Monday, February 7, 2022

Caption Adams At An Italian Open Restaurant


Tell NYC Council how you feel about the shanties and your former parking spaces.


NPC_translator said...

Vegan salamander prepares to eat bugs.

Anonymous said...

He is vegan. Eats fish. Calls white people cracker.
Soon he will be eating bugs, worms as Klaus Schwab wants the rest of the world on a Build Back Better - Great Reset diet.
How many trips did you take o WEF's NYC office, Eric?
Do tell.

Disgruntled Citizen said...

Look I don’t want to be here either but the Overlords want us to keep up with the Plannedemic dog and pony show cos the little people are easier to control when they’re muzzled with masks.

Disgruntled Citizen said...

God dammit! I know there’s rat shit on the table and four rats just ran under it, but would it kill ya to smile for the camera? A lot of those unemployed Poli Sci majors would love to have your job.

Nearsighted Neighbor of Red Headed Step Chile said...

But Eric, the anti depressants I’m on make me fart a lot. Actually I’m on them because of you.

Red Headed Step Chile said...

But, Eric, why do I have to sit next to the white girl? What did I do to you to deserve this privilege?

Disgruntled Citizen said...

If I’m not eating meat in front of the cameras none of y’all better
Not get meatballs. Yeah I went to that wack job cult in Kweens vegetarian
Restaurant. None of y’all told me their guru was a con man rapist. And he lied
About being a vegetarian too,

Toppo Gigio said...

But Eric You said I could sit next to you this time. How come he gets to
Sit next to you? He’s not even Italian, he’s black.

Anonymous said...

"Damn it - why did I leave my Covid pass at home..."

Anonymous said...

ron s said...
I'm was so inspired by his Vegan story that I tried veganism for myself. Guess what I like it.

Anonymous said...

Where did yo get that Mao jacket Eric?

Anonymous said...

Shanty City, Shanty Mayor

Anonymous said...

I ain't no Cracker, but I'm damn sure an Oreo!

Anonymous said...

"Which one of us is Fredo?"

Anonymous said...

But, Eric, why do I have to sit next to the white girl?

His dream came through.

Anonymous said...

Try the veal. Best in town.

Anonymous said...

At least they’ll be no loud mouth Trumpanzees out here.

Anonymous said...

"I wonder if there are any Queens Karen's about ?"

Anonymous said...

I have stated this before (ad nauseam), and here I say it again:

QUARANTINE is when you restrict the movement of sick people; tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.

CENSORSHIP is the propaganda tool that is employed when the lie loses ALL of its power and control. Hence: ❝Anarchy doesn't mean 'out of control'; it means out of THEIR control.❞ ——Jim Dodge

❝Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure.❞ ——Robert Le Favre

❝A nation of sheep soon begets a government of wolves.❞ ——Edward R. Murrow

❝Everything the state says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen.❞ ——Friedrich Nietzsche

❝Learn to disobey immoral orders. Otherwise, you reinforce oppression and tyranny.❞ ——Richard C. IRITANO

❝Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. They got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying. Lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I’ll tell you what they don’t want. They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. That’s against their interests. That’s right.❞ ——George Carlin

❝Sooner or later the people in this country are going to realize: The government does not give a fuck about them. The government doesn’t care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare, or your safety. It simply doesn’t give a fuck about you. It’s interested in its own power. That’s the only thing keeping it and expanding it wherever possible.❞ ——George Carlin


❝The idiots take over in the final days of crumbling civilizations. Idiot generals wage endless, unwinnable wars that bankrupt the nation. Idiot economists call for reducing taxes for corporations and the rich, while cutting social service programs for the poor. They project economic growth on the basis of myth. Idiot industrialists poison the water, the soil and the air, slash jobs and depress wages. Idiot bankers gamble on self-created financial bubbles. Idiot journalists and public intellectuals pretend that despotism is democracy. Idiot intelligence operatives orchestrate the overthrow of foreign governments to create lawless enclaves that give rise to enraged fanatics. Idiot professors, 'experts,' and 'specialists' busy themselves with unintelligible jargon and arcane theory that buttresses the policies of the rulers. Idiot entertainers and producers create lurid spectacles of sex, gore and fantasy.

There is a familiar checklist for extinction and we are ticking off every item on it.

The idiots know only one word—'more.' They are unencumbered by common sense. They hoard wealth and resources until workers cannot make a living and the infrastructure collapses. They live in privileged compounds. They see the state as a projection of their vanity. The Roman, Mayan, French, Habsburg, Ottoman, Romanov, Wilhelmine, Pahlavi and Soviet dynasties ALL crumbled because of the audacious whims and intolerant extremist obsessions of ruling idiots, ALL of whom SO ORDERED laws that they created to willfully exploit society to obscenely enrich themselves by UNJUST ENRICHMENT.❞ —Excerpt from America: 'The Farewell Tour,' Chris Hedges

JQ LLC said...


Wow, didn't know the Mayor had this much on his mind.

Seriously, this is a caption contest thread, why all the quotations?

