Saturday, September 19, 2020

Welcome Back To Urinetown


Thank you for the professionalism and Queens focused news.

Not sure if this will fit within the website but here goes: Woodside, and far too many other locations, have become the go to location to, well go.


We have caught drivers (TLC, Uber, and Lyft), random neighbors who could not make it home (so they said), and just those walking through and couldn't hold it, but when its the city subcontractors exposing themselves, we want to make some noise.

We confronted the workers directly.  We called the Operations manager at their company. We emailed the graphic photos to their info email address.  We sent the same photos to Costa's office and NYPD 114 Community Officer.  We even complained to DOT commissioner Polly. 

Attached are four photos, two graphic, of our plight and lack of assistance in breaking this cycle.  This was a problem before Covid-19 and as more return to work without access to public restrooms, our neighborhood is suffering and we are not going to remain quiet. 
Urinetown left Broadway but perhaps its time charge to pee, just think of the taxable income!

Urine Not Needed

No one has responded so let's make some noise.

Act Two: We are in the shit.

It was asked for, we only provide



Anonymous said...

In a city of 8 million where and especially there are limited amount of public or private bathrooms to use were now shaming peoples basic biological necessity.

>> Drink at least 8 cups of water a day


Anonymous said...

The city should hand out pee bottles. And make someone the Pee Czar. Hmmm. Who could that be?

Anonymous said...

I mean they could have atleast found a sewer to pee in. That is just wrong in so many ways.

Anonymous said...

I was under the impression that deblasio made urinating in public not a crime anymor,amongst other previous quality of life issues, drinking in public was another

Anonymous said...

Broken Windows !

Anonymous said...

Are they peing on your tires, your lawn? They are trying to use discretion, it's water in the street. The idiot in the 3rd picture isn't even trying to hide what he's doing.

Anonymous said...

@In a city of 8 million where and especially there are limited amount of public or private bathrooms to use were now shaming peoples basic biological necessity.

So they can crap all over based on your logic.
May I suggest a trip to India, where sewers are non-existent, however they have signs like, leprosy is a treatable disease.

Anonymous said...

Go to McDonald’s like a normal person. Savages, $1000 phone in their pocket google bathroom

Anonymous said...

I find that men from third world countries are happy to expose their genitalia and urinate openly. It's disgusting, happened even before the lockdown quarantine. They don't bother to find a private area to use.
The stench is horrific.
Please bring back the fines for public urinating and defecation. Make the fines hire and if the companies they work for have no problem with them creating a public health hazard, then double the fine if they do it while working.

Anonymous said...

Need a close up of the faces, then I can print them out and paste them all over Woodside.

Anonymous said...

@So they can crap all over based on your logic.May I suggest a trip to India, where sewers are non-existent, however they have signs like, leprosy is a treatable disease

While you are right it is rather unsanitary to just piss in the streets, whats the alternative ? Wait till you get home? Double park on some boulevard and use abpuloc bathroom to only to come back to a ticket. You act like theyre squatting down and deficating in the street.

I guess pissing in a bottle and draining it down the sewer is the most feasable option.

@ Go to McDonald’s like a normal person. Savages, $1000 phone in their pocket google bathroom.

Even before the scamdemic restaurants wouldn't let you use the bathroom without buying something. You think they are letting you in now ?

Anonymous said...

If women can hold it till they get to a facility, so should a man.

Anonymous said...

There's no appeesing some people.

Anonymous said...

And one of them was in a "No Standing" zone. Guess he should have been kneeling.

Anonymous said...

@While you are right it is rather unsanitary to just piss in the streets, whats the alternative ?

Your world is black and white? No other colors? Options?
You trying to justify this type of behavior?

Do you know why most of the diseases disappeared in modern times?

Called sanitary conditions, sewer, water treatment, not vaccines as the powers to be would like us to believe. Do you think if everybody who has the urge to go should pee and defecate where they want? Like in Mumbai for example?

Anonymous said...

Let's face it NYC is a SHITHOLE !
Change My Mind...

warp10 said...

Don't blame them one bit, when you gotta go you gotta go. The alternative is to go thirsty and risk dehydration and kidney stones. Lots of restaurants have restricted their bathrooms to employees only. Better to pee in the street than in a bottle and then litter the pee filled bottle as I see all the time.

There are special emergency pee-pouches available that have some kind of absorbent material/desiccant that make it possible to pee discretely while sitting in a vehicle. I have some, but haven't tried it yet.

