Saturday, April 30, 2022

Department of Transportation Alternatives seizes streets in Jackson Heights

What exactly are these permanent structures to keep cars out look like? Will the D.O.T.A. monitor this street as horrendously as they have done with the open restaurants program? How will the Sanitation Dept., NYPD and FDNY get to these streets?

And when is PIX News going to acknowledge Jim Burke's ties to Transportation Alternatives?

And how come motorcycles are allowed on the open streets?



Anonymous said...

just like all the mopeds on the road doing what they want

Sanity vs Stupidity said...

End it. End it NOW!!!

georgetheatheist said...

Transportation Alternative's Jim Burke's role in this fiasco: here

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with these people. Why don't they want to be run over by a car when they go outside?
What have they got against clean air? Can't they suck up the fumes the same as the rest of us?
I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

georgetheatheist said...

Let me ask you. Since cars are allowed to park there, the driver has to move the barricade. Who enforces - if at all - that the barricade be moved back? What if the driver doesn't? How does this work?

Anonymous said...

The only reason these bike nuts (which are mostly young white men a tiny minority of the city) are given this lattitude is that they are the shock troops against vehicles run by gasoline, which is the great pollutor of the city, which puts a brake on development.

You eliminate gasoline engines, you can add millions to the city and billions to developers pockets.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for publicizing this! it seems all the politicians including Mayor Adam’s, Councilmember Krishnan who they funded to move to Jackson Heights from Brooklyn to push their agenda and Sen Ramos. The worst is the big Media outlets that used to report all sides of an issue are ignoring the majority of opposition groups! and all of the above are in bed cozy with Transportation Alternative Companies like Citibikes, Uber and Lyft…. it’s awful on 34th Ave- the people in charge - lie to the press and no one checks!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the headline should read:
"Department of Transportation Alternatives recovers streets from car totalitarians in Jackson Heights".

Anonymous said...

It's an amazing street, enjoyed by hundreds and hundreds of local residents every day.

Ned said...

George says: Since cars are allowed to park there, the driver has to move the barricade.

To hell with these commies, when it a legal parking space I just plow the barricades down and other drivers honk and give me the thumbs up.
It seems nobody wants this shit.
The city has no right to take over federal and state streets, roads and right of ways. Such would require constitutional amendments.
Let them come arrest me.
The creates a huge carjacking risk for those who must get out and back in their cars to move them. (The many nuts and criminals on the streets will be lurking for easy targets)
Even the 5MPH is bad


Unknown said...

Thank you for being on our side. I live right off the 34th ave Open Streets and it has screwed up the traffic in the neighborhood so badly. On the Q66 bus on Northern Blvd sometimes it takes 45 mins to go 20 blocks. This OS thing was started during the pandemic when the people were at their weakest. We were duped, we all thought it was temporary. There are some groups I am involved with are trying to stop this or at least cut down the number of blocks now at 26, we have the longest OS in the city. And yes we know the TA people are involved. But how do we stop it. We did some protests but the Coalition who run the OS here are supported by the TA people, the elected officials and the DOT. Please help us. We need advice, what should we do next.

Anonymous said...

"Open Streets" means more Homeless Drug Addicts to shoot up in public.
Urniate and Defacate too.

NYC: More Homeless, More Urine, More Drugs, More Needles = More Money from Tourism and Bike Nazis.

Way to Go.

Anonymous said...

Who cares. It’s only Jackson Heights for goodness sake.

Anonymous said...

Complete nonsense! Coalition leaders use children from immigrants in the area and use them for photo ops to send to the mayor and dot. DOT is now Dept of Tyranny along with our elected leaders who fail to minimize crime, help end prostitution in Jh, help the homeless, but have time to whine about bike lanes and feeding the white race here that wants wants wants and now gets gets gets. You can’t fool a hippie that eats enchiladas and lives here because Brooklyn is expensive and now Qantas bike lanes a park right across his condo in exchange of a vote for a politician

JQ LLC said...

@Anons 1 and 5.

That's some pretty good demonizing of drivers there comrades.

JQ LLC said...


The barricades are moved by volunteers from the ave's namesake organization which is run by Jim Burke and some other woman named Luz. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post which will show how this operation is able to run.

georgetheatheist said...

"And how come motorcycles are allowed on the open streets?"

And those motorcycles without insurance, registration, or plates. Wait until a kid playing in that street gets injured or killed.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the comments here supporting this. First, they blame the poor and middle class for the climate. Yeah, it's not megacorporations, it's grandma, sure.

Second, the bike fascists have no place in their society for the elderly, disabled or caregivers. They have been caught actively suggesting that Access A Ride drivers should BACK DOWN 'OPEN STREETS', proving they don't care at all about safety, it's just about stopping people from owning or using cars.

Anonymous said...

@It's just about stopping people from owning or using cars
AGENDA 2030 Look it up !

Anonymous said...

@“ Second, the bike fascists have no place in their society for the elderly,”

What’s this cot to do with bikes? This is meant as an open area for people ( mammals who walk, talk and wear clothes etc. ) to congregate an enjoy their free time.
Why do you car totalitarians hate that?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely fantastic! What a sorry mental state for herr moderator as the neighborhood rejoices.

Anonymous said...

Seems like a lot of people hating commies here who think owning a car gives them some sense of entitlement. Sorry comrade car owner, no reason to kiss your ass just because you’re in a big hunk of metal, plastic , glass with wheels.

Anonymous said...

@Ned Re:” To hell with these commies, when it a legal parking space I just plow the barricades down and other drivers honk and give me the thumbs up.”
It’s amazing that retards like you are allowed to carry a gun.

Anonymous said...

Bike fascists look good in tight black spandex.
Prove Me Wrong...

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight. The streets are closed but cars can park there, and I assume they are allowed to move their cars. Who controls the gating? Do you have to get out of your car and move it or is someone there to do it? What about deliveries and handicapped people and emergency vehicles? This whole thing sounds nutty. Many streets have bike lanes if they want to bike. We also have parks if people want more space but keep the streets open.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure cyclists dislike this as much as motorists. Cycling through a pedestrian area isn't the fastest way to get around unless you don't mind running down a few kids and getting your wheels busted.

georgetheatheist said...

"I'm sure cyclists dislike this as much as motorists."

Years ago, I did a lot of cycling from Woodside to Bayside and back. 34th Avenue was the direct route to the Flushing Northern Blvd bridge. Now if I want to do this I have to zig-zag through these infernal barriers and absent-minded pedestrians.

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