Friday, August 28, 2020

BLM tried to drown out Sunnyside pro-cop rally...and failed.

Regarding the 108th Precinct Community Council's support rally this past Saturday.

From Sunnyside Post:

The opposing rally will meet at John Vincent Daniels Jr. Square in Woodside at 10 a.m. and walk towards 39th Street and Greenpoint Avenue.

The group expects to arrive just before a scheduled pro-police march kicks off from the spot at 11 a.m.

The counter-protesters said they will form a single-file line in front of the pro-police marchers but will step aside once their march starts, according to organizer Grace Frutos.

“They think that we are against police and that we want to hurt them and that’s just not the case,” Frutos said.

No? Here's a sign she showed off:

I can't see how this could possibly be misinterpreted!

“We do not intend to engage with them and the majority of our protest will be done in silence,” she said.

Now, here's what they actually did:

If you have a great position, you shouldn't have to drown out the other side when it's their turn to speak. But you tried to.

Notice they were silent when the 9/11 hero's brother spoke... I guess they thought trying to interrupt him might make them look bad. (too late)

This behavior was so disturbing to the Sunnyside Post that they wrote an editorial about it.

You all live in America where our mantra is, "I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." No one bothers BLM when they hold an event. They could at least show the people they disagree with the same courtesy.

It seems the real fascists have revealed themselves.


 QNS' report vs. Sunnyside Post's report on the rallies.


Anonymous said...


JQ LLC said...

Looks like the videos have been cancelled.

georgetheatheist said...

Vicki Schneps' Queens Courier media bias???

Folks, check out the last linked video clip with Phil Alvarez speaking.

2:17 . . . Photographer with black shirt and stripes/floral motif in the foreground clearly shows Dean Moses of the Queens Courier (et al. QNS Schneps publications) wearing a black face mask with Black Lives Matter lettering.
2:21 . . . Another quick view of Moses.
0:47 . . . Moses with his NYPD-issued press pass.

Questions for Vicki Schneps and other editorial honchos at QNS: What's with this gonzo journalism? Shouldn't your reporter/fotog be neutral in appearance in gathering news items?

JQ LLC said...

My mistake, I don't have facebook so I can't see it. But I'm surprised the Sunnyside post has no video of it or didn't upload it either.

I'm going to guess most of the bile was directed at Holden.

Anonymous said...

JQ: Videos play just fine here on the Crap site.

Anonymous said...

I can still watch the videos. Don’t seem taken down. Who is this Grace Frutos? She claims she lives in Sunnyside and organized most of these protests. There was a Defend Black Lives sign. What have these protestors done? We’re in a Pandemic with the working class out of work maybe they should spend some time joining the Big Brother or Sister organizations or rebuilding black neighborhoods. But it’s easy to play protestor but accomplish nothing. Blacks are being shot in gang violence or simple grudges where you’re hunted down and shot.

That’s why people voted for Trump and will for Trump. I detest Trump.

I’m against police brutality and abuse of power but it’s ridiculous to push a narrative that the police just go out enforcing Capitalism and white supremacy. Who taught this nonsense to these idiotic young dolts?

They have the money to buy matching outfits and communication gear? Where do they get the money and training?

Maybe they should consider putting their energy into donating money and their time working in poor neighborhoods but I guess it’s cool like the hippies in the sixties to protest but they had serious issues like getting out of Vietnam, pushing for civil rights, even gay rights.

Anonymous said...

George the Atheist was right.

Floyd was an overdose waiting to happen. Guys lungs were about to explode whether the cops showed up or not. Crooked DA suppressed the info.
Even the knee cop will probably get off. If o was him I’d forgo a jury trial and let a judge handle it.

Queens Crapper said...

I captured them and uploaded them to YouTube. If the original person who posted them wants credit, please email us.

Anonymous said...

