Friday, November 12, 2021

Moya the enabler

  New York City Francisco Moya (D-Queens)

NY Daily News

 Queens Councilman Francisco Moya is one of several members of the city’s legislative body vying to become its next speaker, but his record when it comes to sexual harassment could prove to be a non-starter for some — especially given the fact that the 51-member Council will include more than 30 women lawmakers next year.

 The harassment I went through at NYCFC was so bad that now the idea of professional sports terrifies me. Staying in the field of athletics terrifies me,” the intern, Skyler Badillo, tweeted on July 17, 2020. “I thought I was getting the opportunity of a life time when I got that internship. What I got was David Villa touching me every f---ing day and my bosses thinking it was great comedic material.”

Villa, who helped Spain to its only World Cup victory in 2010 and retired in 2019, denied the accusations, saying at the time that they were “entirely false.” But without mentioning Villa by name, NYCFC later found that such conduct did, in fact, take place.

One incoming Councilwoman said his silence does not inspire confidence.

“This is part of why there’s a renewed push to have a woman — and specifically a woman of color — at the helm,” she said.

Among those Moya is facing in the Speaker’s race are Council members Adrienne Adams, Carlina Rivera, Diana Ayala, Justin Brannan and Keith Powers.

When asked about his silence on Villa, Moya claimed on Monday that he barely knew the retired striker.

“I have not spoken to David Villa in years. And I intentionally ran against convicted sexual assaulter, Hiram Monserrate, to prevent him from serving my community,” Moya said, referring to the former lawmaker who was ejected from the state Senate in 2010 after being caught on tape dragging his then-girlfriend by the hair. “This is a transparent effort to take down a Latino frontrunner for speaker. I thought that we had moved beyond this kind of despicable politics in our city.”

But, as Moya tries to court the support of fellow Council members who’ll vote to choose their next Speaker after the New Year, his record from years earlier in the state Assembly could come back to haunt him as well.

In 2013, after the state’s Joint Commission on Public Ethics found that then-Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver attempted to cover up sexual harassment charges against the now-deceased and disgraced ex-Assemblyman Vito Lopez, Moya circulated a letter within the body’s powerful Black, Hispanic and Puerto Rican caucus defending Silver.

“He’s really pushed and pushed the progressive agenda when the Senate hasn’t done anything and the governor’s been silent,” Moya said at the time.



NPC_translator said...

“This is part of why there’s a renewed push to have a woman — and specifically a woman of color — at the helm,” she said.

Surely, what could be more important than that?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

he is scum

Anonymous said...

The women of color are going against the Latino! If you ain't black you ain't a POC (?)

Anonymous said...

Story was clearly a hit piece planted by a rival who is friendly with the reporter or publication.

Anonymous said...

@Surely, what could be more important than that?

Like having someone qualified at the helm, regardless of anything else. maybe?

Anonymous said...

Whitey has no chance. Get out while you still can.
It's all whiteys fault.

Anonymous said...


The real problem is why anyone of any color would invest their time, faith and trust in politicians (not public servants), all of whom devalue honesty itself, and all of whom betray all pretense of public trust, ethics, integrity, accountability and transparency with impunity.

This ancient, Babylonian 'Empire-Racket' is about to implode because if anyone needs any more proof of these voracious, predatory and rapacious thieves' epic government, humanitarian, ecological, fiscal fail, then just look at how THEY live, WHERE they live and how exalted they are, versus where their ever languishing, mostly poor and disenfranchised constituencies are forced to live. Then, once you've taken in all of that government paycheck collecting fraud and sociopathy, then make it a point to never vote again because all of that PRIVATE SPLENDOR (on your dime) is what you continually vote to reinforce, as you hasten your OWN demise——forgotten in PUBLIC SQUALOR!

❝You can't get rich in politics unless your're a crook.❞ ——Harry S. Truman (Truman most likely was deflecting from his OWN corruption, graft and greed. Now, today the quotation should correctly maintain: 'You can't be an elected politician unless you're a crook.')

