Saturday, March 2, 2024

Couple buys house with bankrupt squatter occupying it and renting rooms for temporary lodging


Anonymous said...

I'd love to see a list of which NY Dems have become the wealthiest during their time in office relative to their time spent in office.

Anonymous said...

The Founders would be appalled to see what we have done to property rights over the course of the 20th century.

Anonymous said...

Property Rights Are under Assault‐​And This is Why You Should Care.

Anonymous said...

My grandpa always used to say you can't fix stupid but you can educate the ignorant

Anonymous said...

Democrats Are DESTROYING The Concept Of Private Ownership and Citizenship In America.

Anonymous said...

Where’s all the supposed violence interrupters that are supposed to replace the police and help their communities?

Joe said...

How the hell do you buy a house and not know somebody was squatting in it with so called "relatives" living next door?
Did they take weeks or months.

Sounds like the real estate agent was in cahoots with the person that died.
The same shit happened on City Island when the Black Whales owner Ritchie died 2 year's ago and his family sold the mixed use property across the street.
Now these boozed and drugged up Mexshits and Guatemalans took the top floors are saying the same thing "Ritchie said we can live here free for taking care of him" (for the past 2 years) Worse they brought in whores who put their kids in the local school.
They and the "Johns" throw the garbage, Rum, Tito's Vodka and beer bottles right out the window (Yea, expensive stuff)
No housing court judge will move on anything because there are pregnant women or have their girlfriends kids in school.
Its cost the new owner near $200,000 to date in taxes, utility's and lawyers with no end in sight.
The real estate agent withheld information, contract "as is" signed and the new owner is f*cked!!!

All real estate company's and agents are filthy scum who will do/say anything to get that commission. Pieces of shit all of them in my opinion.
Worse the stock brokers and IRA assent management people.

It will takes years or pay $30,000-$100,000 legal fees to get a professional squatter physically evicted and ejected out the door in New York.
Pay it to your lawyer and take years or pay it to the squatter and wait a month, your choice. The latter is called the housing courts cash for keys program.
All the hustlers and professional squatters know a landlords only have these 2 options in NY:
1-Pay the ransom
1-Go to court, possible go broke with the 3 years in Housing court, sheriffs and bankruptcy game the squatter WILL pull when the judge finally signs the eviction order.
Then another 2 years !!!!

Anybody who rents to a tenant in New York is a crazy stupid fool.
Any tenant, including, earning $200K a year can decide to stop paying rent and say "FU evict me! at any time.
Background and Credit checks mean NOTHING in New York

I will NEVER rent to anybody!!!
My advice: If you cant afford it dont buy it the expect a tenant to pay your mortgage.
A professional squatter will find out you have a mortgage, get in, then stop paying rent and pull you over a barrel until you pay his or her ransom to get out and sign the proper surrender agreement.
I always known this lesson.
My grandparents had a 3 floor 6 family building above an small Italian storefront on George Street Bushwick.
They always had trouble collecting rent, said the hell with this, and did manage to evict everybody (which you could do back then) and sold it in 1970.
Then both John Welfare Lindsey and next Ed Koch with the gays started all these special protections with the liberal housing court judges giving deadbeats and problem people 10, 20, 30 "last chances"

Its now so bad a small private homeowner can not win unless owner drops the lawsuit, lets the squatter stay and take a 50-100 year government section 8 contract to get paid rent.


Disgruntled Citizen said...

Good for him!! The buyers are multi millionaires who buy up properties to flip. Their son is a functioning adult with a disability.
Just another bunch of landlord lies. They live next door to this guy for years. Him living there is not news.
The neighbors threatening him are in the wrong. If NYC can house hundreds of thousands- millions?- of illegal immigrants, why not him?
The buyers will not live in this house it turn around and sell it. My prediction? It will be torn down for a McMansion.

Anonymous said...

NYC squatter who refuses to leave couple’s $2M dream mansion is ‘wonderful’ man who cares for infant son on ventilator: friend

Anonymous said...

Being a victim is a mindset

Anonymous said...

Where’s all the supposed violence interrupters that are supposed to replace the police and help their communities?

The police were there. There was a photo - the squatter called the police on the owners to come and remove them and protect him, because he had a "contract" with the previous (dead) owner.

Anonymous said...

The people who bought the house are not victims, they splashed paint on the door and ripped out the garden, in an effort to discredit him.

Anonymous said...

All of New York will eventually be owned by some giant corporation.

Isn't capitalism wonderful?

Anonymous said...

Victim olympics

Rob in Manhattan said...

No sympathy for either side in this idiotic media show.

So, no final walk though before closing?

No mention of this from the broker? That alone would bring a lawsuit.. if this were legit.

Her relative lives NEXT DOOR and said nothing.

These were just speculators playing us for suckers.

They'll eventually get their "pound of flesh" anyway.


Rob in Manhattan

Anonymous said...

Corrupt politicians know how to fix the housing crisis. Block private equity, Wall Street and foreign investors from buying property.
Simple fix.

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