Sunday, April 24, 2022

Mayor Adams is going to spend 900 million dollars to make life difficult for drivers


NY Daily News

Mayor Adams on Saturday said he aims to give New York City’s streets a $904 million makeover over the next five years — adding hundreds of miles of bike and bus lanes as well as revamped pedestrian spaces.

The budget target makes good on legislation passed by the City Council in 2019 that mandated a “streets master plan” for the five boroughs. The plan requires the city Department of Transportation build 250 new miles of protected bike lanes and 150 miles of new bus lanes by the end of 2026.

“This is a historic investment,” Adams said during a news conference on his proposal. “We must do our part, and that is to ensure that the pathways are safe where people can feel comfortable and utilize the bike infrastructure we have. We are so far behind international leaders. If you go to other cities and countries across the globe, they are so far ahead of us.”

Adams — who rode a bike from City Hall to the press conference in downtown Brooklyn —didn’t lay out specific plans for the bus and bike lanes’ makeover, or new pedestrian this year.

The proposed $904 million investment over five years must be worked out with the City Council as part of the city’s budget that’s due at the end of June. The amount is roughly in line with the $1.7 billion the Council in 2019 estimated the street redesigns would cost over a 10-year period, officials said.

But the proposal is well short about $2.2 billion short of the $3.1 billion Council members proposed earlier this year for the city’s streets plan. The Council’s plan goes much further than the benchmarks laid out by the 2019 law, and would add some 500 miles of bike lanes and turn dozens of city streets into pedestrian plazas.

The Daily News, and surely every other news outlet, forgot to mention that this plan was concocted mostly by "public space" and bike zealot lobby groups Transportation Alternatives and Bike New York. Showing once again that the agents of the city are shaping the city for the worse.



Anonymous said...

You clowns voted him into office, so what's your beef?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure I saw the Quotation Drone and Dr. NPC_doofus selling incense, beads and healing stones at JFK yesterday.
Prove me wrong ...

Anonymous said...

Calling Rodriguez "Marblemouth" Accomplishes nothing, "Shit for brains" is a much more accurate nickname...

Anonymous said...


Gino said...

Dirtbag Flakey Freddy Fanook and his posse can try whatever they want, people are not giving up cars.
I just closed shop and sold the Hummer and vans only because I don't need them. However I'm not getting rid my classic cars and the Silverado.
Don't really need a bike in NYC, its fine and healthy to walk, you have a bodega on near every corner. Pizza, Bar, Chink take-out, Restaurant or supermarket every 4 or so blocks. I just picked up and carried a watermelon 6 blocks!
Here is the problem:
To many illegals or lazy, unhealthy fat fucks on e-bikes and cheap crap cars causing havoc with healthcare, those are the people that should be compelled to bike lanes and good old steel pedal bikes.


TrumpTurds Toilet Bowl said...

I own a car, therefore I have the God given right to drive wherever I want, whenever I want, and over whomever I want.
Prove me wrong ...

Anonymous said...

And how much to remove the homeless from the streets and get them real help so that they do not push people onto the subway tracks or attack innocent people or piss and shit on the streets and on and on?
Oh yeah, $171 million. Perhaps the numbers for bike lanes and the homeless should trade places.
However, shitbone Chirlane di Blasio's ThriveNYC is already sucking up all the homeless cash outlays. Another $1 billion boondoggle foisted on the public by fucked up dem politicians.

Anonymous said...

Another Foreign born alien carpetbagger (Dominican Republic) wanting to change NYC into a third world shithole just like Santo Domingo

Anonymous said...

Not that I’m keeping score, but so far the “conspiracy theorists” are up about 16-0 over the globalist-approved Narrative purveyors.

Anonymous said...

Once again, lower-class drivers are getting the shaft so rich Manhattanites, hipsters, and yuppies can gallivant anywhere they want. How many more neighborhoods will this destroy?

Anonymous said...

ALAS, since the 'O-BOMB-YA' administration (of free walking war criminals), we live in a society that is so intolerant (and intolerant extremist), that our children’s teachers will get in our faces, the CVS clerk will snap back at us vengefully (without consequences), and road rage is now a daily occurrence. This is the 'WOKE' culture in action (or, inaction, as it were). I want to take back my ravaged, tonsured, DemonRat-infected New York City (and New York State to a lesser degree of DemonRat sociopathy), Congress and my life, not to mention the REST of our Stockholm Syndrome beholden nation of government fearing, tax burdened citizenry.

