Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Rapper shot to death outside warehouse studios building

PIX News

Here's a map of what this dump looks like inside. And a review of the "maker" warehouse from someone who also tried to record some tracks.

Since this is mostly a venue to create art, it sounds like this owner wanted to make a couple extra bucks from the drill rap scene and wanted to do this the cheapest way possible.



It Is What It Is said...

An Asian suspect?

Anonymous said...

Who would have thought that removing punishement for crimes would create more crimes.

Anonymous said...

Another pillar of society gone way before his time.
What a shame. You live by the sword or gun, you die by the sword or gun.

Anonymous said...

The fuck is drill rap and why do I keep hearing about it? As if rap culture could get any worse.

Anonymous said...

A rapper shot???? NO, never!

Anonymous said...

@"Who would have thought that removing punishement for crimes would create more crimes."

Who would have thought that allowing all kinds of criminals and mentally unstable people to buy guns in red states to ship up here would create more crimes ?

Anonymous said...

@"An Asian suspect?"

Well, now that you mention it. Here is a different shootout on 65th and Broadway in Woodside involving a Mr. Tenzin Norgyal and some other incompetent shootist.

Sunnyside Post Sherpa Shootout

Prove yourself right ...

Anonymous said...

In rap circles, this is considered natural causes.

Anonymous said...

Is this where Tony Bennett hung out ?

NPC_translator said...

Who would have thought that allowing all kinds of criminals and mentally unstable people to buy guns in red states to ship up here would create more crimes ?

So did YOU buy one of these guns and commit a crime? No? Why is that?

And the laws were the same, if not even looser, when Giuliani and Bloomberg were Mayors, yet somehow, they managed to dramatically reduce crime and make NYC one of the safest big cities in the country. Why is that? Did the guns somehow gain new magical powers that make people commit crimes?

Or maybe, just maybe, it's because we had a simpleton as Mayor and an entire City government controlled by Progressive idiots, like you, who think that "guns" are the problem.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to the good old days of Devil worshiping Heavy Metal bands, and girlfriend killing punk rockers?

Anonymous said...

99 Cent said...
Drill Rappers in New York should be home watching Swagger Adams on TV and not be outside.
Prove Me Wrong...

Anonymous said...

Progressive useful idiots and their radical polices are responsible for out of control crime in every DemOrat city!
Prove Me Wrong... Go ahead

Anonymous said...

I could spend time to rebut your usual right wing talking points, but in all probability it would be blocked by the moderator to protect your sensitive right wing snowflake personality.
So why bother.

Anonymous said...

@I could spend time to rebut your usual right wing talking points, but in all probability it would be blocked by the moderator to protect your sensitive right wing snowflake personality.
So why bother.

Yeah right. Try again. Epic fail.

Anonymous said...

NYC is going to look like and be as safe as a Brazilian favela.
Prove Me Wrong...

Anonymous said...

"So why bother." See the troll learned something...

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