Saturday, June 11, 2022

For a few billion dolllars more...

NY Post

The price of everything is going up — even the city budget!

Mayor Adams and the City Council announced a record-breaking city budget at $101 billion Friday, blowing past the $98.7 billion budget deal his predecessor Bill de Blasio struck with lawmakers last year.

The deal between Hizzoner and Speaker Adrienne Adams (D-Queens) adds $1.4 billion in new spending on top of what the mayor proposed in his formal budget layout in April — and is $2.6 billion above City Hall’s preliminary estimate in January.

“This is not a dysfunctional Council and this is darn sure not a dysfunctional mayoral administration,” Adams said, as he and the lawmakers touted the earlier than usual budget deal. “We’re going to function and we’re going to GSD: Get stuff done.”

Still, the deal swells the Big Apple’s potential budget deficits over the coming three years, prompting new warnings from budget watchdogs over spending amid soaring inflation and worries about a potential recession.

The expected shortfall for the 2024 budget now stands at $4.2 billion, up from $3.9 billion projected in April. The expected gaps between expected revenues and spending for the 2025 and 2026 budgets grew too.



Anonymous said...

And here in northeast Queens, my property taxes just jumped by about $1,100 per year.
Fuckin' democrats...spend, spend, spend and spend some more.

Anonymous said...

This Asinine budget blows pass the debt ceiling.
This is extremely stupid and foolish.
This will tax the NYC middle class to death !

Anonymous said...

And where is this money coming from? Most of the sane, working class taxpayers moved out. The sane working class got tired of paying for welfare to undocumented migrants and paying to live in and around shit.

Anonymous said...

Where there is no responsibility there should be a constraint on power.
Prove Me Wrong...

Anonymous said...

Florida Man said...
I would have pity on NYC and its voters, if only it wasn't obvious that they did it to themselves. Sadly, they will continue to do it to themselves.

Anonymous said...

This from all those geniuses that came out with the bail reform idea !

Anonymous said...

Sheeple Vote with your feet and get as far away from this shit hole as you can. It’s toast.
And BTW don’t bring YOUR stoooopid Leftist politics with YOU.

Anonymous said...

It's hard enough Surviving Biden's Failed Economy now this !

Anonymous said...

New Yorkers continue to elect garbage at all levels.

Anonymous said...

New Yorkers can’t pay the rent and have their starbucks and iPhones at the same time.

Anonymous said...

In the words of Bruce Willis: If you want to keep more of your money, vote Republican. Thanks Joe B.

Anonymous said...

Well, surprise, that's why the Fed was so reluctant to raise rates - the weakest links can't afford the rate hikes.. just like the 1970s

Anonymous said...

Sheeple are soooooo embarrassed to have voted for crystalline brain they are now denying they voted for him.

Anonymous said...

BREAKING: U.S. annualized inflation just peaked 17 percent for the first time since WW2, the highest rate in 75 years.
Let's Go Brandon...

Anonymous said...

Last year we saved $0.16 on hotdogs.
This year we can’t afford to drive to the store to buy them.

Anonymous said...

Republicans have certainly convinced me of one thing: George Orwell was an optimist.

Anonymous said...

Is this going to pay for the Green New Deal and Medicare for All ?

Anonymous said...

Sheeple are you enjoying the clown mayor's violent fun city yet?
Hang on, because things are only going to get worse.

Anonymous said...

The Swagger mayor is only good at Shuckin' and jivin' at celebrity events and photo ops. Complex financial deals are way beyond the scope of anything he is capable of.
When you elect a clown to be mayor why is there surprise when the circus comes to town?

Anonymous said...

This guy and the city council have no clue how to run a city budget just spend away your hard earned money by giving money away to illegals for child care. People that actually pay no taxes are getting the most out of this bloated budget.

Eric the federal stimulus money will run out soon so take you head outta your ass because next year the money will not be there and you will be running a major deficit.

You get what you vote for. All bullshit and smoke and mirrors from mayor swagger. What a joke the man is.

NPC_translator said...

The budget should not even be half of this. What a waste.

BTW, I have now officially dubbed Mayor Swagger as The Crystal Salamander. Long may he rain (on our parade).

Anonymous said...

Spend baby spend! Tax the rich. They've profited by using cheap labor and lax labor laws for too long.

Anonymous said...

@“ Florida Man said...”

And I thought you went extinct before the Neanderthals…

Anonymous said...

@“ BTW, I have now officially dubbed Mayor Swagger as The Crystal Salamander. ”

Honestly, snowflake? Who really cares what you christened him.

Anonymous said...

@“ BTW, I have now officially dubbed Mayor Swagger as The Crystal Salamander. ”

BTW I have now officially dubbed you, NPC snowflake.

Anonymous said...

Get ready for those property taxes to rise!

Anonymous said...

@"Is this going to pay for the Green New Deal and Medicare for All ?"

No more Medicare for All. Let poor people rot when they get sick from now on.
As for "Green New Deal". Forget about that. Let your kids and grandkids suffer the consequences. We'll be long gone. Yeeeeehah!

Vote Republican!

Anonymous said...

how much is the $101 billion budget comes to for each of the 8.5 million resident?

Anonymous said...

@Tax the rich.

Stupid, they all moved their monies into foundations, philanthropies, tax-free.
As a matter of fact taxpayers finance their corruption.
Taxing the average Joe on everything is your brilliant idea?
Heck we sent Khazaria aka Ukraine only $40 billion.
The Khazars in NYC need $100+ billion?
Hard to believe.

Anonymous said...

@“ Taxing the average Joe on everything is your brilliant idea?”

No. I said tax the rich. Not tax the “average Joe”. Why the self defeating attitude? Too much “Putin News” getting you down?

Anonymous said...

@"BTW, I have now officially dubbed Mayor Swagger as The Crystal Salamander. Long may he rain (on our parade)"

That's so funny. Not.

Anonymous said...

Counterfeit New York City Hall impostor Eric Adams gets paid by the syllable, but has no actual ability to lead by honest, ethical example, because he's an alarmist on the government dole for his whole 'propped up' life without all pretense of accountability. DEEDS ERIC——NOT WORDS!

❝Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.❞ ——George Carlin

❝It's easier to fool a person than to tell them that they've been fooled.❞ ——Mark Twain

❝The truth that survives is the lie that is pleasantest to believe.❞ ——H. L. Mencken

❝One of the most dangerous trends of our times is making the truth socially unacceptable, or even illegal, with 'hate speech' laws.❞ ——Thomas Sowell

Anonymous said...

@Vote Republican!
Yes punish the Dems this November and take back the House and Senate.

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