Saturday, June 24, 2023

Assemblywoman's bill calls for environmental security blankets on cargo waste trains 


Assemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar alongside state Senator Joseph P. Addabbo Jr. celebrated the passage of a bill that would require freight trains carrying waste to cover their cargo at the New York and Atlantic Railway location on 68-01 Otto Road in Glendale. 

The assemblywoman held the event on Friday, June 23, with other local leaders as well as Mary Parisen Lavelle, chair of Civics United for Railroad Environmental Solutions (CURES) to urge Gov. Kathy Hochul to sign the bill (A4928/S2022) into law. 

Our legislation takes a major step towards overseeing waste by the rail industry, which has expanded for 15 years,” Rajkumar said. “As the waste by rail industry booms, expanding by 35% every year, it is time to take action to protect the health of the people of New York and our precious environment.”

Rajkumar’s office also fought to pass the bill in the legislature for seven years and those who’ve advocated for long-term action say they’ve been waiting for a lot longer. 

“It is with our deepest gratitude that we express our appreciation to both Assemblywoman Rajkumar and Senator Addabbo on their monumental accomplishment in getting state legislation passed to containerize waste on rail cars,” Lavelle said. “The victory we’re celebrating today belongs to them, it belongs to the residents, the civics, and Community Board Five. CURES has been working for the past 14 years to end this needless pollution in our neighborhoods, and in all neighborhoods, where this waste travels.”

Residents who live along the railway described the foul odors and general concern over the substances they were being exposed to by the uncovered waste freight.


GopGeorge said...

Typical liberal hogwash. Wasting time and money to keep the air and water clean. This is typical anti-business anti job creator communist hogwash. Who cares if the drinking water has some chemicals in there. Drink Coca-Cola or, better yet, some non woke beer. If you don't like dirty air, move to Australia.

Anonymous said...

She will be trying hard to figure out how to blame it on orange man.
Anyone who sees what's happening in this country and still votes Democrat is truly disturbed.

georgetheatheist said...

Does this camera hog own another dress besides the red one she's always wearing? It must need defumigating by now.

Anonymous said...

Why did this take so long ?
It's not like asking people to prove the earth is round to someone who thinks the earth is flat.

Anonymous said...

Hasn't that been a requirement for about 10 years now? Sheesh wotta empty suit...

Kitara said...

"Residents who live along the railway described the foul odors and general concern..."

Did they not know this before they bought/rented their house right beside the railway?

Anyway, why not blame Joe Biden, The "DemoRats", socialism and mayor Swagger. Blame AOC too, just to be on the safe side.

Anonymous said...

Kitara Im sure that this is all Joe Biden's fault too.