Sunday, June 19, 2022

Robert de Niro betrays union workers at mega studio development

NY Post 

“Never rat on your friends …” is one of his most famous lines, but acting legend Robert De Niro is now co-starring with a giant inflatable union protest rat.

The “Goodfellas” star and his partners broke a promise to use union workers to build a sprawling new film studio in Queens — prompting labor activists to set up their symbolic inflatable rat at the site in protest, officials said Friday.

“If De Niro doesn’t care that workers are being exploited, shame on him,” Chaz Rynkiewicz, vice president of Laborers Local 79, told The Post. “We hope he clears this up ASAP.”

The “Taxi Driver” actor and the development firm he’s using, Wildflower LTD, agreed to “seek union labor” during a public review of the $600 million Astoria complex, according to a July 2021 document from the Queens borough president’s office.

But despite the star’s history as a vocal union supporter,  the vast majority of construction workers assigned to the seven-story studio were non-union — including plumbers, sheet metal workers and electricians, state Sen. Jessica Ramos said.

“It’s not too much to ask that Mr. De Niro live up to his professed values as a union man. If you want to build in my district, you need to build union,” Ramos said.


Anonymous said...

All they do is outsource the work to cheaper labor who are mostly made up of illegals. But if you speak out against illegals, you're considered a racist automatically.

Anonymous said...

No, Jessica, you can do whatever you want.

Anonymous said...

He (De Niro) should be expelled from the Screen Actors Guild for this

Anonymous said...

“Never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut.”
Little Robbie is...a Fucking Scab !

Anonymous said...

Another liberal asswipe hypocrite who could give a shit about average working people trying to feed their families.

Anonymous said...

Unions are for communists and socialists.
Prove me wrong ...

Anonymous said...

Unions have brainwashed the sheeple to vote blue no matter who.
Unions are used to promote the extreme commie agenda that is the product of extreme indoctrination starting in failed public schools.
They promote there their 'Broad Left' alliances with your Union Dues.

Anonymous said...

@"Unions are for communists and socialists" Got that right...
The fact that BRANDON bragged about being in Washington for 50 years should have enough red flag for any one.

Anonymous said...

"Unions are for communists and socialists"
Like the UFT, PSC and DC37 ?

Anonymous said...

He's an ACTOR, get it? He can talk the talk, but he can't walk the walk!

Anonymous said...

@“ Another liberal asswipe hypocrite who could give a shit about average working people trying to feed their families.”

But of course, the right wing asswipes do care about unions an working people.

Anonymous said...

@“ But if you speak out against illegals, you're considered a racist automatically.”
Take a hike racist TA commie!

Anonymous said...

@“ Unions are for communists and socialists”
Yes, unions are for TA commies and anti American types.

Disgruntled Citizen said...

This millionaire stole money from the working people of NYC after 9/11, taking money from the 911 fund for the Tribeca Film Festival. It gets corporate sponsorship from mulitiple places like American Express, other banks National Arts Endowment and NYC Cultural pot of dough from the City Council. DeNiro did NOT need that money to put the Film Festival on. The 9/11 Fund that was paying stipends to the survivors of 9/11 who were attending school and training programs had pulled their stipends cut off abruptly with no notice. These were people traumatized on 9/11 who were unemployed. No working class hero.

Now he's in Queens, Stay in Manhattan where they put up with your crap. Take your children who can't make a living with out Daddy and go home.
What a dam shame. I'm sure his father is rolling over in his grave.
Never mind that he's a hack playing tough guys but who couldn't take a punch if was served to him on a silver platter.

Adriatic Hillbilly said...

DeNiro is a strunz'... Un capocazzo, un' figlio di putana. Lui mangia pesce delle finocchie...
Prove me wrong!!!

Anonymous said...

@Take a hike racist TA commie!

Talking to yourself Adolf?

Anonymous said...

The Astoria 'mafia' can't stand that others are starting to elbow into their territory.

Their days are numbered as long as the 'court appointed' (whoever the hell they are) are redrawing districts trying to break up the third world stamp the local elites are trying to brand the community.

That will be the only thing that can save western Queens from becoming southern Queens or central Queens.

It going to be a close call for NYC if its 3rd world death spiral can be stopped.

Anonymous said...

Trades are important not $$$ sucking Commie Union closed shops.

Anonymous said...

