Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Critical mass motorcycle and ATV gangs dominate Astoria Park.


LIC Post

Dozens of illegal riders on dirt bikes and ATVs ripped through Astoria Park Sunday pulling wheelies, revving engines and sending dust flying – before eventually being chased out of the park by police.

The unruly sight, which left park-goers angered – and others covered in dust – occurred at around 6 p.m. at the southern end of the park where families were soaking up the evening sunlight and skateboarders were riding the ramps of the skate park.

A long stream of raucous bikers were seen traveling southbound along a pathway inside Astoria Park before descending on the skate park that was full of young children who were forced to flee for safety, video footage obtained by the Queens Post shows.

One biker pulled a “doughnut” just before entering the skate park which showered people in dust, according to Ben Kennedy, a skateboarder who witnessed the disruptive scene.

“It was a complete dust storm for a couple of minutes,” said Kennedy, who estimated that the group consisted of more than 100 vehicles.

 The bikers essentially forced the pedestrians off the pathway and one mother pushing her child in a baby stroller could be seen waiting for the dangerous activity to subside before accessing the walkway, the footage reveals.

The bikers, Kennedy said, then essentially took over the skate park by driving around the concrete purpose-built area leaving irate skateboarders with no choice but to leave or else face being run down. Many of the bikers were not wearing helmets.

Around 10 cops showed up a few minutes later and chased the bikers away, Kennedy said. He said the police confiscated two dirt bikes at the scene after some riders decided to drop their vehicles in order to evade the cops on foot.

“It actually became even more dangerous when the cops attempted to apprehend the bikers because they started to scramble away at speed,” Kennedy said about the hectic episode.

It is unclear if any arrests were made. A police spokesperson did not have any information pertaining to the ugly incident when called for comment.

Kennedy said that bikers have been driving recklessly in groups at the park since the weather began to heat up this year.

“It wasn’t a surprise to see them and everyone is mystified as to why they are not being stopped,” he said. “It’s not safe.”

Other residents said that the illegal activity has been taking place at the park since last year.

 I'm surprised they didn't show up for AOC's little rally at this same spot a week ago.




Anonymous said...

Transportation Alternatives made this possible... Scumbags

Anonymous said...

Are we who live in a red state supposed to cry for you New Yorkers. You elected the Biden, Cuomo, and DiBlasio, so you live with them and the results. Go ahead and defund your police, give up your Second Amendment Rights and cower in your overpriced apartments.

Anonymous said...

And this is just the beginning with more to come as the summer will be here shortly. These assholes that are crying the most are the liberals who elect these do nothing leftist politicians. These are the same assholes that will scream police brutality if the cops would have taken any type of enforcement action against this out of control mob. Any cop that would think of taking any type of enforcement action against these young feral youths should have his head examined. They are just expressing their anger towards your repressive white privilege. So folks get used to it as this will be a regular occurrence in this diverse and wonderful city.

And elections do have consequences.

Anonymous said...

Clearly this is white supremacy

Anonymous said...

String some piano wire.

Anonymous said...

Right on the Money Bud ! This is what they voted for you reap what you sow !

Anonymous said...

@#1 Get back on your meds boy !

Anonymous said...

Vibrant and diverse!!

What they are doing probably isn’t even a crime anymore.

Anonymous said...

White leftists calling the police on a ghetto-boy dirt bike swarm is racist. Isn't it? You are impeding the right of BIPOC youngsters to express themselves.

Anonymous said...

Leave them alone. They are on the way to apply for jobs to feed their families.

Anonymous said...

This is the fault of rural-living Republicans/Trump supporters obviously.

Anonymous said...

This is why you need to crackdown on low level crimes like fare jumping, littering, etc.

Anonymous said...

People want to defund the police, call a counselor in.

Anonymous said...

i've seen people on atvs in and around kissena park also

Anonymous said...

This has happened on a regular basis since the shutdown. They organize on social media and just dare anyone to do anything about it. They know the cops won't arrest anyone and they know their victims are unarmed so why not?

Anonymous said...

All the residents kept their mouths shut as city council, BLM, teachers union, AOC and the like vilified the police and demanded they be defunded. Game, set, match. It’s done. The bar was lowered for these quality of life issues. You can’t complain anymore. It’s literally not illegal anymore. Stopping those riders would now be racist, even though the majority of police are minority. These youts will now have years of free passes where they will have no consequences for their actions. Let’s see how this plays out for everyone involved.

Anonymous said...

Alllrriiggghhhttt. Dems boys havin' fun!

