Sunday, August 23, 2020

The new depression manifests itself in Flushing

NY Post

The line stretched a quarter-mile before the sun was barely up Saturday, snaking around corners like bread lines in the 1930s. But the hungry in Queens are today’s New Yorkers, left jobless by the coronavirus.

Until the pandemic struck the city, La Jornada food pantry used to hand out groceries to roughly 1,000 families a week. Now, the number tops 10,000. And volunteers serve lunch every day to 1,000 — many of them kids with growling stomachs. Across the five boroughs, the hungry is in the hundreds of thousands, the Food Bank of New York estimates.

“It reminds me of the picture from the Great Depression where a man in a suit and tie is giving another man in a suit and tie an apple. That’s all he had,” La Jornada’s Pedro Rodriguez told The Post. “We give all we have, but that’s not enough.”
Seniors, moms and kids, singles — many immigrants from China and Mexico — wait for hours. They turn out in droves wherever, and whenever, the food pantry’s truck shows up.

“We feel like we are underwater, drowning in a tsunami of people,” Rodriguez, a volunteer who acts as the food pantry’s executive director, told The Post. “This isn’t like a little rain coming down. The numbers are unbelievable.”


JQ LLC said...

Crap readers:

Looks like the NY Post is making it difficult to embed videos again. If you don't want to hear or see the following vids, just press pause real quick when you see the elderly woman with the walker at the end of the line.

Thanks for reading as always.

Follow my twitter @jqllc and blog Impunity City by clicking the name.

Anonymous said...

That is not new Yorkers. They are foreigners who came here to suck off American taxpayers and get welfare and handouts while the taxpayers break their backs working. Once the taxpayers of America go broke, the welfare suckers can't leach off of us. The rich will just get richer and they will never help the poor or working class out. And just wait until this covid thing is over, you will see what is going to happen to all the jobs in America once companies start to see that the jobs can be done remotely. If you really think that after covid is gone that your remote jobs will still be there, think again! Be VERY CAREFUL of who you vote for in November!

Anonymous said...

Biden and Harris promise everybody in America will enjoy a lifetime on the food pantry line. Vote Democrat and spend the rest of your life wearing a face mask and listening to speeches by AOC.

Anonymous said...

@That is not new Yorkers.

They are New Yorkers. They live here. Some sick minds decided to play out the idiotic movie Hunger Games using the elderly, the young and the most vulnerable.
I agree with the rest of your comment, might add is not these people who took the most money. Watch the state, city jobs with (promised) pensions and see what happens in the future. Anyway, did anyone ever see the real accounting of where the money goes?
You know the 8.75% tax, the property tax, the surcharges etc.

Captain Al said...

It is beyond tragic that people are going hungry in the greatest city in the greatest country. You can make a donation on the pantry's website:
La Jornada food pantry

Anonymous said...

In other news, people line up for free shit.

Anonymous said...

Like the Salvation Army food line a majority are old Asian ladies getting some extra grub.

Its great if the elite come to USA with special skills, talent, money, but until we take care of American citizen we should not let poor into this country.

If it returns to a time like the 50s or 60s when we were doing a great job on erasing the needs of the destitute then letting in the poor is great as it part of the myth that made this country a legend.

Today, where large segments of the population are in need, its simply building a base for the Democrats at the expense of the nation.

Anonymous said...

"Listening to speeches by AOC" And now makeup lessions for POC !

Anonymous said...

Congrats Deblasio. It took 5 months to accomplish what the Soviet Union took years

Anonymous said...

Moe said...
A government that can give you everything can also take it all away !

Anonymous said...

Senile Joe said...
C'mon man! Add some Free refer sticks for everyone!

Anonymous said...

You invited them, New Yorker's. Now they belong to you. I'm glad I left that pest-hole of a city ten years ago. All's quiet in my Red State and community.

Anonymous said...

They are not going hungry. Where do you think the supplies for the food trucks in Jackson Heights and Flushing comes from? They make it a job to stand on the line with their hands out. How many American citizens do you see standing on that line? Deport them back to China or Mexico, where ever they come from. No one asked them to come here. They are not crying for me or any Americans whose lives they disrupt.

Anonymous said...

According to Bernie, breadlines are a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Looks familiar.

"According to Bernie, breadlines are a good thing."

Throughout his career, Sanders talked about the value of bread lines in Socialist countries, cheered on the Marxist Sandinistas, honeymooned in the Soviet Union, praised Communist China’s progress in “addressing extreme poverty,” talked about his admiration for Fidel Castro, warmly welcomed the Irish Republican Army, saluted Hugo Chavez’s Venezuelan regime, and almost never criticized Nicholas Maduro.

Selling it to kids who have college degrees and no jobs. He know what he is doing.

Anonymous said...