Sheeple Lover said...
Well, the Sheeple got what they voted for! Including the inflation and the recession that will follow. The Sheeple were warned back in 2020 that throwing around all those trillions of dollars could result in inflation. The demorats and with the help of some Rinos threw all that money at the problem when money was not what was needed. It was not money that was needed during the pandemic but jobs but the demorats chose to throw money at it and the jobs shutdown. This give the people more money than they would have other wise had and more time to spend it. More money chasing after ever fewer products so the price went up. That is the very cause of inflation. Now as inflation takes over recession will follow. When recession gets here there will be fewer jobs so employment will decline and unemployment will rise. This will mean that the democrats will start throwing money at the unemployment problem which the government will have to spend money that it does not have which will mean the US debt will rise which will cost much more to service since interest rates is being raised to combat inflation. A happy situation of a dog chasing its tail! So BE HAPPY and keep voting blue no matter who.

Anonymous said...

As more & more business & people escape from NY the fall will come quicker.
Prove Me Wrong...

Anonymous said...

Don't all Hollyweirds work for the Chicom Government ?

Anonymous said...

"Unions are for communists and socialists"
You, sir, are a genius. Thank you for all the education.

Joe said...

No surprise here.

Here is the scoop:

People from the film, TV and now "Video electronic" recorded" movie have been bailing ship like rats from that cesspool called California.
The big Hollywood studios and lots are FINISHED, Beverly Hills, Topanga Canyon a massive homeless and criminal encampment with no fix in sight .
The Hollywood refugees fleeing in New York are running out of money.
Remember, the unions of TMZ zones in California carry no muster for the I.A.T.S.E closed "father and son" unions New York City.
Wanna work with a California card you need sit your ass in a chair 6AM and IF a call comes in it has to bee offered to a New York member first. Only then you work, no exceptions!

How else is DiNero to give all his California liberal friends jobs?
A:Lock the locals out.

Another thing is the cost of making movies has gone way down because film, big lights, large crews are no longer needed. Its all RAW and MP4 format digital cameras. Home studios for editing and mixing.
Get on a movie set today, its all idiots and kids dressed in black with walkie talkies for instruction.
Just today they are shooting a movie on City Island, both assistants could not speak properly, could only mumble some kind of ghetto gibberish worse then Mayor Adams.

Myself: "What's the name of this movie" ?
Sight manager: Cumpajaa.
Myself: Kumpa-Jaa, What?
Sight manager: "Kump A Jaa"
(yes he was black)
I had to ask the father of one of the kids in the shot, the movies name is "Camp Joy" (not very hard to say)
Turns out in order to get the tax breaks the movie industry MUST take a certain amount of "inner city useless" regardless of union status, skills, experience, ability to speak or think.
Dumb useless mother f_ckrs all of them.

I guess diNero figures better off using his unemployed Hollywood friends then this shit from the mayors office of media & entertainment or New Yorks overpaid mobbed up IATSE.
I so glad I bailed from all this shit. As expected the corruption, casting couch, backstabbing, liberal bullshit and run amuck nepotism is now beyond worse then what I had to deal with at NBC-GE-Universal.
Let the rats kill each other, I'm gonna have a glass of wine :):)


Anonymous said...

Thanks Joe for the inside info.

Anonymous said...


But, but, we keep hearing from TA commie capitalism is at fault.
What you have described very accurately is good old fashioned corrupt communism.

TA commie, you look great in the back of the pickup truck.

Joe said...

Thanks Joe for the inside info.
You're welcome.
What really bothers me is whats never made public and considered TABOO for anybody whp wishes to keep working in the film industry.
The blacklist and "the good boys list" are all very real ! Big power, special interest and politics is behind all of it!!

Every on of these libtard music, movie, "Rap music oximorons"
is building what they call "a studio or home studio:--on the taxpayer.
2 LED screens, 2 mixing speakers and a computer with and like magic your home or some boiler room is now a studio. Tax breaks up the yang yang, free 4 gig+ internet connections too!!
--Dont need a satellite link, cant afford a $40K-$200,000 camera no problem just borrow, rent it or use an Iphone
Then all you need to do is cut-past / drag and drop a couple "youth workshops" and PBS propaganda junkets together and BOOM qualify free government money on top of NY tax breaks. This not including all the shit you get to sell via subscription globally.(overseas bank accounts)
Its a huge new racket in New York, Spielburg and the Dolan mobs Cablevision developed and started this shit with his summer home in East Hampton some years back.
Now its now running like a virus and these people call communism, monopoly, breaking laws 1000, 10,000 out of work "progress"
Will likely get even worse when Muck gets his Starlink satellites (25,000 pieces of spacekunk) working.


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