Nuttin wrong wit sum Astoria Hillbilly boyz goin' hog wild on sum dirtbikes.

Looks like Astoria gonna have a Hillysumma.

Wait till they start raiden' dem outdoor eatin' shanties!

Anonymous said...

And the skateboarders are not much better. Some of them are kids, but a lot are grown-ass men, which is really pathetic. They don't respect the paths either. But hey, they're expressing themselves. These dirt bike and ATV scoundrels have been doing this for a while also. I think it's part of their mating ritual. These folks, along with the lunkheads with their backfire mufflers, are merely demonstrating their sexual prowess. This is how they attract their brood mares for the welfare state.

Anonymous said...

Why would cops intervene? Some jackass might resist arrest while having a fentanyl overdose and the cop's life is over.

Anonymous said...

It's all about the property values around the park.

Anonymous said...

Teachers unions must be held accountable. These kids should be back in class.
Grocery stores clerks, truck drivers, warehouse workers, and of course police, firefighters, doctors, and nurses—all have kept working, sometimes under tough conditions and sometimes at great personal risk.
They are also teaching leftist absurdities like “2+2=5”.
Take the Power From Teachers Unions and Give It backn to Parents.

Angry Queens Taxpayor said...

What the f_ck chased out of the park by police ?

You block the entrances blocking them in the park, toss tire deflators, arrest them and confiscate their shit.
Let see, reckless endangerment, no license, no registration, no insurance, no papers, and a book of other violation worthy of jackpot fines and forfeiture sales.
What gives?
Do these assholes have special privilege because most are Black ?
If I did that as a working class tax paying white person Id been cornered, arrested, my shit taken, facing court and over $3000 in fines plus the loss of that $2500 motorcycle or Quad 4X4 !

Anonymous said...

See, this is the failure of the Mediterranean Hillbillies who have no idea how the American government works - it's not some little hillside town run by the padrone who does all your thinking and who you go to hat in hand for a favor.

In this country you actually are INVOLVED with the governing process - you can go to the person who is living off your taxes, your elected representative, and demand (not ask) that they look out after your interests. Try this for a change. Make public their response.

So in this case, you go to Mystery Mike, or the Greek that is replacing the other Greek, and ask what they are going to do to take care of this. Even better, encourage others to stand up and comment on what they would do and what they think of the answers of the others.

Anonymous said...

Liberal is as Liberal does.

Anonymous said...

Mediterranean Hillbillies
I hate Euro-trash also, but one problem with this.
I have seen these motor mobs and they are always in groups of blacks or Hispanic/blacks. \
Always no license plates,
Always ruining red lights and other moving violations including going down one way streets and sidewalks.
The cops do nothing !!

Anonymous said...

"The cops do nothing !" That could be their orders ?

Anonymous said...

Ye Olde Astoria Neighborhood Association: The dirt bike and motorcycle issues in Astoria Park have locals residents really concerned. We urge everyone who experiences this to PLEASE CALL 311! (well, THAT will make them shake in their boots!)

In other words, push the button and wait for the light to turn ... and wait ... and wait for
https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/push-button-econolite-mccain-428226772... Maybe we can try this when we want to put up a building in Astoria, eh?

Exhibit 'A' on why this problem will go nowhere. Diverting attention away from electeds does nothing. Like W Va, nothing happens unless you involve an elected official in Queens. Period.

Anonymous said...

The useless wheel spinning - call 311 call 911 etc etc


pretty pathetic

Anonymous said...

The cops do nothing !" That could be their orders.

Yes indeed:
A cop next door is so disgusted he's about to resign and doesn't care about losing his pension. Cant take 6 more years of the bullshit.
They have orders to stand down and avoid confronting blacks because blacks resist arrest, fight them and never pay the fines anyway.
To add, some bullshit crime state agenda says (for example) cops must detain, ticket or arrest at least 5 white people before they can hand equal to blacks.
The score statistics must be around 50-50% or the cops get in trouble.
Problem is most the people using & packing illegal guns, committing gang crime, misdemeanor, felony and murder are blacks and mixed race Hispanic blacks like in south the Bronx that can claim either.
Many out of prison due to reform.
Stupid New York City & Long island voters wanted their democrats, progressives and diversity and now they got it.
Right in the wazooo !!

Anonymous said...

If the cops try to stop these unruly bikers and a biker gets hurt. That cop may be sued, fired or arrested. Why take the risk just to appease some hipster that was probably marching in the BLM protest the night before?

Anonymous said...


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