Anonymous said...

They all seem to be of a certain persuasion and YES I'm a racist so fuck off libtards

Anonymous said...

I guess in the scheme of things like shooting up and masterbating, peeing in public doesn't seem so bad. Thanks for the context DeBlasio.

Anonymous said...


You know you shouldn't practice medicine without a license.
The kidney stone bit is very funny though.

Anonymous said...

For many years I have traveled in my car with a pee bottle for emergency's and has an attachment for women.I'm an old Boy Scout with an enlarged prostate so I like to be prepared.

Anonymous said...

For heavens sake Crappy, put a blue dot over their ding.

Can't Queens do anything right?

Anonymous said...

Part of my job is driving all over NYC so finding a bathroom is usually an issue, especially in poorer areas. Most fast food locations keep the bathroom locked and only open if you are a customer. Some Starbucks simply close it off to customer use. I had an app for all NYC park’s bathrooms but lately, most are locked closed. So it’s definitely a challenge, most people don’t want to urinate until the street unless they are a sociopath.

P.P. Bliss said...

Urine the money,
You're In the money;
We've got a lot of what it takes to get along!
Urine the money,
The sky is sunny;
Old Man Depression, you are through,
You done us wrong!

ron s said...

Re Anonymous
"Called sanitary conditions, sewer, water treatment, not vaccines as the powers to be would like us to believe. Do you think if everybody who has the urge to go should pee and defecate where they want? Like in Mumbai for example?"

Do some reading. Some diseases were reduced through sanitation-good point. Many others were reduced or eliminated through vaccines. Just ask the millions of people who were spared from polio, smallpox, rubella, mumps, measles, diphtheria, influenza etc. etc.--including yourself. Be sure to let us know who the evil "powers that be" are. Could be the evil scientists, healthcare workers, CDC and WHO--all the current bad guys.

Anonymous said...

This is the city you all voted for. Deblasio decriminalized this in his first administration. Remember it’s racist to ticket people. If you ticketed the people in these photos the NYPD would be called racist because it doesn’t fit the exact demographic make up of the city. Plus we are in a time when there is almost no public bathrooms available. Time to do what the rest of the civilized population has done and move out of the NYC limits. It’s over.

Crazy garbage-collecting old broad said...

The alternative seems to be peeing into Poland Spring bottles or flimsy produce bags (“pee bottles” and “pee bags”/“Elmhurst water balloons”, as I call them), and tossing them out onto the sidewalk for the community to enjoy. Here in Craphurst, pee bottles are everywhere, tho fortunately I haven’t seen as many water balloons in recent years.

Anonymous said...

@Do some reading. Some diseases were reduced through sanitation-good point.

None of the diseases were reduced or eliminated via vaccines (make a lot of money to big pharma though).
You need a bit of an education in health history.

Anonymous said...

Justice Dept. brands NYC an ‘anarchist jurisdiction,’ targets federal funds

Well done Billy boy and Andy boy.

Oh yeah, for those in urgent need for a bathroom try gas stations.
They have bathrooms.

The lawlessness going on in this city is unbelievable.
Welcome to the progressive Marxist Paradise.

Anonymous said...

Oh, don't give women a by on this topic. I have seen college girls pull down their pants, scooch, and pee right in the middle of the street during college parties. The world has gone totally to the dogs.

Anonymous said...

What diseases are spread through pee? Pee is pretty sanitary, just smells bad but even then goes away with a rain shower. If you can't deal with people pissing outside then the suburbs are calling.

ron s said...

RE:None of the diseases were reduced or eliminated via vaccines (make a lot of money to big pharma though).
You need a bit of an education in health history

I must not be reading the "Anti-vaccine Trumper Handbook" Smallpox eliminated, polio eliminated, varicella, rubella, measles, diphtheria, HepA, HepB reduced and controlled by vaccines. Don't forget that useless rabies vaccine. Nothing like being blinded by a belief system about the evil Big Pharma companies. Wake up to reality.

Anonymous said...

Reminder that public, self-cleaning bathrooms that Mayor Bloomberg wanted to install citywide, were blocked by lawsuits over federal handicapped access law.
The law basically states that if people in wheelchairs can't use the bathroom, no one can. So in the name of fairness, no one has access to a bathroom, and this is the result.

Anonymous said...

"I must not be reading the "Anti-vaccine Trumper Handbook" Smallpox eliminated, polio eliminated, varicella, rubella, measles, diphtheria, HepA, HepB reduced and controlled by vaccines. Don't forget that useless rabies vaccine. Nothing like being blinded by a belief system about the evil Big Pharma companies. Wake up to reality."