Don't ever complain when somebody calls you out on it here or even calls you a name, considering the names you call elected officials and enablers of corruption while also being anonymous. Other regular commentators here get dissed all the time, why do you warrant such exclusivity and demands to censor them since you are condemning censorship?

Word of advice, posting the same quotes over and over and over again loses their collective profundity.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cracka says I'm gonna get me a cracka woman while eating kielbasa vegan style of course.

Anonymous said...

The "Quotation Drone" a.k.a the "CCP" drone or "Commie Drone" is a typical right wing SnowFlake.

He/She/It dishes out insults daily, then cries to the moderator when he gets it back.
What a baby!

Anonymous said...



JQ, I am puzzled and flummoxed by your latest complaint. We, the People, the overburdened, overwhelmed, ravaged taxpayers have every right to excoriate, vilify and denounce all corrupt and filthy politicans——the same, cradle-to-grave, womb-to-tomb, monstrously failed political hacks who've incentivized crime, and turned New York City and New York State into 'The TURD World' of AMERIZUELA, which is the reason why ALL of the (mostly white) American middle class have fled and bolted to SANE and economically stable places like Florida, the Carolinas and anywhere far away from this hostile, toxic environment that has so completely betrayed all pretense of public trust, with impunity.

And, if I have the right to free speech, then I also have the right to impart historic quotations to reinforce my argument, even if they are repeated (for emphasis added), which appears to annoy and offend a few misanthropes——but not, ironically, the serial offenses by career, corporate obedient politiicans who inspire the relevant quotes to begin with! Lately, all that is left here is a selectively caustic 'pen' of mouthy malcontents who are misdirecting their anger NOT at the politically failed leadership (that has never led by example), but on all others who comment, which creates automatically misdirected fear and paralysis in an attempt to anonymously bully and intimidate the free speech of others, thereby shooting the messenger.

Further, your visceral, sanguine audience still contiues to oddly revel in feeding off of attacking the comments of others on this poorly supervised blog site, especially when you allow and legitimize bullies to take over——with your blessing and consent. Frankly, I've never witnessed a more willing and complicit administrator like you, who complains about my right to free speech when I publicly denounce whatever offensive, corrupt and abusive politician du jour that is totally justified by me to demand accountability, on topic or otherwise, because of their continual acts to destroy quality of life for ALL living things, yet you have liberally allowed a hostile environment to prevail and propagate by a minority of anonymously protected, misanthropic instigators whose willful abuse of THEIR powers can only be sanctioined by someone at the top who is looking the other way——exactly like how all filthy, protected politicians THEMSELVES misbehave like.

There is a big difference then, between accountable, civic minded posts that I have always endeavored to speak truth to power, that have never aribrushed reality, and always challenged authority (for the good and welfare of ALL humankind), versus the overt and willful bullying tactics that you have tacitly allowed to routinely take over an inordinate amount of threaded content, by an angry mob of people who have continually abused this blog to settle personal scores, vendettas, and an overall pointless, nastiness to arbitrarily pit one against the other for the sake of self-righteous grandeur, egosim, sadism, and outright sociopathy.

/continued ... 2

Anonymous said...


Hence, I have never advocated for exclusivity, JQ, only civil discourse, some modicum of fairness, and online etiquette among all commenters. Politicians have destroyed the very way of life for millions of people in this entire state, with impunity, which now resembles an abandoned, 'Gattica-esque' movie set, where people are actually afraid to leave their homes past a certain hour (and even terrified to walk outside in broad daylight!), which is why I never give any and all derelict public servants a free pass (many of whom deserve to be remanded to long term incarceration, and seriously fined for their public crimes of corruption).

So, if you really want to banish unacceptable behavior over your online empire——then start the new year of 2022 right with an immediate disclaimer that strictly maintains and enforces the removal of anyone who starts to attack anyone else because of personal, pejorative reasons, and to keep the target NOT on the aggrieved, overtaxed residents (who seek refuge and safety online to speak freely without retribution), but on the unchallenged, loose cannon fringe of abusive instigators who continue to mar the integrity of the very reason for why this blog site was created in the first place.

In the end, you've always had the power to lead by example. Kindly enforce policy for the betterment of keeping your model credible and intact.

Anonymous said...

Plant based ass!
Bring on the peppers and the sazeecha!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear JQ:

On Wednesday, February 9, 2022, you posted your reply about my recent post above (that called out all politicians and their enablers) that I punctuated with rightfully justified lampooning, jabs, hostility and contempt. But you haven't posted my reply, which deserves to be posted in order for First Amendments rights to prevail. That's how freedom of speech works——that's WHY it works. In fact, it is obvious that certain, anonymous handles on this thread don't like to hear what I have to say——but that doesn't mean that I am wrong. Case in point: Look at what is happening at the Canadian border as we speak. Angry American and Canadian citizens have had to resort to drastic measures to ensure that democracy and Constitutional rights are heard and enforced. But, what do government hacks do (instead of solving the problem by letting freedom prevail), they 'Attack And Retreat,' and 'Accuse And Evade.' Kindly post my reply (without prejudice), and abstain from reinforcing these ineffective, dehumanizng government tactics that have continually destroyed public trust, as the administrator of QUEENS Crap, because freedom and democracy will always matter, no matter what. So, for EMPHASIS ADDED:

❝If Liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.❞ ——George Orwell

❝He who dares not offend cannot be honest.❞ ——Thomas Paine

❝The oppressor would not be so strong if he did not have accomplices among the oppressed themselves.❞ ——Simone de Beauvoir

❝Nobody in the world, nobody in history has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them.❞ ——Assata Shakur

❝First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you——then you win.❞ ——Mahatma Gandhi

❝Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state becomes lawless and corrupt.❞ ——Mahatma Gandhi

Quotations don't kill democracy and freedom, JQ——politicians and their blind faith-and-duped victims do!

P. S. On who's side are you figting for freedom, justice, truth, facts, evidence and proof? Isn't that why this blog site exists, for all subscribers to have an uncensored voice that otherwise wouldn't exist in city government because of entrenched, tone deaf politicians?

Anonymous said...

Good Lord!
Brevity, please!
These long winded pontifications....leave us bored at the very least. Wanna write a PHD dissertation? Then turn it in to your professor!!!! This is a blog site , Bubba!

I think I’m getting an Exedrin headache!

Anonymous said...

Will he order vegan?

Anonymous said...

"Waiter! There's a Quotation Drone in my water!"

JQ LLC said...

@"Anon" re: part one and two.

This is crappy's blog and I'm the admin. And as the admin I didn't want a long list of quotations that you keep posting over and over again to ruin the thread, which you have ruined here in spades, it has nothing to do with the messages, most of them which I agree with. Especially the ones by Chris Hedges. It has nothing,N-O-T-H-I-N-G to do with oppressing you or anything you compared your self-made plight with. You are also posting anonymously so any claim you're being attacked personally is baseless and ludicrous.

You want to suppress opinions you don't like and petty insults that wouldn't make a 5 year-old child cry, go run your own fucking blog. From now on, just cope with people's criticisms make comeback lines or brush it off like an adult, because you don't get to set policy and fabricate claims of disenfranchisement and repression here. From now on, nothing gets suppressed unless it's really provocative, like your two comments you sent that had vile racial slurs to describe Black elected officials.

And this thread is now closed.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Just WOW! One brainless idiot decries 'CENSORSHIP' (what irony, given the attacks against MY free speech). Another hapless misfit is having an Excedrin headache after lathering itself up in yet nother venomous attack on free speech. Another witless misfit claims that there is a drone in his water (get a new, actually funny joke book, busker!). And another illiterate calls me 'Commie Drone' and a typical right wing SnowFlake [sic], followed by a factually false statement that rabidly barks: ❝He/She/It dishes out insults daily, then cries to the moderator when he gets it back. What a baby❞ (the insults and jabs were always directed at the corrupt, on topic politicians——not fellow commenters——until THEY started to personalize their attacks against a single, unjustified target: ME!

It's too easy for a filthy politician to rake in his graft in this easily distracted town of online bullying and harassment (which is a mob enabled form of censorship of a different kind that destroys free speech). Meanwhile, am I the only one to notice the massive, red, white and blue dildo up everyone's Queens County Shanty Town's ass? Ahh, those lethal words and quotations with whom the Queens peons and peasants are so fired up over——not the big politically motivated, oppressive dick up their tight asses. Who knew that a string of harmless, meaningful words composed by a virtual stranger could spark a witch hunt heretic style attack on free speech. They COULD have scrolled on and respected First Amendment rihts the way I respect their counterproductive attempts at political humor. But, no, they made it off target and personal!

So, what new and sadistic heights of sabotage are up next, JQ (and your single-digit IQ following of mangy sewer rats)? A book burning party in front of QUEENS Boro Hall——à la 'Fahrenheit 451?'

❝The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.❞ ——Marcus Aurelius

❝Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking—so as not to offend the imbeciles.❞ ——Dostoevsky

JQ LLC said...

Didn't I say this thread was closed? And this is what you think of the residents of Queens?

And since you asked, you know I'm not responsible for what people write on here and you don't get any exemption from insults from other commentators. Especially adter the malignant condemnations you wrote and are published here now. There is no distinction between petty insults against you or others and the insults to politicians that are covered here. In fact, your recent comments insulting politicians, other commentators and me just got published on recent post too.

You don't like it don't read this anymore. And since you think you're being bullied, I request that you cease your personal attacks against me, because I won't be bullied by one reader to change how this blog is being run. And leave Crappy alone too.

And to other readers, I have to advise you all to show a little more decorum. Because google is tone policing real hard and certain words about races and sexual orientations are leading to sites getting flagged and even shut down. I saw a recent article in World Net Daily saying they haven't been able to post comments because of it. If it were up to me I put up your comments with these tropes and let you deal with the onslaught of counterpoints.

Once again,this thread is closed. Permanently

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