“ That is not new Yorkers. They are foreigners who came here to suck off American taxpayers and get welfare and handouts while the taxpayers break their backs working. Once the taxpayers of America go broke, the welfare suckers can't leach off of us”

Why are they foreigners? You need to get your head straight. Chinese came here to build the railroads, even came during the gold rush, etc. The Irish and Italians were considered undesirables. They were discriminated along with Slavs and Jews.

You ever watch the movie Gangs of a New York? Go watch it as I suspect you’re too uneducated to bother to read a book on the history of immigration in the US.

Someone asking for a cheap ham and cheese sandwich isn’t bothering me. It’s lazy oafs like you getting a handout from Trump. I’m not eligible because my salary is too high. You’re the leech. These immigrants at least have to work for a living unlike a lot of you leeches hanging out in cheap diners drinking coffee all day and talking. Get a damn job instead of leeching off my taxes I have to pay to subsidize red states and lazy deadbeats like you.

Tell me what do you do for a living? Seriously or shut your yap.

Anonymous said...

True - these are not hungry people. It is just another food source supplied by the Chinese Communist state where you always have to stand in line for food.

Anonymous said...

Someone asking for a cheap ham and cheese sandwich isn’t bothering me. It’s lazy oafs like you getting a handout from Trump. I’m not eligible because my salary is too high. You’re the leech. These immigrants at least have to work for a living unlike a lot of you leeches hanging out in cheap diners drinking coffee all day and talking. Get a damn job instead of leeching off my taxes I have to pay to subsidize red states and lazy deadbeats like you.

Knucklehead, I grew up along the Ohio Valley, where the people walk around like tombstones because their jobs were sent overseas by leftist intellectuals like you, while your wife hires an illegal to do the work so she can go to a socialist rally or the spa with the girls. Sort of explains while you are concerned about the Rio Grande Valley ignoring the Ohio Valley ... full of American citizens. Proles you sneeringly think I am sure. Voters too!

Anonymous said...

"Seriously or shut your yap" Oh the tolerant left at it's best !
Why is the Tolerant Left so Intolerant ?
The Left has learned in Marxist Colleges that capitalism, individualism, limited government is dangerous. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and acts like a duck, it’s a duck.

Anonymous said...

It’s your choice America ! #TRUMP2020

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's just me but I'm sick of hearing how down-on-their luck Americans are. I get that the Fed's money printing and low interest rates have ushered in unparalleled inequality, but this is the land of opportunity which must be seized, not passively picked up like a wet rag. Americans have been screwed by Congress of both parties and large corporations, but for God's sake, you're only a victim if you believe it. Put down the cheetos and your iphone and go out and build a great life. This is the only country where you can do that.

Anonymous said...

You're gonna need more Social Workers!

Anonymous said...

"Why is the Tolerant Left so Intolerant ?"

Oh no, they are tolerant alright when it comes to their "leaders".
Capitalism is good, money is excellent.
Intolerance comes in to play when it concerns the masses.
Communism and socialism for the masses is great!

Anonymous said...

Oh? And all that bullshit about Flooxhing being “blighted” in the 70s?
This is 2020 3rd world super blight!
Blame Gary Ackerman....friend of Tommy Huang....CB7 Donald Manes and the rotting Claire Shulman. WTF is One Flushing and the FLOOSHING Chamber Pot of Comerce doing?

Anonymous said...

“Thank God for the Asians. We didn’t want Flushing to become a SouthJamaica”.. The words of former Dem assemblyman Morton C. Hillman.

Anonymous said...

Yes....systematic racism. Darker people of color weren’t welcome so import the Taiwanese/Chinese to stem the advance of “them”. Who’s “them”?
Corona Latinos and Jamaica Blacks!
That was the plan and it still is. Dirty little CB7!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! So where’s John Choe and his Flushing Chamber of BS?
I’ll never set foot in that downtown dump again. Wait until
COVID returns. This cesspool is a Petri dish for disease. Totally unsanitary. Peter Koo sits with his thumb up his ass doing as little as possible.

Anonymous said...

A friend just returned from China. He says it’s cleaner there than in Flushing. Spit on a sidewalk in Beijing and the police fine you. And between Chuck Apelian and Gene Kelty nothing gets done. They’re too busy selling off Flushing to developers.Do you think maybe they get a cut?😂. Apelian has scored some of their printing contracts. Dump that pair!

Anonymous said...

“Vibrant and bustling”😂.
Those are the accolades that real estate agents use to describe filthy Flushing!
Nose to ass people and garbage juice cooking on hot summer pavement. Nice!

Anonymous said...

I thought the Chinese were supposed to rescue Flushing from the fate of black and Latino ghettoiziation!

Anonymous said...

“One Flushing” a moronic not for profit boondoggle to foster harmony. There already is one Flushing...,a CHINESE colony who wants no one else. Reverse racism run rampant!