You know what I find interesting? There were no less than 4 (and maybe more) BLM groups involved in this:
Warriors in the Garden (from other boroughs)
Mobilize Middle Village (self-explanatory)
Bayside BLM (self-explanatory)
People's March, which Grace claims are all from Sunnyside area.

All of them combined couldn't get more than 100 people out or stay on a unified message. Meanwhile 200 people from within the 108th Pct showed up to support cops.

Maybe it's time to open up the bars so the mostly white, middle class BLM protesters, who were never want for anything in their lives, can go back to their normal socializing and stop pretending like they care about black folks.

- Sheila -
(not only black, but actually born & raised in Queens)

Anonymous said...

They actually had to import a handful of Black people to help them counter this rally. You can't make this stuff up.

Sheila is right, this nonsense is not helpful even if everyone was on the same page.

JQ LLC said...

So the BLM organizers silent protest was to be up people's asses. Not cool or tolerant at all. And definitely not peaceful. Disrupting a rally in that way isn't going to send the message across to tamp down on wasteful profligate funding towards the NYPD, like sending choppers to take in one protester, the counter terror units in overseas stations in middle east and European countries and dirty cops costing the city billions in settlements and the systematic way they and the city cover up their abuse of the badge. Also spending money on tasers which don't work.

I don't agree with the silent majority statement and pandering but I knew Holden was going to get the hassled the most. He's public enemy number one of the fauxgressives, just go on the twitter and see how he gets reamed, even though he's one of the only elected officials on city council that has been calling out de Blasio's corruption and incompetence, which the BLM can surely agree with.

Elect Trump Pied Piper said...

What goes around, comes around. A Queens Crap Blast from the Past!!!

The BLM assembly point - the John Vincent Daniels Jr Square - experienced a humongous RAT infestation a few years back in 2013. Guess what? The first linked Grace Frutos video clip clearly shows the vermin are back!!! Original Queens Crap coverage from 7 years ago: CLICK.

JQ LLC said...


We've been at loggerheads on this BLM issue and the Floyd tragedy, but regarding the photog I see it too.

It's a breach of journalistic ethics to take a side of a story you're covering. Any side. I'm not familiar with that guy but if you're right then QNS has a big problem on their hands.

Anonymous said...

Moe said...
We should just tell the Left that there are free trips to Venezuela and just fly them there.

Anonymous said...

BLM organizers are being paid. Grace Frutos $$$ ?
The Democrats paid for “Russian Interference” why wouldn’t they pay for rioters.

Anonymous said...

Democrats are panicking because they’re gonna lose votes from shit like this.

Anonymous said...

Grace Frutos sounds like the rest of the poorly educated.

Anonymous said...

Todays generation is in bad shape. They are sheep for the DemoRat Blue States !

Anonymous said...

@- Sheila -

Absolutely correct.

Is also time to charge George Soros and his backers with some major crimes against humanity! Sedition! Treason! Attempted overthrow of the government!

They do this in Europe too. Time for arrests and indictments.

Anonymous said...

Modern day prisons are DEFINITELY slave labor camps. They do nothing to correct people and give jobs to otherwise unemployable people

Queens Crapper said...


The "reporters" of every local paper are on Twitter giving their unsolicited opinions about everything all day long. I don't even know how they have time to write their stories with the amount of Tweeting they do.

Anonymous said...

@Anon "DEFINITELY slave labor camps"
Bullshit ! No one is forced to work they get paid.

Anonymous said...

They are effectively forced to work for .10 TEN cents an or spend their incarceration in solitary confinement/the box.

Anonymous said...

These fascists blowing their horns and trying to stifle free speech are what Americans can expect if the presidency goes democrat. Does Grace work with children in Queens as an alleged speech pathologist? Pray for our children!

Anonymous said...

Here is why the the commies want to defund the police in their cities:

Anonymous said...

If you want to have a laugh, you should check out the opinion piece in the Sunnyside Post written by the two District Leaders who represent Sunnyside and L.I.C:

Anonymous said...


Typical communist gaslighting. Thanks for the article!

Anonymous said...

