Sunday, February 4, 2024

Top official for Mayor Adams crashed at hotel shelter housing ex-cons that donated money to his re-election



Three contributors to Mayor Eric Adams’ 2025 re-election campaign recounted in interviews in the past month how they — and in two cases their spouses — were reimbursed for a total of more than $10,000 in donations by hotel and construction executives in violation of state law.

The interviews came during a joint investigation by THE CITY, Documented, and The Guardian US into the presence in the mayor’s current campaign of illegal “straw” donations — contributions paid for by undisclosed sources in a way that masks their identity. Suspicions of such donations spurred the indictment by the Manhattan district attorney of a fundraising group involved in Adams’ 2021 race, which has led to two guilty pleas, and are part of an ongoing federal investigation into whether they’ve been used to veil illegal donations from the Turkish government.

A representative of the mayor’s campaign has decried the use of straw donations generally and said that if any were made to Adams 2025, they had eluded a vetting procedure designed to flag illegal gifts. 

Three of the five reimbursements were linked to the owners of a hotel in Fresh Meadows, Queens, where the mayor’s director of Asian Affairs, Winnie Greco, lived for a number of months in late 2022 and the early part of 2023 — even as the site was operating under a city government subcontract as a shelter for formerly incarcerated individuals.

City Hall spokesperson Charles Lutvak said Greco stayed at the hotel “for parts of late 2022 and 2023, as she recovered from a medical procedure” and that she paid for the room out of her own pocket. He didn’t address how much she paid or why, out of all the alternatives, she recuperated at a shelter funded by city dollars.  


Anonymous said...

NYC We’re doomed.
Have you thanked a democrat today?

Anonymous said...

The bank is open 24 hours.

Anonymous said...

Hey...this is what NY voted for.

Be careful what you are just might get it.

Anonymous said...

We’re getting our property taxes increased. That’s what we’re getting!

Anonymous said...

Racist stupid nightclub Mayor has many convicts or people with convicts in their family's in his administration. Adams has even bragged and said at a city council meeting quote: "thanks to myself have you ever seen so much chocolate leading New York City"
...More like radicals, cop haters, thugs and idiots.
Alvin Bragg and the police commissioner is at the top of the WOST OF THE WORST list.
Why doesn't any of the news report on talk like this?
Stupid voters better wake up!!

I cant imagine what is going to be when the warm weather comes and all these illegal pieces of shit gangs released from foreign jails are roaming all over the place. Yes, these illegals are clearly organizing into gangs just like they did back in their home country crime ridden violent cesspools.

Why wont the governor (who has the authority to do so) fire Bragg and Adams?

Anonymous said...

YOU NYC elected Mayor Adams. YOU NY elected Governor Hochul. YOU America elected President Biden who ignores the laws pertaining to immigration and enforcement.

It is the LEFT who gave us this problem.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone realized yet that the Mayflower Hotel in Fresh Meadows received PPP funds during Covid even as the property was under contract with the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice as a residence for former inmates?

Anonymous said...

We are basically an all you can eat buffet open to the world!

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