Thursday, March 4, 2021

Tenant finds mystery apartment through her bathroom mirror

In the second video, she found a hole behind her bathroom mirror leading to another room, which she compared to the secret room in the film Parasite. In the third video, she decided to go through the hole and explore this other room with a hammer in hand. And in the final video, she discovered trash bags filled with stuff and a bottle of Core drinking water inside the area, along with what appeared to be a lot of broken plywood and a toilet. “Made it out alive,” she declared at the end, after exiting her mirror. “My landlord’s getting a really fun phone call tomorrow.” We've reached out to Hartsoe to see what her landlord told her about the extra room inside her bathroom mirror, but assuming this building wasn't created by a Being John Malkovich superfan, there seems to be a logical explanation for it: as one person wrote on Twitter, "This is a refurbished project. Maintenance guys used to not want to stand in the hallway if the tenant wasn't there, so they had entrances thru the bathroom mirror. Candyman was inspired by a guy in Chicago who was getting in those and sexually assaulting women."


Anonymous said...

The previous tenant was named Carrie Bradshaw and she used that room to store her shoes.

Anonymous said...

Is that Gauleiter Cuomo's secret pad?

Anonymous said...

A Dutch family used to live in there.

Anonymous said...

Story was on the news last night. Really scary that anyone could have gotten into her apartment at any time!

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