimburse us for all of our time and legal fees, so coming here today I don’t know if we accomplished much,” she said.

The suit, filed March 14, had claimed the men were unlawfully removed from the residence, which they said they were legally renting from Fulman and her partner Denis Kurlyand since January.


Anonymous said...

Turn all of NYC it into section 8 and get it over with.

Anonymous said...

I have no sympathy for either party. Landlords are extorting the Sheeple. They're worse than drug dealers.

Anonymous said...

Media should do a better job vetting their victims. A quick google search of the male homeowner shows a pretty shady past as well...

Anonymous said...

"The couple had spent over half a million dollars renovating the Jamaica residence as an investment property"
Was this a foreclosure bought at auction, where us regular people are locked out of bidding. As in licensed contractors, developers and real estate industry only?

Like a couple of two needs over 6 bathrooms, 4 kitchens, 4 gas and electric meters and who knows how many new partitions.

Scum speculators, likely never stepped foot in it since they bought it.
Just do some renovation, make it 4 apartments and milk honest hard working tenants like cash cows.
I have no sympathy for speculators, real estate people and Wall streeters.
---All friggan scum living off the backs of honest hard working like leaches

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