Saturday, March 26, 2022

Here we go again: MTA holds hearings for redesigning bus routes in Queens


Remember the last time they tried this a few years ago? Citizens yelled at Andy Byford and practically helped drive him out of town because of how screwed up they were. Engage by filing this form for the routes that affect you and here are the dates.
#1: W March 30 - Citywide /Boroughwide Groups
#5: Th April 7 - Southeast (CBs 12, 13, 14)


Anonymous said...

Here we go again…the last proposed bus plan was taking some buses out of the Maspeth Plateau and sending people to 69 Street to catch a bus.

Anonymous said...

Trump is behind this
Prove me wrong

Anonymous said...

I wish the MTA takes the Q18 off of 53rd Avenue on the plateau between 65th Place and 69th Street. I have lived on this block for 50 years and it has never been this bad. Two busses coming in opposite directions unable to pass each other or a bus and a car unable to pass each other. I have seen standoffs where the bus and the car refuse to back up last for a hour or more until the police or MTA supervisor show up and try to remedy the situation. I have seen people almost get into fights screaming at the poor bus driver telling them to back up with him having no place to back into. The bus drivers absolutely hate coming down this block as you can not see over the crest of the hill and have told me so on numerous occasions.

People have a hard time passing each other in cars no less passing a bus. THERE SHOULD BE NO BUS ON THIS NARROW BLOCK. There have been numerous cars side swapped and had their mirrors ripped off over the years.

I wish the MTA would finally reroute this bus off this block already. I for one would be willing to walk to 69th Street for the bus.

Anonymous said...

many good comments last time, some from pros:

Anonymous said...

Amazing how this comes up every year and now their new idea is for citi bikes on the plateau. Who is going to ride a bike up these hills never the less walk these hills to 69 street to catch a bus. No consideration for the people on the plateau. Next we will hear they will use rickshaws on the plateau to bring people to Grand Avenue.

Anonymous said...

How come I had to learn about this from QC? JQ, where did you learn about this? Is there a website? Did they release a new draft plan, or is this them gathering info to make one?

MaspethHillbilly said...

@" Who is going to ride a bike up these hills never the less walk these hills to 69 street to catch a bus"

Yeah, the walk to 69th Street is so far. What is it, a whole 4 short blocks from 65 Place? And plenty of bikes ride up those hills.
The Q18 takes forever to get from Grand Ave and 69th St. to 50th and 65th place. You could walk there and back in the same time.

Anonymous said...

Make it look like you’re solving problems.
I fart and blow my nose in the general direction of the MTA!

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