Thursday, April 9, 2020

The White House will cut funding for coronavirus testing sites

All Things Considered

Some local officials are disappointed the federal government will end funding for coronavirus testing sites this Friday. In a few places those sites will close as a result. This as criticism continues that not enough testing is available.

In the Philadelphia suburbs, Montgomery County has a drive-through site that has tested 250 people a day since March 21.

"It has been a very successful site. We are hoping by the time it closes Friday afternoon that we will have tested a little over 5,000 individuals," says Dr. Valerie Arkoosh, who chairs the commission in the county of more than 825,000 people.

Montgomery County has been hit hard by the pandemic. By Tuesday the county identified 1,294 positive cases and reported 32 COVID-19-related deaths.

A spokesperson for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services tells NPR, "Many of the Community-Based Testing Sites (CBTS) are not closing, but rather transitioning to state-managed sites on or about April 10."

The agency and a spokesperson for FEMA say the CBTS program originally included 41 sites. It was intended as a stop-gap to bring testing to critical locations, especially for health care facility workers and first responders.

"The transition will ensure each state has the flexibility and autonomy to manage and operate testing sites within the needs of their specific community and to prioritize resources where they are needed the most," the HHS spokesperson said.


Anonymous said...

They tested a Tiger, how could there be a test shortage ?

There will be better testing kits coming out soon !
Some of the early testing had a 70% failure rate.

Anonymous said...

Orange Man must be bad !
Last week - "Trump lied & people died!"
This week - "Trump lied & not enough people died!"

MSNBC Host Pushes INSANE Theory, Claims Trump Lying About COVID Numbers To Look Good !

JQ LLC said...

Orange man fan defensive.

Last Month: It'll go down to zero cases

This week: There will be a lot of death.

@Anon re: early testing

To quote Trump plus, Cuomo, de Blasio (and that goober from Kentucky); well that's the first time I heard of it.

Anonymous said...

"I need a test brutha" Says the guy not wearing a mask, not social distancing and not showing any symptoms of illness. Maybe he is referring to an IQ test? Or a pregnancy test?

Anonymous said...

"MSNBC Host Pushes INSANE Theory, Claims Trump Lying About COVID Numbers To Look Good!"

Agreed, the bottom line is that this virus is another type of Flu.
For some reason, the entire world went into a hysteria because of a combination of Chinese malfeasance ("there is no virus here in Wuhan"), World Health Organization incompetence ("this will kill millions"), incompetent scientists who couldn't recognize the forest through the trees ("this will kill millions") and a parasite media complex in the US which was looking for a new "end of the world" scenario to throw around Trump's neck.
Add all that to a zombie-democrat population which was looking to go ape-shit, and you have there, in a nutshell, the entire last month.

Seasonal Flu Deaths 2019/20 season: 24,000-63,000 Americans (including children!)

Coronavirus Deaths this season: 16,044 (including a large percentage of individuals who were already dying due to severe heart and lung disease or cancer).
NOTE: this virus does not appear to harm children, that's a biggie there!


In all fairness to President Trump, his initial downplaying of this disease was, and is, consistent with what it is turning out to be: a type of bad Flu virus.

Now hear me out before you tell us all that this is unprecedented;
clearly, the number of fatalities due to this crisis have not risen to the level that they were sold on ("millions will die").

The levels that led to widespread panic, hysteria and culminated in the closure of our entire economy (something which has never been done in our history).
Face it, the economy was closed because the hysteria stoked by the media would allow NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE. So the President complied.

Trump's initial assessment and his "hunches" were right about this, if you look at this under the cold clinical light.
This virus was not going to end our population any more than the other Flu viruses have ended our population. In fact, the social distancing has helped, but those initial scientific models said millions would die even with social distancing.

Also, and you heard it from me here first, this virus has been here much longer than they are saying. This thing has been going through our population in NYC like wildfire since January, at least. How do I know this; using deduction. We know it was in China since December. We know that hundreds of thousands of Chinese nationals traveled back and forth since December (despite the travel ban). These Chinese nationals are all over Queens and NYC. We live like rabbits under bushes here in NYC, what do you think a virus will do given the opportunity to jump on every individual traveling like sardines on the 7 train?
End result; virus was here all along. Not just arriving with some secondary infected individual who arrived from Iran on Jan. 20th (that's the official story here in NYC).

