Saturday, May 29, 2021

Little Guyana gets a destination street sign


Nice maskless cluster going on there de Blasio, considering that other communities couldn't have memorial day parades because of continuing pandemic guidelines. Talk about not being seen. 



 Update: Looks like PIX is also engaging in shadowbanning me. They took down the original upload and put up a new one and wiped out all my comments.


Anonymous said...

Richmond Hill was a nice place before they moved in and subdivided the old houses and over crowded and turned it in to a third world shithole like their home country

Anonymous said...

The honorary street naming thing has completely gotten out of control in the city. Too many streets have 2 names. A street should have one name, period. When you go somewhere in the city you are unfamiliar with, its sometimes hard to know which name is the "real" street name and which one is the secondary name.

They should at least use a different color street name sign for this (like other cities I have been to do). Its really ridiculous when the street name sign is missing for the regular name, and only the secondary name sign is there. It's a complete hazard how they do this in the city.

Anonymous said...

Is this not a slur against Italian Americans?

Anonymous said...

The laws for New York City illegal conversions have never been enforced. Fire marshals were never allowed to demand entry into illegally converted homes, and have to wait until someone answers the door and gives them permission to enter. What kind of policy enforcement is THIS? The easiest way to demand entry is to research how many single family homes have more than one electric meter on the outside, and how many satellite eyesore dishes are mounted on one blighted property.

Then, a Buildings inspector AND fire marshal show up, buttressed by signed court orders to inspect the property, and issue 'Cease and Desist' stoppage orders and to vacate all illegal conversions, and/or write summonses to the serial offenders that require in-person court appearances, and ordering their tenants to be evicted since they are not legal tenants, anyway. If it happens again, then they forfeit their property or face serious jail time.

It's the ONLY way to halt the considerable damage that has illegally transformed Ozone Park, Richmond Hill and other southeastern neighborhood communities into Third World shanty towns. As usual, all of the feckless politicians who watched it all break out into shabby Third Worldism have retreated into deafening silence.

Ozone Park, in its present ghetto of lawlessness, makes hell look like heaven!

Anonymous said...

Why not name it "Sheeple Street"?

Anonymous said...

Funny how they are happy and proud to have renamed one of the dirtiest ,monotonous amount of stores that all sell the same crap. They have pride for a street sign but their houses look like third world slum houses with shiny fences or they keep garbage on their concreted front yards. Little guyana looks like shit the real guyana must look like a landfill to these people so this is an improvement 30 people or family as they call it living in a one family house lmao

Anonymous said...

False pride in a false narrative. Little Guyana is a bid to try to be relevant in an increasingly non-Guyanese neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

It just keeps getting better and better in this city. But YOU VOTED for this idiot! So ENJOY the downfall of nyc! The next mayor will probably change the name of new york city to "undocumented resident city". What a fucking shit show!

Anonymous said...

You all live in this shithole called New York City. And Why?

Anonymous said...

To the Anonymous person who said: "Why not name it 'Sheeple Street?'"

Why not name it what it looks like to white people with eyes (except color blind politicians like Big Shithead Bill de BLASS-hole): 'GUYANESE GHETTO GULAG!'

Anonymous said...

The Guyanese Ghettos of Ozone Park, South Ozone Park AND Richmond Hill make the slums of Calcutta, and the favellas of Brazil look like luxury resort towns——COMPLIMENTS of the ALL Black-staffed office of pathological liar, Khaleel Anderson, and the 'OTHER' two cradle-to-grave, government hacking congenital liars, Eric Ulrich, and bloated Jerkface Joe Addabbo, all three of whom deserve to be remanded to an Arctic prison for life! They are everything that betrays public service, with a vengeful impunity that remains unprecedented, to date.

P. S. Watch how an incompetent hustler like Khaleel Anderson swooped in to fill the vacuous assembly position of Michelle Titus (now a judge——seriously, stop laughing: Affirmative Action working hard to appoint minorities of no value). And, people are still wondering why white people are bolting from this Marxist, BLM-entrenched city of anarchist, corporate obedient stooges, faster than a meteor crashing to earth!

Anonymous said...

Their allowed to put up tents and turn a house into a religious center where they resident has been doing it for years and no one does anything for the person that been living in Richmond Hill Hill their whole life.Their being protected by the NYPD and it’s disgusting where they break laws noise codes left and right.These people really diminished the quality of life in this neighborhood and the complaints are left on deaf ears.

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