Friday, August 28, 2020



After suffering $300,000 of damages in the subways from more than 400 cases of vandals smashing windows, the MTA says it is considering teaming up with NYPD to implement a “broken windows strategy” in order to bring the situation under control.

MTA Chief Safety Officer Pat Warren said on Saturday that a tough-on-crime approach will be needed, in a supplement to their effort of increased surveillance, to end the repeated attacks on their infrastructure and their already enfeebled pocketbook from COVID-19.

“Let me tell you, if there’s any time that we think about maybe a broken windows strategy, this may be that moment in time and we certainly would like to continue and work with the NYPD on that strategy if they choose to take them,” Warren said. “We have to take a train out of service when we find broken windows in it because it’s a safety hazard. So for that period of time whether takes is a couple hours or three hours, whatever it takes us to repair those windows, that train’s out of service, which means at that point in time our customers are inconvenienced with long wait times and or potentially more crowding on the platform.”

This recent vexation, Warren said, takes the wind out of the MTA’s attempts to keep their systems running at full service at just a fraction of their operating budget and only about a quarter of their pre-pandemic ridership.

Not only that, but the MTA is running low on their stockpile of replacement windows.


Anonymous said...

Ok. So you put more cops on the train, they see the guy breaking the windows, they try to arrest him, but he resists, and a fight ensues. Then these same politicians who wanted the cops to address this in the first place, are out marching against and villifying the cops for using force on someone resisting arrest. Then on top of that the district attorney declines to prosecute, because its only property damage, no one was killed, and because of our new criminal justice laws. Maybe if we are really lucky they might charge a small fine, which won't be paid anyway, and our window breaker will be free to go off to do it all over again.

So unless the politicians and district attorneys are going to change their tune (which I highly doubt) the days of broken windows policing in the city are over. Crime is now accepted in this city, and any attempts at stopping it are considered racist.

Anonymous said...

C'mon Man said...
New York laws are so watered down that it now encourages this lawless behavior.
Until these RIOTORS are held accountable it will never stop. The Democrats do nothing to discourage rage mobs. The prediction is NY will be a crap hole for a long time because they keep voting for shills like AOC. Democrats are now the party of intimidation, mob rule, and political violence!

Anonymous said...

Anon one

Perfect summary

Anonymous said...

If your still voting Democrat after all that's happened you're either:
A) Anti American
B) Retarded
C) Dead

Anonymous said...

Ding ding ding. Anon 1 says it best.

Jimmy said...

I actually saw this guy; he's hispanic in his 20's or 30's. Looked to be homeless. The stand out was that the palm on his left hand was black either from muck/grime or maybe a tattoo. He was laying down and looked to be sleeping on one of the corner seats before he decided to smash everything up. Everyone bolted off of the train, and perhaps himself too.

That was August 5th.

Anonymous said...

Anons 1 and 2, 👏 bravo!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the perp did it for the MTA. Constantly begging for money.
Trust no one!

Anonymous said...

Let the people walk! - DiBlasio

Anonymous said...

The NYPD should not be defunded; they should all resign! Who in their right mind would serve democrats?

Anonymous said...

And the people who pay to ride the subway will be picking up that tab too. New York city is just going to be filled with trash soon. The rich is leaving in masses and the working class doesn't want to stick around and pay for poorly managed services like the mta and school systems. After all this covid stuff ends, I think all these companies and public services should be audited to find out why they have no money for a "rainy day". If all of us who pay taxes ask the big companies and government for help, they will ask you in bankruptcy court "why didnt you save your money better?". So we should be asking these companies and public services the same thing. You want to pay someone 250000 dollars a year for poor management and give them huge pensions, this is what you get. The airlines, the cruise lines, the automakers, the public transportation system, the school districts, the colleges all owe the public a good explanation for why they have no money. Even when a regular person buys a house, they recommend that you have 6 months set aside to pay your mortgage just in case.

warp10 said...

Anon 1 posted a completely hypothetical scenario, which seems to be a running theme. Could you cite any cases where the DA declined to prosecute someone for damaging a train?

Anon 4: You forgot a bunch of choices:

D) Not into dangerous and ridiculous conspiracy theories
E) Not into a pathological liar as president
F) Want an administration that doesn't go through staff like pringles
G) Cognizant that some regulations are good and necessary to protect clean air and water
H) Not into an administration where so many former members have been convicted of and/or pled guilty to various crimes.
I) Want a president that doesn't mock gold star families
J) Want a president that reads his briefings and pays attention in meetings
K) Want a president that doesn't call a real pandemic a hoax before begrudgingly acknowledging it, while still acting like it's no big deal
L) Want a president who's more concerned with others than himself
M) Want a president who doesn't play golf so much
N) Want a president who doesn't look up to foreign dictators
O) Want a president who doesn't call Nazis and white supremacists "fine people"
P) Want a president who doesn't look up at the sun during an eclipse
Q) Want a president who doesn't push a drug without medical consensus
R) Want a president whose kids don't trophy hunt
S) Want an administration free of nepotism
T) Want a president who doesn't pardon convicted felons while claiming to be for "law and order"
U) Want a president who has not been impeached
V) Want a president who doesn't call the news media "fake news" when they report the truth
W) Want a president who is not afraid to release his tax returns
X) Want a president who doesn't have a trophy wife
Y) Want a president who doesn't rail against chain migration, despite his wife's parents being chain migrants
Z) Want a president who doesn't call the election results into question before the actual election as a hedge for when he loses.

