Monday, May 24, 2021

Jackson Heights residents are feuding with "friends" lobby over the city's "gold standard" open street


Is there anybody out there?

Queens Post

Two separate groups of Jackson Heights residents are ramping up efforts to see their different visions for 34th Avenue become reality.

While one is advocating for 34th Avenue to be transformed into a permanent park, the other is seeking to reduce current restrictions on vehicle traffic.

About 1.3 miles of 34th Avenue – as well as other streets throughout the city – are part of the city’s Open Streets program, which closes roadways to through traffic for pedestrian and cyclist use.

In April, the City Council passed legislation to make the Open Streets program permanent, which the mayor signed into law May 13.

On 34th Avenue, traffic is now restricted – from 69th Street to 78th Street and from 78th to Junction Boulevard from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. The setup, however, allows vehicles to use north- and south-bound streets that cross 34th Avenue.

The city’s Department of Transportation (DOT) called 34th Avenue the “gold standard” of the Open Streets program in a news release announcing that it had installed its 1,000th bike rack last week.

The racks were being put in the roadway on 34th Avenue and at 81st Street. Other bike parking has also been set up on the Open Street at 69th Street and 77th Street at Travers Park, a spokesperson for the agency said.

But the bike racks highlighted a divergence in residents’ opinions about the Open Street and traffic on the roadway. Some residents are advocating for the Open Street to be shorter and say that it is detrimental to those who drive—including delivery workers.

In a statement, the DOT said, “We will continue to gather feedback that we will consider as we develop design proposals for the future of the corridor.” The agency said it plans to present its findings to the community in June.

Some Jackson Heights residents want the city to take the pedestrian and cyclist thoroughfare a step further – and are advocating for 34th Avenue to be made into a permanent park.

The group – Friends of 34th Avenue Linear Park – created a petition for their proposal, which as of Wednesday had received about 1,600 signatures, said volunteer Josefina Bahamondes.

“The benefits that the linear park can bring into the neighborhood are immense,” she said. Bahamondes, who is an early childhood teacher, explained that if 34th Avenue became a park it would allow kids more space to play, which would help their development.

However, the avenue already has reduced vehicle access, according to another group of residents.

The group, called 34Compromise, said in a statement that the Open Street has made it more difficult for drivers, including delivery drivers dropping off homebound seniors, and has increased noise on the avenue.

“There are so many people and residents of the avenue that are not ok with the avenue as it is right now,” said Paola Peguero, a volunteer with the 34Compromise group. She also said she wished the bike racks on 81st Street had been installed on the sidewalk – instead of taking away two parking spaces.

The group started its own petition, which had more than 800 signatures as of Thursday morning.

The petition describes several adjustments that they believe “could make the situation better for everyone.”

 Grande iced coffee drinking cell phone addicts seem to like it.



Anonymous said...

Yep, the grande butt set with their oversized SUV’ s won’t be happy. Not with their Grande sense of entitlement, just because they own a car.

Anonymous said...

Soccer moms in SUVS need to walk more and save the planet !

Why do we import the 3rd world? said...

Nice Burka, what century do you live in?

Anonymous said...

It's almost like, Democrat politicians don't really care about their voters...

Nick Zieminski said...

if you include a link to one group's petition, it's only fair to include a link to the other side's, as well.

Deke DaSilva said...

The feuding sides of Jackson Heights residents reminds me of Henry Kissinger's comment on the Iran-Iraq war:

“It's a pity both sides can't lose."

Eric Cartman said...

This feud is similar to the South Park episode "Go God Go" in which the Unified Atheist League (UAL) battled the United Atheist Alliance (UAA) over who has the right answer to "the great question".

Life imitates art.

JQ LLC said...


I think the "other side" has been covered and represented enough since they got what they wanted and have the backing of four elected officials who are ignoring the group you are referring to. You think it's fair that residents, who have embraced the "open street" as well, would like to have some common sense and levity with this program?

Besides, there's a big park right there to drink coffee and look at your phone.


Quit that xenophobic b.s.

Anonymous said...

Crime is the most important issue in NYC right now !

Another Asian man pushed onto Queens subway tracks.

NYP "The suspect, who fled to the street, is described as a man between 20 and 30 years old, about 5 feet 11, last seen wearing a mask over his face and a black hooded sweater and black pants."
"Described as a man" Oh that helps ! If the suspect was (fill in the blank) would the NY Post report it ?

Anonymous said...

If more sheeple asked questions, it would force them to be more forthcoming.

Anonymous said...

This is a Gain of function of the streets.

Anonymous said...

We must protect the lambs.

Anonymous said...

Open Streets, bike lanes, community gardens - they sound nice, right? They are just tools of gentrification- the Jackson Heights Community Development Corporation used artists and musicians for their gentrification agenda.

Anonymous said...

Online petitions are worthless

Anonymous said...

