Friday, February 4, 2022

City to homeless familes: pound sand


Photo by JQ LLC


Three in four applications by families seeking homeless shelter got rejected last year — the most since the Department of Homeless Services started disclosing numbers a decade ago.

Families and shelter providers describe an arduous eligibility review process that became even more unnavigable during the pandemic. The state’s public assistance agency is seeing a surge in families appealing their rejections — and a record number of cases reversing DHS decisions, ordering the city to provide families with shelter or reevaluate applications.

“The city has made it virtually impossible to get into a family shelter,” said Craig Hughes, a senior social worker at the Urban Justice Center’s Safety Net Project.

It took seven attempts for Ms. D and her family to get approved for shelter, which only happened after a lawyer got involved, she told THE CITY.

Ms. D, her fiancé and their 1-year-old daughter had their application repeatedly rejected starting in July because DHS investigators concluded that the family still had housing options available and could return to their previous residence — the home of her soon-to-be mother-in-law, who had already demanded they leave.

“We told them numerous times that the person don’t want us here. The person kicked us out and there were threats involved,” said Ms. D, 27, who asked to remain anonymous. “And they still denied us.”

Like thousands of other families from all five boroughs, the Manhattan couple and their daughter made their way to the Department of Homeless Services’ Prevention Assistance and Temporary Housing (PATH) intake center on 151st Street in The Bronx, where families obtain an emergency placement while their applications are investigated.

From a pool averaging about 2,000 applications a month from families seeking shelter in 2021, just 24% were accepted, according to DHS figures.

After years of hovering between 40% and 50%, the share of applications accepted began to decline during the pandemic, with 34% admitted in an average month during 2020, down from 40% two years ago.


Anonymous said...

Gentrification and evictions run rampant yet no permanent solutions to help the poor.
Poor potatoes are just as bright and talented as white potatoes.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women are created, by the, you know the thing." Boe Hiden

Anonymous said...

The rent is quite simply too damn high.

Anonymous said...

Lets translate:
"Her soon-to-be mother-in-law, who had already demanded they leave"
Mother knows something bad up, could include drugs, booze, mother-in-law is sick and tired of the bullshit. Doesn't want them establishing residency that will lead to a lifetime of problems and years of housing court to get them out.

"said Ms. D, 27, who asked to remain anonymous"
This says it all.
Likely an illegal or criminal with a warrant using a fake name who came to this country already pregnant to drop anchor, the kids not even the boyfriends, wants to marry to get free stuff and services. Mother in law knows all the scams and all of this.

Homeless Services should be for our own citizens and those who really need it.
Our own people need to come first, these freeloaders need to go back to their home country's.
I seen how many of these Central American and Asian woman work, they drop a baby here then search for the first sucker to marry them. Target and spread legs for some poor ugly homely ass kisser who cant do any better and make him a slave.
Especially these woman from Dominica and Central America ---Holy shit !!! Those woman literally treat the men they are with as 100% ownership 18th century slaves with the temperament of 2 year olds.

The potential future mother-in-law is right with "F_ this get outta my house" don't want problems

NPC_translator said...

Remember when Liberals used to rant about "root causes"? They never do anymore, but one ought to look at the "root cause" of the NYC housing problem. And a big fat part of it is "illegal immigration." Guesses range from 800K to 1.2M illegals in the NYC area. That's a whole lot of housing, no?

And of course, with President Crash Test Dummy leaving the borders wide, wide, WIDE open, and stealthily flying invaders all around the country at night, the sitch is only going to get worse and worse. Imagine if you could snap your fingers and remove a million people from NYC. No more housing problem!

It'll never happen.

Anonymous said...

I want to know how many of these homeless families are actually from ny. If they aren't from ny, then they should be shipped back to their own home states or countries and let them find housing there. Also, I dont understand how the government can manage to find houses for afghans who come here but can't even find a fucking way to house all the homeless veterans on our streets. The government is so fucked up in this country its fucking sad.

Anonymous said...

Nice pic JQ !

Anonymous said...

I can’t even believe how crazy NYC has become.

Anonymous said...

The irony of us needing border security and the president focuses on someone else’s border.
Let's Go Brandon !

Anonymous said...

"I want to know how many of these homeless families are actually from NY"

Most of them, and most the nut jobs also ---They are not ours !!
I noticed whenever a crazy panhandling Spiderman, naked woman, turnstile jumper drunk or junkie was getting arrested in Times Square they all showed out of state IDs and every stupid odd accent wile arguing with the police.
With NYC running out of $$$ for free stuff and COVID eviction protection lifted I think many will be leaving. It will be a start but not enough.
The Sanctuary city policy needs to be lifted to stop more from coming.

Disgruntled Citizen said...

I prefer a white potato over a poor potato any day of the week.
Yup anchor baby racket going strong.
Now let’s talk about the Museum of Natural History living exhibit diorama under the 46th Street/Bliss Subway #7 train station. What we have here is a non American citizen- hence illegal alien tweaker meth head who collects all the garbage in the neighborhood. Her five or six boyfriends and all their garbage sleeping on Matress’s while nearby they urinate & defecate. Why has this public health hazard allowed to continue during a pandemic when every homeless person was given FREE hotel rooms? Why? I’m going to put up a fence, charge admission and call it The Non Petting Zoo of Urban Mammals

Anonymous said...

Americans must ask themselves, is this loyalty to the Democratic Party worth it?

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