Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Department of Transportation Alternatives petition for a bus route to the Ridgewood Reservoir is based on bald faced lies

(From the Department of TransAlt website.)

Ridgewood Reservoir Needs A Bus Stop

The historic Ridgewood Reservoir is a 50-acre natural oasis that serves diverse communities on the border of Brooklyn and Queens. Despite its beauty, ecological importance, and open access, the Ridgewood Reservoir, which is proximate to some of the poorest areas in New York City, is impossible to reach by public transportation.

The Ridgewood Reservoir needs a direct bus stop for New Yorkers to enjoy its benefits. 

The reservoir is ill-served by current public transportation options. The closest subway station is the J train at Norwood Avenue, a mile away. The closest bus stop is the Q56 at Jamaica and Shepherd Avenues, a half-mile from the reservoir. Our greenspace currently serves as a cultural and ecological treasure solely for New Yorkers who can drive to it.

With more transportation options, our reservoir will be accessible to all New Yorkers to enjoy its many health benefits. This includes a multi-use path for walking, biking and running, bird watching and flowers, as a quiet respite from the city, and more!

So the Department of TransAlt wants to screw around with a Queens bus line so it could make a stop by here. I'll let Crappy explain why this is full of gaslighting bullshit and will do more harm than good (the good being that will mostly benefit the bike and public space scientology cult):

"Why lie? The B13 is maybe 300 feet from the north entrance. Maybe work on making that area by the Jackie safer instead of ruining someone’s commute by taking a bus out of the way. I’ve never heard of a bus line being routed to serve a park feature rather than the park itself.

 It’s more that there is a heavily used parking lot where they want a bus stop and all the Caribbean and Dominicans using it destroy the narrative that only white people use cars.

 When Bloomberg announced it was going to be a destination park the gentrifiers started sniffing around. Then he dropped it and so did they. Except for these turds, who are trying to monetize the park for their benefit.

 The community board there was circulating a letter from MTA which showed that it would take the bus well off the route and lengthen commutes considerably, and if they used it as an end of line type of thing it was impossible to turn the bus around.

 On top of that, the two buses that run there are Brooklyn routes and these dopes are sending out instructions to testify about the Queens bus redesign."


What's really funny is that there are routes where you can easily get there by bike from the Queens side, isn't that what this damn think tank bike lobby exists for, so why annoy everyone?


Anonymous said...

While you are at it add some homeless encampments and damn the needs of homeowners and business owners who say they feel besieged by a wave of drug-related crime.

Anonymous said...

TA commie Adolf is a happy lapdog now.

Anonymous said...

Democrat playbook, promise everything, deliver nothing and blame someone else.

Anonymous said...

@“ damn the needs of homeowners and business owners”

Why are homeowners and businesses owners more important than renters, employees, homeless or jobless people?

Anonymous said...

Pour concrete over the whole park. Turn it into a parking lot.
Build baby build!

Anonymous said...

isn't the purpose of a park to walk around?

Anonymous said...

"Why are homeowners and businesses owners more important than renters, employees, homeless or jobless people?"

They aren't "more important," they just own assets that are being destroyed by city stupidity. If they go, the city goes.

Anonymous said...

@"isn't the purpose of a park to walk around"

Walking is for communists. Real Americans drive a pickup truck around the park.

Anonymous said...

Make that easy accessible to the inner city youth animals it will be destroyed along with that secluded cove of homes off Cypress behind Forest Park Drive.
Those poor home owners have enough problems with Motorcycle bikers and the mob of litter bug drunken Puerto Ricans in the parking lot by the valve house every Sunday during summer.
Its so bad sometimes you cant get on the Interburo parkway.

Joe said...

isn't the purpose of a park to walk around?
Puerto Rican kids and drunks used to swim and drown in it.
Countless drownings in the 60s and 70s
They couldn't get the concept it was fresh water and edged off deep with just a few steps.
You could also be sucked into the valve house gates where the water gets distributed downhill into Brooklyn and the old Bushwick brewery's.

That water came from twin lakes out around Bellmore Long Island via Sunrise Highway. A pipe Inside the Sunrise Highway LIRR embankment, then Conduit blvd, Fountain ave.
Thats why the Brooklyn made beer and Italian breads and pizza crust was so good, why those streets have those names.
I know because my grandfather was a fireman ladder 204 in Brooklyn, on many emergency calls. Lived on George street by the brewery Almost everybody worked for the brewery's or small mom & pop storefronts and candy stores.
Johnson's Civil Rights and Immigration act of 1965 destroyed everything

Anonymous said...

Just like Kevin Hart yells "Because that's what I do, I yell", that's what DOTA does, they lie... about everything... all the time...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the history lesson Joe !

Anonymous said...

@Johnson's Civil Rights and Immigration act of 1965 destroyed everything

Spot on Joe. Plus JFK got reminded who is the boss.

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