Monday, June 1, 2020

NYPD deploys cops to Queens Center Mall to stop looters



Traffic has been delayed near Queens Center Mall due to the presence of emergency personnel in response to reported looting.

Video that surfaced on social media Monday afternoon shows a group of people running around the mall attempting to kick through boarded up windows.

The situation does not seem to be a protest related to the death of George Floyd and the continuation of police violence against black men and women across the country, but rather a previously planned  “loot out” that had allegedly been scheduled to begin at the mall, located at 90-15 Queens Blvd., around 1 p.m., according to a notice obtained by QNS, which has been cropped to remove derogatory language.

 An NYPD spokesperson confirmed with QNS that the 110th Precinct had received several calls regarding the situation and had sent officers to the area, but, as of 4 p.m., could not offer confirmation of any violence, vandalism or arrests made at the scene.

Another video surfaced on Twitter showing police vehicles following a group of people who seemed to be running away from the mall.
The city’s official emergency notification system sent out a Tweet warning of expected traffic delays due to the incident.


Angry Queens Taxpayor said...

What protesters?
Shoot the dam criminals & terrorists and be done with them once and for all or house them back on Rikers Island.
This is going to cost business & home owners a fortune in increased taxes and insurance premiums. These people are already suffering with tenants no longer paying the rent & electric with immunity from eviction for what's going to be a YEAR.
People are forgetting about the me-too/ copycat factor involved once you forgive bad behavior and let scum do whatever the fuck it wants without impunity.
Maybe 100X more then the jackass mayor saved by letting all the felons out.

Whats next, the socialist mayor and city council demand I give the these fucking freeloaders for socialism my house keys, credit cards & bank account ?

Anonymous said...

Lock Them All Up !
“Protester” cannot be used interchangeably with “Violent Rioter”. !

Anonymous said...

QC Reader said...
These are not rioters, they’re all joggers. This is a nationwide marathon

Anonymous said...

For anonymous # 1 and # 2. We live in a civilized society where citizens and non citizens are afforded due process. You can go back to your shit hole countries or wherever your parents parents parents originate from and practice primitivism out there

Anonymous said...

DeBlasio’s own daughter was arrested for throwing rocks. SBA Twitter tweeted this and had her arresting record.

Anonymous said...

Terrorists and looters may be meeting their makers soon.
Trump is invoking 213-year-old Insurrection Act if mayors don't take the handcuffs off the police and allow them to restore order.

Q: Why are most all the looters ransacking stores black wile most the folks fighting with the police and tossing lit IED cocktails at police cars white?

Captain Renault said...


Anonymous said...

@#4 Anonymous said..."For anonymous # 1 and # 2. We live in a civilized society"
You call this civilized ? Burning our cities and killing people ?
What shite hole do you come from ? STFU

Anonymous said...

The tracers should ask how did you get Covid? We you out looting? Protesting? Then when the second wave hits the local news will say anyone by this area on this day go get tested for you were exposed to the virus. So much for that Kate Spade wallet, throwing things at police and setting fires. You will be the cause of the second wave and you could actually bring back to your community.

Anonymous said...

They the Looters have no ideas, only anger instilled in them by the Leftist Media.

Anonymous said...

If people think these protests are about George Floyd, I have a bridge to sell them in Brooklyn. Angry Queens Taxpayer that's exactly what they want your house and anything else you own. It's called redistribution of wealth. These fucking socialists want to take everything you and I own and worked hard all our lives and give it to people that never worked a day in their life.
Just listen to these two assholes Cuomo and Deblasio and any other democrat, that's exactly what they are advocating.
These two Bozos have done a bang up job of handling these riots and looting. If you listen to them it's all the cops fault. When you handcuff the cops from doing their job what you get is mob rule. All you hear is we are investigating the cops for doing their job.
This is headed to be another Detroit or Baltimore.

Time to bail out of this shithole before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

To say that violence only plays into the hands of the oppressors is like saying that martial arts can’t possibly lead to a good outcome—when used for self defense!