Anonymous said...

What do Gerson ,Mehran and the other long time property owners have to say? Not much.
As long as they get their tent!

Anonymous said...

Their hasn't been an adjective concocted yet that adequately describes the stench and sidewalk sludge of Flushing.

Anonymous said...

For the younger readers.

Please note the racist undertones in the article, like

"Flushing had been going downhill for some time and the downtown was emptying out,'' Mr. Stavisky said. ''We were scared that Flushing would become another Brownsville or Grand Concourse.''

"Mr. Huang said he met Flushing's elected officials, who soon introduced him to Queens's most powerful politician: Donald R. Manes, the Borough President and Democratic county leader. Mr. Manes wielded enormous influence over development schemes, land-use decisions and public projects. And he told developers, including Mr. Huang, that he wanted to Queens Boulevard's dreary strip of auto shops and vacuum repair stores into a high-end district of luxurious co-ops."

''I don't know which came first, the chicken or the egg,'' Ms. Shulman, who was Mr. Manes's deputy, said of the meeting between Mr. Manes and Mr. Huang, ''but Don wanted to do something with Queens Boulevard.''

Borough officials had also been looking for private investors for Flushing, since another depressed area, downtown Jamaica, was soaking up all the government aid, more than $1 billion over the next two decades. Because Jamaica was once the heart of Queens, Ms. Shulman said, ''There was no way that government could allow that to go down because the county would have followed it. And so every penny had to be invested in Jamaica.'' Jamaica, she said, ''never went the way of the South Bronx; it never went the way of Bed-Stuy.''

So for Flushing, Mr. Manes went after Chinese money, and he made a trip to Taiwan in 1982.

Donald Manes the gift that keeps giving.

A.G.Sulzberger said...

"Vibrant vittles!" - NY Times Food Section

Anonymous said...

how many of them are lined up to buy tickets back to their home countries?

Anonymous said...

For the younger readers, part two

"She made her home in Jamaica Estates, Queens, in a $1.7 million Tudor-style house with seven bedrooms, maid quarters, stone fireplaces and soaring ceilings with skylights.

Yet in many ways, Dr. Chang was a woman out of place.

As her legal troubles mounted in recent years, she found friendship among bartenders and casino bus drivers. She would curry favor by lending money to people from Chinese communities in Flushing and to fellow gamblers at the Foxwoods casino in Connecticut, where she was spending more and more time."

Anonymous said...

This is sad, really sad

Anonymous said...

Donny Manes. Outstanding member of the community

On the evening of March 13, 1986, having stepped down as borough president only weeks before, a severely depressed Manes was in the kitchen of his house in Jamaica Estates speaking on the phone with his psychiatrist, Dr. Elliot N. Wineburg. Wineburg asked Manes to hang on a moment. It was during this time that Manes opened a kitchen drawer, pulled out a fourteen-inch Ekco flint knife, and jammed it into his chest, killing himself. Manes’s body was discovered by his 25-year-old daughter, Lauren. As noted in City for Sale, Jack Newfield and Wayne Barrett’s classic account of the Koch-era scandals, Manes’s demise came three decades after the doomed politician found the body of his own father, who also committed suicide.

Hundreds, including the mayor and Governor Mario Cuomo, attended Manes’s funeral at Schwartz Brothers-Jeffer Memorial Chapel, in Forest Hills. The eulogy was given by then-Assemblyman Alan Hevesi, another close Queens County associate of Manes. “I must tell you there may be some confusion because of recent events, but it doesn’t have to be. That’s not the reality. Forget that image. The real Donald Manes was an outstanding public figure,” said Hevesi, now incarcerated on corruption charges himself.

More than 25 years after the fact, Donald Manes may be just one more footnote in the vast saga of New York City public corruption, but the afterimage of his deeds still rerun on cable channels all over the globe, every day. A fictionalized version of the Manes story was the basis of the pilot episode of the original Law & Order series.

Anonymous said...

Knucklehead, I grew up along the Ohio Valley, where the people walk around like tombstones because their jobs were sent overseas by leftist intellectuals like you, while your wife hires an illegal to do the work so she can go to a socialist rally or the spa with the girls. Sort of explains while you are concerned about the Rio Grande Valley ignoring the Ohio Valley ... full of American citizens. Proles you sneeringly think I am sure. Voters too!

Get lost with your bs. I sent your jobs overseas? You’re a retard. Companies that want cheap labor did it. White collar workers aren’t immune as work visas are being demanded by execs like Facebook’s CEO. My wife goes to the spa or socialist rally? The right hs gone full retard like the left.

Hey idiot. I’m a moderate. I detest idiots like you acting like a little bitch. Do you think I didn’t lose a job to foreign outsourcing? But I keep my skill set up and still find work. Why would I sneer at blue collar workers when my parents worked in sweat shops? You think all blue collar jobs are nice cushy union jobs? Go f yourself you dolt.