In comparison to the Spanish Flu (H1N1) in 1918, that killed 675,000 Americans, Trump's initial assessment that this virus will disappear was spot on.
Keep in mind, we have been routinely been ignoring the deaths due to Flu virus for decades.
Do you remember how many died because of the Seasonal Flu (H3N2/H1N1) in the 2014-15 season?
You won't remember because nobody does, nobody went hysterical and nobody shut down the entire world economy.....that number of dead Americans was 51,000 by the way and it wasn't a particularly bad year.

looking at the studies coming in, it appears that President Trump was right with his "hunch" about hydroxychloriquine/Azythromycin being helpful in treating Covid-19 infections.

Harry Haller

Anonymous said...

Harry Haller,
Trump is a grifter. He’s been a staple of NYC and he was always seedy. But you rationalize it’s everyone’s fault but Trump is a genius? Scientists have proven coronavirus came from people traveling from Europe. I presumed it would be Chinese immigrants or students that visited China then came back to the US but it doesn’t appear to be the case.

How many Chinese immigrants do you see in the news infected with this virus?

Trump’s assessment like most leaders exemplified by Boris Johnson and DeBlasio didn’t listen to the medical specialists that sounded the alarm. DeBlasio urged people to go to their local bars.

If China’s government had to use brutal means to quarantine Wuhan once they realized the city’s medical infrastructure couldn’t handle the infected patients they built hospitals that really were to quarantine the patients not necessarily treating them.

Are you this delusional?

There was a graph showing the flu infection vs the coronavirus and the line showing the coronavirus basically goes straight up compared to the flu. Do you think the hospitals are not being overwhelmed in NYC?.

Anonymous said...

Well the fruits of the Democratic Party's efforts to rebuild are very very successful. They went back to their Golden Age - 19th Century - to rebuild the Party and they are very successful in recreating the Party in its formative years - a base that is semi-literate, living in basements, marginal jobs, dependent on Party to feed and take care of their needs in exchange for votes.

Yes, yes every detail even down to the Plagues in the Ghettos. Despite efforts to conceal, the truth is now out for all to see. In an election year!

Anonymous said...

The Spanish flu also lasted from December 1918 to about January 1920. The coronavirus is just beginning. It was only officially recognized as a problem in this country about a month ago. Let’s see where the mortality rate is when we declare the end of this, before we start saying “this is just like the flu”.

Anonymous said...

Thank You Harry for telling it like it is !

Some guy said...

Harry, if the virus was here in January (not saying I disagree), then why weren’t the hospitals overwhelmed at that time?

Anonymous said...

Give em hell, Harry!!!

Anonymous said...

CNN: We will stop covering the president’s lies.
Trump WH: Ok, bye.
CNN: But we want your health experts to come on!!!
Pence: Imao, stfu.

Anonymous said...

@JQ Early Testing ?
Demorats should start in their own backyard before pointing fingers at the man who has been telling us that being dependent on other countries will be our downfall.

JQ LLC said...

@anon re: the man

That man and his daughter is dependent on other countries to manufacture their surname branded products. The latter made a lot of bank in just the last year getting hundreds of patents from China too.

Can't knock the hustle.

JQ LLC said...

are dependent I meant

Anonymous said...

An anonymous Democrat said:

"Trump is a grifter. He’s been a staple of NYC and he was always seedy. But you rationalize it’s everyone’s fault but Trump is a genius?"

So because Trump is a New Yorker, he's somehow seedy and a grifter? Sounds like you're just one of the jealous types who never actually made it in NYC.
I never rationalized it's "everyone's fault", but I do believe the Chinese communist government is directly to blame for allowing the virus to spread to the US because they lied about it, misled through their proxy; the World Health Organization, and were willingly aided by pro communist toadies in the US like yourself.

an anonymous Democrat then said:
"...Scientists have proven coronavirus came from people traveling from Europe. I presumed it would be Chinese immigrants or students that visited China then came back to the US but it doesn’t appear to be the case."

No, some scientists have found that part of the viral epidemic came from Europe. Remember that the first case was the healthcare worker who traveled to Iran and came back with it. Then there was the Orthodox guy from Westchester who traveled to some "undisclosed locale" and came back with it.
Just because some scientists traced part of the NYC outbreak back to Europe only means they found one strand of the disease pattern.
Scientists haven't even figured out what the Case Mortality Rate is for the disease but you confidently post that the viral pattern has been figured out. Don't make me laugh, it's ridiculous.
Meanwhile, back in reality, 430,000 people traveled from China to the US since the outbreak started in CHINA!
This article is sourced from an original NY Times article, but I don't post NYTimes articles because that rag doesn't deserve reading. I'll reference it however, because I know it's the Bible to liberals like yourself.