❝Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state becomes lawless and corrupt.❞ ——Mahatma Gandhi

Anonymous said...

Give me Air Jordans or give me death!

Anonymous said...

QC Reader said...
BLM got played, they got used by Antifa to do the lefts dirty work and take the blame.

TommyR said...

The looters were a bunch of thronging HS-age idiots. Who don't care about social justice or anyone's death, just scoring free stuff. They were genius-level enough to announce their intent online through social media, and met with the appropriate response. Life continued on as normal.

Someone Nearby

Anonymous said...

To say that violence only plays into the hands of the oppressors is like saying that martial arts can’t possibly lead to a good outcome—when used for self defense!

❝Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state becomes lawless and corrupt.❞ ——Mahatma Gandhi

Anonymous said...

If anyone is wondering why the tanker driver drove into the lawbreaking, racist rioters, watch the video of what happened to the poor white truck driver AFTER the Rodney King incident of 1994.

They pulled the innocent driver from his truck and they bashed his face in with bricks——ALL because he was white (and, in the wrong place at the wrong time). How quickly we brush aside black-on-white violence. In the most recent incident, the mob was climbing all over the tanker's truck refusing to allow the driver to pass.

So, what was coming next, I shouldn't wonder? Should he have just SAT there until he became YET another victim of black rage? No, he has a right to defend himself against lawless thugs. Instead, he was arrested——but, was anyone who attacked him arrested? No, because they were black——a clear and divisive double standard that neo-liberal scum play all of the time (as they pit the innocent against the guilty, black angry mobs)!

Anonymous said...

In fact, the media (all of which is corporate fascist owned-and-operated), is culpable for the present unrest (riots) throughout the country. Whenever a black criminal commits a crime, whether it's George Floyd trying to pass a counterfeit bill, or a public menace Eric Garner, who was continuously hawking loose cigarettes (in front of taxpaying merchants whose ire Garner was increasing by the hour), the 'LAMESTREAM' media instantly transform them into innocent civil rights heroes, as they completely (and, ironically) ignore the underlying crime that initially attracted the attention of law enforcement in the FIRST F**KING PLACE!

Then, when the inevitable happens (and, it always DOES): Rampant, angry mobs come to the scene to loot and destroy everything in sight, as the families of these criminals become newly minted millions from We, the People's publicly unauthorized tax dollars. What a bastion of lawless hypocrisy!

Anonymous said...

@Blogger TommyR said... smoking too much pot again ?
"The looters were a bunch of thronging HS-age idiots" What ?
Do you think anyone believes that Bull Shit Tommy. We can see with our own eyes stop spreading lies. FAKE news, PLANNED pandemic, STAGED riots...

Anonymous said...

Im a White Male. Independent, Right leaning. Pro Constitution.
What happened to George Floyd was horrible. Something like that should never happen to anyone, regardless of race, gender or orientation.
When he said "Help me. I cant breathe." That is the moment the Police should have gotten off him and called Medics.
The Police were responsible for his safety and they failed. They should pay for that.
That said. The "Protests" against this injustice stopped when people started looting, burning, destroying and KILLING other people. Even the Police.
These are now RIOTS. It is an Insurrection and I 100% believe it is Coordinated by the Far Left, and supported by Liberal Media, the Democrats and Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

More blacks have been murderer SINCE Floyd’s death by other blacks then by police in the last 12 months. Doesn’t excuse his death but nothing is put into perspective. BLM is a joke. Remember during Covid, let it be data driven.

Anonymous said...

>whether it's George Floyd trying to pass a counterfeit bill, or a public menace Eric Garner, who was continuously hawking loose cigarettes (in front of taxpaying merchants whose ire Garner was increasing by the hour)

Neither of those should be punished with death by cop!

Anonymous said...

QC Reader said..
I'm privileged to have a working brain that evolved from a normal upbringing and living in a normal world.

Avril said...

You're all racist on here including the owner if this blog. As long as a problem don't affect you it doesn't matter. Black lives matter.

JQ LLC said...


No I'm not.

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