Worse, all of this imprisoned control is to protect the oligarchs. If we were not enraged and distracted by complete nonsense, then they would see how the kleptocratic 1% oligarchy have taken over our government, and everything else on this waylaid-out planet of willful, supportive enslavement to what has already hastened the demise of the pitiful peons. This is about misdirection, indentured wage slaves.

In fact, no one cared a lick about any of this——UNTIL, that is when Bull$hitlary was beaten by a game show host. Only then magically, did all of this come about. THIS IS WHAT CLASS WARFARE and CLASSISM LOOK LIKE!——please vote Conservative in 2022.

❝You can fool ALL of the people some of the time, and if you do it just once——it lasts four years.❞ ——Alfred E. Neuman

❝The gentle art of politics is getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich——by promising to protect EACH from the OTHER.❞ ——Oscar Ameringer

❝If you think that strong men are dangerous, wait until you get a load of weak men.❞ ——Jordan B. Peterson

Anonymous said...

@"Once again, lower-class drivers are getting the shaft so rich Manhattanites, hipsters, and yuppies can gallivant anywhere they want. How many more neighborhoods will this destroy?"

No, lower class pedestrians and cyclists may have a better chance of survival getting to and from work with less "upper crust" car totalitarians breaking every law on the books.

As for the "gallivant anywhere they want" part. What have you got against freedoms? Are you a commie?

Anonymous said...

@Gino - Re: "Don't really need a bike in NYC, its fine and healthy to walk, you have a bodega on near every corner. Pizza, Bar, Chink take-out ..."
What's a "Chink take-out" ?

Anonymous said...

Since the 'O-BOMB-YA' administration, we live in a society that is so intolerant, that our children’s teachers will get in our faces, the CVS clerk will snap back at us vengefully, and road rage is a daily occurrence. This is the 'WOKE' culture in action (or, inaction, as it were). I want to take back NYC, Congress and my life, not to mention the REST of our Stockholm Syndrome beholden nation of government fearing, tax burdened citizenry.

Worse, all of this imprisoned control is to protect the oligarchs. If we were not enraged and distracted by complete nonsense, then they would see how the kleptocratic 1% oligarchy have taken over our government, and everything else on this waylaid-out planet of willful, supportive slaves to what has already hastened their powerless and pitiful demise. This is about misdirection, peons.

In fact, no one cared a lick about any of this——UNTIL, that is when Bull$hitlary was beaten by a game show host. Only then magically, did all of this come about. Please vote conservative in 2022.

Anonymous said...

Second Anonymous: You revel in labeling others unclever and mentally lazy namecalling, but your never-ending 'prove me wrong' rant is the REAL drone, weasel f**kwad! You're an asshole afflicted with OCD and brain lock. Everyone else here was on topic on this thread by attacking feckless, politically failed politicians——except YOU!——THE vacuous 'prove me wrong' shithead. If you had actual purpose and meaning in life, then you wouldn't be spending years in your mother's basement infecting this thread with your your spiteful, hateful venom.

As I have said before, your gonorrhea infected mother should have swallowed. And like all emboldened, online cyberspace bullies and cowards, you hide behind anonymity while infecting this blog with your mentally ill obsessions of which you've lost all control over because of your Tourette Syndrome style impulses that hold everyone hostage. But there you are, troll, popping up to repeat the same old, unfunny shit that makes you a sad, frustrated, attention deprived, desperate fool. What a flagrant abuse of power, as only an empowered idiot like you can continually abuse this public blogsite on a loop, knowing that there will be no consequence for your tired bullshit.

Some day, I swear, when you mouth off in person to someone face-to-face (not likely because you're a spineless coward, cyber troll and wizard-behind-the-curtain creep), they will cut off your micro dick and stuff it in your ugly mouth——Mafia style! Hope springs eternal, scumbag——get a JOB, lowlife!

Anonymous said...

#AGENDA2030 Look it up Sheeple...

Anonymous said...

@“ Second Anonymous: You revel in labeling others unclever and mentally lazy namecalling,”

Well said he/she/it “Quotation Drone”
Next time I see you selling incense, I’ll buy some off you just to be nice.

Anonymous said...

To last OCD-infected Anonymous: I saw your mother (the one whose mouth you kiss, the same traveling venereal disease who didn't swallow, in your sad case of genetic mutation) buying incense and Clorox from your pimp daddy——if only to eliminate the stench of your placenta, not to mention your irreversible mental illness. Free speech is just as abusively addictive as your crack/whore mom's daily habit. What a lowlife!

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