I put myself through college and worked all kinds of jobs. How do you like to load trucks for hours on end? You’re a damn clown.

I’m more of a Republican conservative than you. I don’t ask for handouts. But it looks like you’re the commie who don’t bother to honor God to help,others in need. It’s all about what someone supposedly took from you but you have no compassion for others.

Anonymous said...

Seriously or shut your yap" Oh the tolerant left at it's best !
Why is the Tolerant Left so Intolerant ?
The Left has learned in Marxist Colleges that capitalism, individualism, limited government is dangerous. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and acts like a duck, it’s a duck.

I’m a conservative if you read my post. Damn you idiots get triggered faster than a schoolgirl on Tik Tok.

So you are a retard? Yeah, you have no reading comprehension, can’t figure out I don’t like leeches like you makes me a liberal? Yes, you truly are retarded. Congrats! I will name you comrade leech who’s mildly retarded.

Anonymous said...

Deplorable said...
Typical College Educated Leftist #TRIGGERED and name calling anyone with a different opinion.
"comrade leech"
"little bitch"
"Go f yourself you dolt"
Learn to code buddy or pick up a broom.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Knucklehead, I grew up along the Ohio Valley, where the people walk around like tombstones because their jobs were sent overseas by leftist intellectuals like you, while your wife hires an illegal to do the work so she can go to a socialist rally or the spa with the girls. Sort of explains while you are concerned about the Rio Grande Valley ignoring the Ohio Valley ... full of American citizens. Proles you sneeringly think I am sure. Voters too!

Is you again my lazy fat American friend? I already gave you advice! Listen again! I don’t know Rio Grande Valley or Ohio Valley! I only visited places like Washington DC and Disneyworld. You know family vacation! Family want to go on vacation!

I am immigrant and I meet Americans like you with very very good English! You can talk better than me to other Americans and get better high paying jobs! So why you complain? You lazy! Your friends in a Valley are lazy! Big boss in factory need to make money! They not communist like you! You call name to people like prole! I ask my number one son who go to Stanford and very smart! He say oh, that means proletariat. That is Marxism or Maoism! So you confused in your head! You are worker or you say worker is a bad word? I am proletariat because I work! I am worker!

You see! You need to listen to me! Stop complaining! You need to look at President Trump! Give him time and when he get elected again he will bring back factory job for you and your friends! But if you lazy and don’t want to learn, how can you compete or do good job? Amazon has many many big centers! You can get job easy! You speak better English than me! They even have robots! I can’t read or speak good a English to work with robots. So I no get job! But you 100% can get job! Tell your friends in valley to move to where Amazon have factories! Why they like zombies?! So they lose their job! It’s like you lose your girlfriend, you get better more pretty girlfriend you know? You man or girl or gay people? Why don’t you want prettier more hard working smart girlfriend!? This is like job! Think about what I say! I tell you truth! Valley not good for jobs? Leave! Why you stupid and stay with no job and take government welfare?!

But I don’t think this is correct thinking. China lose factory jobs to Vietnam, Malaysia, and look how strong Trump is! He fight with China to protect your jobs! He don’t allow Huawei to have computer parts to make their technology! That’s why I tell you. Be like Trump! He build Trump Tower on Park Avenue! Make big money! He make his own tv show! Then he become President! He’s famous and make more money! Why you complain about valley job you lose? Get better job!

Of course my wife goes to spa! It’s not expensive! Go to Korean one! Very cheap! Maybe Russian one! You work hard you need to rest! She works 18 hours every day! She will argue with me and not cook dinner you know! Then I have to cook myself or buy Chinese takeout! American people say the Chinese people use cats and dog in food. I don’t like to eat cat or dog! My wife loves our dog!

I read Trump hire illegals to work but this is fake news! Communist news people say fake things! I don’t believe Trump hires illegal people! I don’t watch tv because it is

Are you real American like Trump? You believe in Capitalism? I work hard why I don’t get more money? You fat and lazy you get no job. You live in Ohio and you stay with no job? How you pay for Internet to write stupid things?! You on welfare? That’s not correct thinking!

But I u derstand American complain Flushing is dirty! It is! There is too much garbage and garbage man don’t pick up enough! Government lazy you know? I go to museums and the neighborhood is so clean and pretty! No garbage! So I ask you why rich people have clean place! They work hard and get government to keep their place cleaner! Not fair?! That’s communist thinking! You lazy so you n

Anonymous said...

Donald Manes reminded me of the joke going around then, "What does Henry VIII, Rock Hudson, and Donald Manes have in common? The all screwed Queens!"

Anonymous said...

BUST UP THAT CROOKED COMMUNITY BOARD! What ever happened to those investigations into them?

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