Thursday, July 8, 2021

#JuanAnon post mortem

Yesterday we saw Borough President Donovan Richards expose himself as a sore winner. Today, let's highlight a sore loser.

This was published on social media after the June 22nd election by 30th District City Council candidate Juan Ardila:
Well first off, it looks like Holden absolutely slayed you in the absentee ballot count because his lead over you grew to more than 900 votes from 541:
Middle Village receives the most resources? What proof is there of that? Maybe you can point us to where you found this evidence so this injustice can be corrected. Or maybe you're saying this because you don't know where the district actually begins and ends...

Now, if by "failing to reach these voters in a meaningful way" you mean you marched through their neighborhood with a bunch of out-of-district gentrifiers so you could scream "racism" after your opponent introduced legislation to repeal an unconstitutional law, you'd be correct. That's a really big reason why you lost, along with cheering on the ripping of American flags off houses. It also didn't help that you enlisted snarky gentrifier bros to run your campaign and they expressed repeated disdain for older home-owners who have lived there for decades. The most avoidable mistake was your campaign manager sending out a fact-challenged email expressing support for noise. If you had been paying any kind of attention, you would have realized this was the number one quality of life issue throughout Queens for most of the spring.

Blaming your loss on gerrymandering is a stretch because the last redistricting was approved by the Dept of Justice during the Obama administration. (Literally the commission drew the lines the current way to protect the interests of Latinos in neighboring districts because so many gentrifiers moved into Bushwick.) Saying the will of 90% of the people is being ignored is an obvious falsehood since more people district-wide voted for the other guy.

Also, it goes without saying that crying discrimination when you have racist, sexist and homophobic crap on your own social media makes you look like a big hypocrite. When no one has ever heard of you, that's a pretty rough way to introduce yourself to the electorate.

But what probably brought it home for Holden was your complete silence on vandalism at the church that many in the district are members of (including you), the defacement of the Queens Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and repeated attacks on the Asian community who naturally backed Holden in large numbers. The incumbent outshined you on every issue in the last few weeks of the campaign - and got legislation passed, to boot - while you were busy taking selfies.

But, hey, it's not all doom and gloom. Your former boss, Brad Pander, is probably hiring.


Anonymous said...

I can sum this up: The dude ran a divisive campaign and made it clear he would not represent anyone who was not Latino. Good riddance.

JQ LLC said...

Not really that simple, a lot of White hipsters have moved into that district, and not just Ridgewood but in Woodside, who are trying to turn 34th Avenue all the way into Jackson heights into a playground for themselves.

Anonymous said...

It is funny when far left candidates invent excuses for losing. Jaslin Kaur did the same thing in D23.

Anonymous said...

Jackson Heights is next for gentrification. The only hope Middle Village has is being redistricted into the 29th CD.

Anonymous said...

JQ: White hipsters with white guilt are perfectly fine voting for a candidate who represents only minorities. They consider it reparations. Have a chat with any of them and it's abundantly clear that they are embarrassed about where they came from, who their parents are and believe that because of structural racism whites need to be punished. In the meantime thee average white middle/working class voter is worried about day to day issues like safety and improving schools.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

JQ: White hipsters with white guilt are perfectly fine voting for a candidate who represents only minorities. They consider it reparations. Have a chat with any of them and it's abundantly clear that they are embarrassed about where they came from, who their parents are and believe that because of structural racism whites need to be punished. In the meantime thee average white middle/working class voter is worried about day to day issues like safety and improving schools.

And you know what the funnier thing about that is? Is that most of them have never had a friend outside of their race before in their entire lives or have never dated outside their race before either. When these idiot kids were asked where they would want to live in if they move out of the usa, they respond "someplace in Europe". As if Europe isn't made up of mostly white people and has little to no "diversity" there but yet they are the ones who are crying about whites being racists here in America. Most countries in the world do not have a "clean history". Hate to burst the "woke" idiots bubbles but they are the most racist people. The "woke" movement and the defund the police crap is a push by idiot "woke" white people who need to learn world history. I knew the younger generation of kids would turn out to be uneducated morons who do nothing but listen to the internet all day long and can't formulate their own opinions by themselves. Most working class minorities do not support "woke" crap or defunding the police, they support holding the insane cops accountable more, but they do not want to defund them.