❝The gentle art of politics is getting votes from the poor, and campaign funds from the rich——by promising to protect EACH from the OTHER.❞ ——Oscar Ameringer

❝Voting gives consent to profound, political criminals to continue to fleece all of you politically indoctrinated 'SHEEPLE' like human cattle——ALL the way to the bloody red gates of the abattoir. You DO NOT have to be livestock for criminals and archaic, party-machine-failed cults AND government-entrenched Mafia crime family rings. Nobody ever CHANGED the MAFIA—by JOINING IT!❞ ——Anonymous

❝Voting has become a farce, if indeed it was ever anything else. By voting, the people decide only which of the oligarchs pre-selected for them as viable candidates will wield the whip used to flog them and will command the legion of willing accomplices who perpetrate the countless violations of the people's natural rights.❞ —―Robert Higgs

❝Voting is not an act of political freedom. It is an act of political conformity. Those who refuse to vote are not expressing silence. They are screaming in the politician's ear: 'You do not represent me. This is not a process in which my voice matters. I do not believe you.'❞ ——Wendy McElroy

❝The political system, as many Bernie Sanders supporters are about to discover, is immune to reform. The only effective resistance will be achieved through acts of sustained, mass civil disobedience. the Democrats, like the Republicans, have no intention of halting the assault on our civil liberties, the expansion of imperial wars, the coddling of Wall Street, the destruction of the ecosystem by the fossil fuel industry and the impoverishment of workers. As long as the Democrats and the Republicans remain in power, we are doomed.❞ ——Chris Hedges

Anonymous said...

"“This is a transparent effort to take down a Latino frontrunner for speaker. I thought that we had moved beyond this kind of despicable politics in our city.”

And yet here he (Moya) is doing just what he complains about

Anonymous said...

@"Whitey has no chance. Get out while you still can"

Why don't you get out you communist !

Anonymous said...


❝The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth, or to evade truth—not to reveal it.❞ ——John Kenneth Galbraith

❝Governments in capitalist society are but committees of the rich to manage the affairs of the capitalist class.❞ ——James Connolly

❝Laws are created to be followed by the poor. Laws are created by the rich to bring some order to exploitation of the poor. The poor are the only law-abiders in history. When the poor make laws—the rich will be no more.❞ ——Roque Dalton García (1974)

❝It’s ridiculous to talk about freedom in a society dominated by huge corporations. What kind of freedom is there inside a corporation? They’re totalitarian institutions——you take orders from above, and maybe give them to people below you. There’s about as much freedom as under Stalinism.❞ ——Noam Chomsky

❝The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way—and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.❞ ——Frank Zappa

❝The system cannot be fixed by the system.❞ ——Tom Morello

Anonymous said...

@"Whitey has no chance. Get out while you still can"

The woke left Libturds can't handle anyone with a different opinion. Let's go Brandon!

Anonymous said...

It’s not the weekend without the quotation drone.

Anonymous said...

I see the Quotation Drone is quoting some well known communists too. And I thought he was a right wing nut all along.

Anonymous said...

@And I thought he was a right wing nut all along.

You thought you farted, but you shitted in your pants.
Let's go Brandon!

Anonymous said...

To the last two Anonymous, irrelevant cowards: What delicious irony to hear two blue collar, wage slave drones who didn't bother to attend college even attempt to talk trash about someone who actually got his JD from Yale University. And, that was AFTER receiving two Master's degrees in business and education. But, go ahead worker drones: Keep tossing your shit around like two wild Chimpanzees about to be lobotomized for lab research. Right now, your both serious embarrassments to primates!

Anonymous said...

To the last two Anonymous, irrelevant cowards: What delicious irony to hear two blue collar, wage slave drones who didn't bother to attend college even attempt to talk trash about someone who actually got his JD from Yale University. And, that was AFTER receiving two Master's degrees in business and education. But, go ahead worker drones: Keep tossing your shit around like two wild Chimpanzees about to be lobotomized for lab research. Right now, your both serious embarrassments to primates!

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