So, by your theory, the mystery has been solved in NYC. It all came from Europe, of course. Say the scientists who couldn't even get the death toll correct and told us "millions would die".
Nevermind the 430,000 Chinese nationals who traveled to cities, like NYC, the largest chinese population center in the US.

I'm sure not one of those 430,000 individuals traveling directly from China to the US and NYC brought back a single viral particle.
If you guys learn one thing from me posting all these lengthy tirades here on Queen Crap, learn to think for yourselves and question all assumptions by comparing them to reason, logic and science. That's why I continuously reference scientific articles and data sets.
You're one of these people that are simply spoon-fed information and are satisfied by that information, never questioning the validity or it's logical basis.
I'm not saying that people didn't get it in Europe as well.
I'm saying that clearly, there were multiple seed carriers to NYC and that it is a near impossibility that some of those initial seeding agents weren't from China. It's already been proven that this was the case in Italy and France, by the way.

Some Democrat also said:
"Trump’s assessment like most leaders exemplified by Boris Johnson and DeBlasio didn’t listen to the medical specialists that sounded the alarm. DeBlasio urged people to go to their local bars."

WRONG! Trump actually closed the border on Jan.31st on the advice from Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci.
AGAINST protests from the "World Health Organization"
AGAINST protests from the Democrat Pres. candidate JOE BIDEN!
AGAINST Protests from liberals like yourself screaming "racism!" "xenophobe!"
get the facts straight and don't insult our intelligence here.

Harry Haller

Anonymous said...

anonymous Democrat also said:

"There was a graph showing the flu infection vs the coronavirus and the line showing the coronavirus basically goes straight up compared to the flu. Do you think the hospitals are not being overwhelmed in NYC?."

There is also a graph of deaths showing deaths from Seasonal Flu at: 24,000-63,000 this year alone.
While deaths from coronavirus stand at 16,772.
Did you catch that data? Because I've been posting it for weeks here, and it's straight from the CDC. Those Seasonal Flu deaths happen EVERY SINGLE YEAR!
The big difference is that we didn't shut down the entire wold economy because of the Flu deaths that have included thousands and thousands of children over the years.
Hospitals were indeed overwhelmed in NYC, and you can blame that on your Democrat leadership closing hospitals like St. Vincents, St. Johns, St. Mary's, Peninsula Hospital, Victory Memorial....all in the last ten years. All while our numbers continue to grow here in NYC.

I should get paid to deprogram Democrats,
Harry Haller

Anonymous said...

"Harry, if the virus was here in January (not saying I disagree), then why weren’t the hospitals overwhelmed at that time?"

Disease propagation patterns are well understood by scientists and doctors. They've been described by Farr's Law for two centuries now:

The seeds of this pandemic were being spread in January, having originated in China in late December.
It takes time for the virus to infect individuals, it also takes time for the virus to be spread from individual to individual, building up enough momentum to infect large numbers of population.

I will say this, which might sound self-evident, but is actually indicative of a disease's lethality; If a disease is very deadly, it will cause a lot of death.
In other words, if the coronavirus was as deadly as first implied, it would have presented itself much sooner. Like Ebola. Hospitals would have had thousands of patients within a week of it's arrival.

There's no guessing with Ebola, it shows up and there are dead people all over the place within a week.
The Case Mortality Rate for this virus is not known as yet, but based on the patterns and death toll, it appears to be in the 1% range, with much lower estimates being put forward as more testing is done.

Harry Haller

Ron S said...

To Harry Haller:
Even in my coronavirus isolation I won't waste time responding to your whole incorrect assessment, but three small points.
Two studies independently have come to the conclusion that the virus came to the US from Europe and not China. Closing off China and leaving Europe open for travel was stupid, and in the end, deadly.
The potential for millions to die is an estimate based on projections. The fact that it does not happen is a great thing, not proof that Trump the moron was correct about anything. The potential for millions of deaths requires bold action, not denial and whining shown by the orange idiot.
Show some specific scientific studies that hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin are safe and effective. The vast majority of experts say that it is unproven and likely to kill patients through cardiac side effects. Trump needs to STFU about medicine. He knows as much about medicine as he does about running casinos.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Info Harry !

Anonymous said...

An anonymous Democrat said:

"Two studies independently have come to the conclusion that the virus came to the US from Europe and not China. Closing off China and leaving Europe open for travel was stupid, and in the end, deadly."

What the two studies found were that patients presenting to affluent hospitals in Manhattan: Mount Sinai and NYU-Tisch were infected from strains that traveled from China through Europe, for the most part.
That same study from Mount Sinai said there was evidence from direct infection from China.
The facts about pandemics are that they are seeded from multiple points at once.