Anonymous said...

@warp10 said... I know Orange Man is bad. Now go back to CNN and Twitter and stay in your deranged Silo. #MAGA2020

Big Bird said...

Easy Fix
We will mothball 2/3 of the rolling stock then announce broken windows, graffiti and subway crime has been improved by 70%.

Running low on windows?
Why are we buying cramped shitty trains from Canada?
Those windows should be inexpensive sacrificial Plexiglas, replaced ever 6 months not expensive tempered safety glass.
The French designers at Bombardier and the MTA are a bunch of clueless assholes

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Light entertainment for Saturday night

Anonymous said...


Forgot oral sex in the oral, sorry oval office.
The the body count.
Government business conducted an email server located in the bathroom.
Endless wars.
Go for it. List them all!

Anonymous said...

QC Reader said...
I feel like I'm living in the Movie "Fort Apache the Bronx" but in 2020 !

Anonymous said...

Deplorable said...
"Mostly Peaceful Protests" Is the BIG Lie the Left Marxist Dems are using !
CNN Didn't even report their own headquarters being attacked.
"look at these brave souls protesting white supremacy" #FAKENEWS
And still no word about the Berlin-protests.

Anonymous said...

Fiery but Mostly Peaceful Protests, great for making smores with your friends 6 feet apart.

Anonymous said...

John Doe said...
@warp10 "Hypothetical scenario" ? You have been Hoxed !
PigLOSI Says BIDEN Should Not Debate TRUMP!
Only a coward, or someone mentally deficient would avoid debating for the highest office in the land. Biden is guaranteed to lose on not debating alone.
I Can't imagine any intelligent independent falling for anything Pelosi says.
Sleepy Joe clearly has Alzheimer's he is 80 and should just retire and move to Miami.

Anonymous said...

Obama's Administration is responsible for the chaos in Libya, the destruction of Syria, in turn, caused mass immigration into Europe. what a Legacy. ISIS thought Obama was a great President. Let's not forget, Obama also used the IRS to harass his political opponents.
Obama said to Russia tell Vladimir I'll have more flexibility after the election
Obama got 60 plus million for a “memoir” he never wrote. And his greedy wife got millions more her “books”. Selling out is profitable. #OBAMAGATE
"You Can’t Get Rich in Politics Unless You’re a Crook"
- Harry S. Truman

Anonymous said...

in plain sight.

Anonymous said...

De Blasio's NYC

Attempted rape.
The brazen attack occurred 11 AM Saturday at the Q train subway station at Lexington Avenue
and East 63 Street.
The 25-year-old victim said she was waiting for the subway when the man approached her, pushed her down, and began sexually assaulting her.
The woman reportedly began screaming, prompting bystanders and witnesses to intervene and record the assault.

Anonymous said...

Warp 10 made over 20 verified good points and people turned around and spouted off conspiracies and lies.

Anonymous said...

"Warp 10 made over 20 verified good points and people turned around and spouted off conspiracies and lies."

Here is your robotoid conspiracy

and the creeper

Anonymous said...

Hoaxed said...
@ Anon "Conspiracies and lies" You and Warp 10 are a born useful idiots...
The only thing being "Spouted" is your low IQ.

Anonymous said...

This is how the race war is perpetuated. Unprosecuted crime, villified police, and a scared, overtaxed, and underserved general public. It's as evil as it is brilliant.

Anonymous said...

How have they not caught this guy yet? What are the odds he is a convicted felon too ? Just another peaceful protester according to the left and the media.

Anonymous said...

I’ve never seen such a bunch of knuckleheads anywhere that surpass Queenscrap Lowbrows.

Anonymous said...

@I’ve never seen such a bunch of knuckleheads anywhere that surpass Queenscrap Lowbrows.

Including yourself I assume since you were put in charge of analyzing posts.

Anonymous said...

Glad I live in Northeast Queens by an LIRR station. No plans to visit “The City” for awhile 👎Flushing down the toilet along with the #7 line.🤮

Anonymous said...

If we’re back in the 70s.....bring back the Guardian Angels riding the trains

Anonymous said...

Cuomo LARPing as a mob boss again. Give me a break.
Punk ass bitch ! He road the coattails of his Daddy Ha Ha !

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