I have news for you snowflake, I don't really care about what Trump thinks about vaccines.
But since they almost killed me with one of those nice polio vaccines I educated myself long time ago.
I suggest you do the same and don't talk down to people, because you look silly.

So read a bit:

"The Trump administration has exerted relentless political pressure on public health officials to approve a vaccine quickly, with the president pushing for a vaccine by Election Day."

You see how stupid you look with the Trump comment?


"One of the key ways capitalism ensures companies act responsibly and produce safe and effective products is through fear of potential lawsuits.

This market mechanism is utilized throughout the healthcare industry: Hospitals, nursing homes and physicians are all liable if they fail to exercise reasonable care. Within the field of healthcare, however, one notable exception involves vaccines."

Since the Obama administration exempted the vaccine makers from liability you go ahead and keep talking about the benefits.

Anonymous said...

@ ron s said...
No one with a working brain wants to read your a far-left agenda Ronnie !
I'm not the only the democrat running headlong away from the DemoRat party. While I disagree sometimes with the Republicans on key issues at least they aren't insane.
The Democrats have lost their minds, it's Krazy how they're talking about stacking the court, adding more states, changing the Senate rules...

Anonymous said...

@anon re: Democrats.

Not all of them lost their minds. Only the ones in the criminal circle.
For the record, the crazies are masquerading as Democrats.
In reality right now they are acting like commies, socialists, for money anything goes.
My opinion only, is NOT red vs blue, is Americans vs the Marxists.

ron s said...

RE Anonymous:
I have news for you snowflake, I don't really care about what Trump thinks about vaccines.
But since they almost killed me with one of those nice polio vaccines I educated myself long time ago.
I suggest you do the same and don't talk down to people, because you look silly.

Being pro vaccine doesn't mean being a "snowflake" Your whininess and inability to see the life and death value of vaccines for millions makes you a "snowflake" and a selfish idiot. I can't verify your personal experience, but it really doesn't matter--your bad experience versus millions saved. Sorry for you.
I'll ignore the "talking down to people" since you've already stated that I don't know anything, need to educate myself, am a "snowflake, blah, blah. Stay at home with your whining pillow while the rest of us try to logically navigate what's going on. Also be sure NOT to take any vaccines, as the 200,000 dead from coronavirus would certainly have wanted to do.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this! I am demanding that the women of Queens get equal time! Where are the women pee people?

Anonymous said...

your bad experience versus millions saved. Sorry for you.

Lovely to see the education system failing you.

Thank for being sorry for me, but I prefer if sane people do it :)

200,000 dead does it count the CDC falsified deaths?

Go check for yourself.

Make sure you get your vaccine from Bill Gates of Windows ME fame!

ron s said...

RE:your bad experience versus millions saved. Sorry for you.

Lovely to see the education system failing you.

Thank for being sorry for me, but I prefer if sane people do it :)

200,000 dead does it count the CDC falsified deaths?

Go check for yourself.

Most actual news reports show that both the case count and death count are UNDERreported. Get your news from real sources. BUt, I'm wasting time on the uneducable. Bye, Felicia.

Anonymous said...


Here study a bit

Look at table one

Real disease and the CDC has planning scenarios?

Cannot get any more real than the CDC's own data, but I understand you prefer your lies from the pedo MSM. Fredo :)

Anonymous said...

Most actual news reports show that both the case count and death count are UNDERreported.

What goes UNREPORTED is the vaccines for many and the profits for a few.

Good example below.

Sir Patrick Vallance owns £600,000 worth of shares in vaccine-maker GlaxoSmithKline/

You know "Sir" chairs the Government's expert advisory panel on vaccines in the UK.

No, is not about the money I'm more than sure of that.

Eugenics comes to mind.

Bill Gates and the WHO experimenting on people. Gates has plenty of money.

Anonymous said...

Not a safe environment to raise kids

Anonymous said...

If Trump can have a pee party in Moscow, why can’t I piss in public.?
A golden shower in Flushing will clean away the street muck! No charge for my services😂

Anonymous said...

*If Trump can have a pee party in Moscow, why can’t I piss in public.?*

hahahaha, good one. seems you are the one who likes the urine fetish. Very titillating.
just like stormy daniels. straight out of the hillary witchcraft handbook.
heard about the flute lessons in the oral office?

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