When EVER will you 'Herd Mentality' types FINALLY learn your lesson? You keep investing in a model and scale that is a total devaluation of honesty itself! Don't you hobbled heifers have eyes and ears? It's PRIMARY SEASON, 'SHEEPLE,' and the corporate obedient politicians (of epic government fail) are jockeying for your 'Useful Idiot' votes that endeavors to continually cement ALL political consent and legitimacy to an entrenched, hyper-corrupt, corporate obedient, establishment-rigged, DemonRat CULT (in New York City and New York State, anyway) that has NEVER STOPPED betraying ALL PRETENSE of public trust, ethics, integrity, ACCOUNTABILITY and TRANSPARENCY.

These voracious, predatory and yes, RAPACIOUS thieves (think 'CUOMIGULA'), and empowered, intolerant extremist, UNACCOUNTABLE idiots wouldn't spit on your collective gravesites! In fact, they show their venal contempt for you clueless boweavels every single day——and, by the hour!

So, instead of digging a deeper ditch by way of a centuries old, self-destructive formula of voting (which has proven to continually hasten YOUR demise) STOP VOTING! That way, when NO ONE shows up to cement their placement in the government sanctioned 'Death by the Installment Plan' (of cradle-to-grave AND womb-to-tomb taxes that FUND their VASTLY OVERPAID salaries that have NEVER been publicly authorized), then you can unilaterally STOP the HEMORRAGING of 'OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY,' namely: YOUR MONEY! The power has ALWAYS been from within We, the People.

ALAS, if you STILL trust government——then, you don't know history!

In conclusion: YOU'VE ALWAYS HAD THE POWER, You've Always Had The Power, you've always had the power ... Just say: 'NOT TODAY, SATAN!' IT WORKS!

❝A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years.❞ ——Lysander Spooner

❝Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.❞ ——George Carlin

❝It always amazes me how stupid people are.❞ ——Frank Zappa

❝No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.❞ ——Mark Twain

"You can fool ALL of the people SOME of the time, and if you do it just once--it lasts four years.❞ ——Alfred E. Neuman

❝You can't get rich in politics unless you're a crook.❞ ——Harry S. Truman
(Harry most likely was deflecting from his OWN graft. Today, the mantra should read: "You can't be an ELECTED OFFICIAL unless you're a crook——because ALL of them ARE, and they always HAVE BEEN!)

❝In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can be sure it was planned that way.❞ ——Franklin Delano Roosevelt

❝It's DANGEROUS to be right——when government is wrong.❞ ——Voltaire

❝It's difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.❞ ——Voltaire

❝I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if they knew they were slaves.❞ ——Harriet Tubman

❝The chains of habit are too light to be felt——until they are too heavy to be broken.❞ --Anonymous

❝The truth that survives is simply the lie that is pleasantest to believe.❞ ——H. L. Mencken

❝The truth will set you free——but, FIRST it will piss you off.❞ ——Gloria Steinem

❝The truth does not require your participation to exist. Bullshit does.❞ ——Terence McKenna

❝Anarchy doesn't mean 'out of control'; it means out of THEIR control.❞ ——Jim Dodge

Snake Plissskin said...

“It's a pity both sides can't lose."

"Snake Plissken : I don't give a fuck about your war... or your president.
Bob Hauk : Is that your answer?
Snake Plissken : I'm thinking about it.
Bob Hauk : Think hard.

Anonymous said...

Sheeple could this be the Green New Deal & Agenda 2030 ?

Anonymous said...

Move your families and tax dollars out of NYC if you live near there and don't like it.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the sheeple guy has been smoking too much of that grass. So much for grazing rights!

Anonymous said...

I did

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I meant: To third Anonymous FROM BOTTOM (in my last comment):

To third Anonymous FROM BOTTOM: Looks like one of City Hall's 'SHEEPLE' loves his indentured servitude. So much for civic rights, freedom and democracy you lazy 'Useful Idiot.'

❝ ... most men and women will grow up to love their servitude, and will never dream of revolution.❞ ——Aldous Huxley, 'Brave New World'

❝If you wish to keep slaves, you must have all kinds of guards. The cheapest way to have guards is to have the slaves pay taxes to finance their own guards. To fool the slaves, you tell them that they are not slaves and that they have Freedom. You tell them they need Law and Order to protect them against bad slaves. Then you tell them to elect a Government. Give them Freedom to vote and they will vote for their own guards and pay their salary. They will then believe they are Free persons. Then give them money to earn, count and spend——and, they will be too busy to notice the slavery they are in.❞ ——Alexander Warbucks

❝Sometimes we find ourselves walking through live blindfolded, and we try to deny that we're the ones who securely tied the know.❞ ——Jodi Picoult, Vanishing Acts

Anonymous said...

The Commies will not stop until the proleteriat is devoid of cars. And liberty.

Anonymous said...

We had communists run for office and New Yorkers decided for themselves that they didn't want them.

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