Don't kid yourself. They let Alverez speak without interruption because he's Hispanic. Lots of Hispanic fascists on the left.

Anonymous said...

QC Reader said...
It’s becoming more and more evident to me that the chaos that is the year 2020, is about one thing and one thing only. The election.

Anonymous said...

Antifa really has no idea what they are doing. Soros could’ve at least hired more competent people

BoredWithFascists said...

Nothing like a good old Fat Lazy Socialist Cops rally to get “George The Fascist” and the local Trumpanzees excited for the weekend. Fun for all the fatties.

Anonymous said...

Make America Creepy Again 2020.

Anonymous said...

@ BoredWithFascists said... Trump Takes MAJOR Polling Lead Against Biden ! Now Get back to Twitter in your mom's basement on your asian slave made phone.

Anonymous said...

@BoredWithFascists said...
Let's just give these nice people who are peacefully protesting, and don't want to work for a living, a utopia!

And they can all hold hands, and live off the income of a few. No rent, no police, and everything will just be free!

We can call it Oregon, or CA, or Washington.

Anonymous said...

Q: What percentage of these people are receiving unemployment benefits ?

Anonymous said...

Grace Frutos needs to get closer to the salad bar.

Rob in Manhattan said...

Before you start feeling all warm about cops, read this:


Cops are necessary, but must be kept on a very short leash.

Rob in Manhattan

Anonymous said...

@BoredWithFascists said... Are you Antifa ?

Anonymous said...

@Rob in Manhattan "Cops are necessary, but must be kept on a very short leash"
Very sad Rob ! Leftist analogies like your last one are why we are in this terrible situation.

Anonymous said...


Interesting articles. This crap is being pushed for years from the socialists aka democrats. Did you notice no mention of left wing nut jobs? Don't know about you, but there were no right wing extremists destroying NYC, Chicago or any other city.

The first article is an opinion in the comment section.

The second article is in the news section referencing the opinion.

Some gas lighting!

Mike German? Brennan Center? Who are these people?

Having said that, name any group where there are no bad apples.
Maybe one should look into the hiring process while complaining about cops.

Cops do a pretty thankless job if you ask me.
Most cops are good and unfortunately they get a bad reputation for some cops' actions who are not so good.

Do you think burning down a city is the correct response?

Anonymous said...

Defund the cops? Then give me a gun permit!

Anonymous said...

Awww I bet the kiddies think they'll have positions of power once the commies take over. WRONG. If you want to know about prison labor, read up on the camps in Soviet Siberia. If you had two cows or said something bad about the party, off you went to hard labor for 15 years. These spoiled pansy brats couldn't last two weeks without their iPones. Who is funding these homunculi?

And Sheila, you're spot on.

Anonymous said...

Savages ! And you want respect?

Anonymous said...

No one has to give you a gun permit, New Yorker's. For the forty years that I lived in that zoo, I always carried, with not permission from the crook politicians. I still carry but live in a civilized carry state. Carry makes people more polite.

Anonymous said...

These BLM people show up everywhere except at work.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@These BLM people show up everywhere except at work.

Actually they are working believe it or not. George Soros pays them, indirectly of course, starting wages are $20/hr. Job description is riots, destruction, arson, intimidation, fights, mayhem, etc.

Anonymous said...

Dean Moses of the Queens Courier is another Schneps biased moron. He wrote a completely one sided article covering the event. The Sunnyside Post is the only fair news outlet left in Queens. Don't read or support any Schneps publication. She hired that completely idiotic super nerd Rob Pozarydicki who can't function outside of the Schneps Crap publications or in the real world for that matter. He's a hypocrite coward. Even worse than his ditzy boss.

Anonymous said...

Here's a good knee slapper for you I went to a riot and a mostly peaceful protest broke out.

Anonymous said...

The Demonrats are a disaster and the media is right there with them.

Anonymous said...

They think they're fighting the state and Trump. They're really fighting their fathers.

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