Anonymous said...

i don't like either of them , but this was actually close. Holden should have had a larger lead.

Anonymous said...

That scumbag Ardila did too well in Dist. 30. He needs to get the fuck out and will most likely move to another district and try to fuck that up....

Unknown said...

I don't support candidates with out of districts gentrifer bros. community before bros

Anonymous said...

The biggest problem is that people didn't VOTE.

georgetheatheist said...

JQ, your comment above (2nd one down): you used a capital "W' in "White". Very interesting. Intentional?

Anonymous said...

"I don't like either of them, but this was actually close. Holden should have had a larger lead."

Primary turnout in Ridgewood doubled from four years ago. In the rest of the district, it increased by less than fifty percent. So they really turned out Ridgewood hipsters and Latinos. Juan's entire campaign strategy was completely obvious from the beginning.

Remember that Juan had a bunch of big unions supporting him. They know how to get supporters to show up at the polls and they have money. The hotel workers unions are the ones who funded de Blasio's presidential run. So was never going to be easy for Holden.

This was an off year primary not a general election. The progressive wing of the Democratic Party has an advantage over moderates, because they're fanatical about electing socialists. So they show up to vote, hoping no one else does. And only about 25% of Democrats voted in the recent NYC primary. Holden did well considering the circumstances.

Queens Crapper said...

Well then in 2 years Holden may be in trouble, Because NO ONE except socialists is going to vote when no big race is in play.

Anonymous said...

Bob Holden has done more for his district in one week then this progressive, racist,homophobic dipshit has accomplished in his lifetime. Just go away you fucking whinning loser and take the rest of the granola eating dipshits with you.

Anonymous said...

Good point Crapper--this election was for the newer DSA losers to get their names out, so in two years, putrid turnout will send them to the Council.

Anonymous said...

Queens Crapper:

All City Council districts are being redistricted before 2023. District 34 takes in part of Ridgewood, Bushwick, Williamsburg. That’s represented currently by Reynoso, next Brooklyn BP. Depending on the Census data, they may grab all of Ridgewood and Liberty Park if they want to keep a Latino majority. Because there are so few left in south Williamsburg.

Holden’s district could shift to take in more of Woodside, like Big 6, or move east to absorb some of Rego Park. There’s a part of eastern Middle Village that’s part of CD29, so that could be reabsorbed. All really depends on Census data. If his district goes north or east, it’ll become more Chinese immigrant, who overall do not vote for the new Communists for obvious reasons. Also got Bukharan Jews in Rego Park. So there’s much in flux.

Holden was elected in 2017, another off year election, but won the general election after losing the primary. So local issues like the mega homeless shelters can drive voter turnout. Another variable is the constitutional amendment in NY in November allowing no excuse absentee voting, If it passes, it can be a big tool to drive up voter turnout.

With Holden being term limited after 2023, the Far Left may decide not to primary him and focus their efforts in other districts. Because running a candidate costs so much time and money.

Anonymous said...

If the far left primaries Holden in 2023 and succeeds, then the far left candidate can run for reelection in 2025 and 2029 and serve 10 years rather than 8 years.

Anonymous said...

But the far left would also have to win the general election if they primary Holden. Eventhough Democrats outnumber Republicans, many voters are unaffiliated. And many Democrats in that area run moderate to conservative because they’re homeowners with families. Holden proved once he could win using Republican, Conservative and his own ballot line to rack up enough votes to win - NY fusion voting.

And sitting council members shouldn’t presume they’ll win re-election, Remember Liz Crowley. And this year, Alicka Ampry-Samuel lost her primary to former council member Darlene Mealy. If Holden lost in 2023, he could run again in 2025. If he won in 2025, he could run for re-election in 2029. Term limits law only requires a break between continuous 8 or 10 year periods on the council. Just look at Avella, Gennaro, and Charles Barron.

JQ LLC said...

@GTA re: caps

Yes it was. Whoop dee doo

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