Of course you would take the study to bash Trump's travel ban on China as ineffective. That's the entire reason the studies were widely quoted in the liberal media without stating that they were limited to affluent hospitals in Manhattan.
Where's the study involving the patients overflowing Flushing Hospital, Elmhurst Hospital, NY Hospital Queens?

I'm very curious to see where those strains of coronavirus traveled from.
Yeah, Europe I'm sure.LOL.

The Democrat-Zombie further said:
"The fact that it does not happen is a great thing, not proof that Trump the moron was correct about anything. The potential for millions of deaths requires bold action, not denial and whining shown by the orange idiot."

Of course it's a great thing that millions didn't die.
It would have been a great thing if people like you didn't shit their pampers as well and proclaimed that the world was ending.
That's what Trump was trying to avoid.
Of course the hysteria took its course and he was obligated by the full force of crying liberals to cede to a full shut down of the entire world economy.
In hindsight, even Governor Cuomo wonders if that was the right thing to do.
Knowing what we know now, we will probably just isolate the at risk population and move on...just like we do with Seasonal Flu.

The Democrat-zombie then said:
"Show some specific scientific studies that hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin are safe and effective. The vast majority of experts say that it is unproven and likely to kill patients through cardiac side effects."

First off, Hydroxychloroquine has been prescribed in Africa for Milaria for decades. Over a BILLION prescriptions have been written. The potential for heart arrhythmia is minimal percentage wise. If you are dying from a viral infection and the doctor tells you there is a minimal chance of heart arrhythmia from the cure, do you really think they you would give a shit? No, I thought not.

Anyway, here are two studies showing efficacy of Hydroxychloriquine in treatment of covid-19 patients, with more to come:

This study from France says this:
"Twenty cases were treated in this study and showed a significant reduction of the viral carriage at D6-post inclusion compared to controls, and much lower average carrying duration than reported of untreated patients in the literature."

Then there's the study from Wuhan:

This study says this:
"The data in this study revealed that after 5 days of hydroxychloroquine treatment, the symptoms of patients with COVID-19 were significantly relieved, manifesting as shorten(ing) in the recovery time for cough and fever,"

Now stop annoying everyone on this site, thinking you know more than everyone.
Learn something for once, that isn't filtered through your lizard orange-man-bad brain.

Snoochie Boochies,
Harry Haller

Anonymous said...

Harry Haller, Queens Crap idiot posing as an intellectual and just like trump, his dumb followers hang on every word.

Anonymous said...

It is obvious even in a non-isolation state poor little Harry Heller, has never had sex with a woman or male. The boy has way too much time on his hand, even before the pandemic.

Ron S said...

Snoochie Boochies,
Harry Haller

From the very article you cited, I see the following:

In addition to the small size of this trial, the unspecified components of the hospital standard treatment and its variance between patients confounds assessment of the effect of hydroxychloroquine, particularly on whether it lessened severity given the small number of patients who experienced a worsening course. Also, excluding severe illness from study entry leaves the effect of hydroxychloroquine on severe symptoms an open question

Doesn't sound like much evidence to me, but the Orange man has bewitched you. I believe Trump's medical advice like I would believe a mentally deranged relative telling me to take more zinc. Oh, I forgot, Trump said that.

Anonymous said...

This little piggie said:

"Harry Haller, Queens Crap idiot posing as an intellectual and just like trump, his dumb followers hang on every word."

Another little piggie said:

"It is obvious even in a non-isolation state poor little Harry Heller, has never had sex with a woman or male. The boy has way too much time on his hand, even before the pandemic."

...haahaha, I love the smell of offended piggies in the morning....
...smells like.....victory.

Rock 'n' Roll,
Harry Haller

Anonymous said...

Good one Harry
The Little Revolutionary Communist Piggie on the Queens Crap Brigade needs his safe space now ! So sad that we have so many Piggies that were all indoctrinated in Marxist Colleges !
Social Meadia is such a hot bed for Marxism and I LOVE when they are called out and cry !

Anonymous said...

Oh the TROLLS can't just except loss !

Harry's Medical Facts Vs Marxist Website Propaganda

Anonymous said...

ron S said

"Doesn't sound like much evidence to me, but the Orange man has bewitched you. I believe Trump's medical advice like I would believe a mentally deranged relative telling me to take more zinc.,"

Really? don't like the conclusions from a scientific study? Sorry but you don't get to judge science and statistical significance. LOL

From the first scientific article posted:


Despite its small sample size our survey shows that hydroxychloroquine treatment is significantly associated with viral load reduction/disappearance in COVID-19 patients and its effect is reinforced by azithromycin."

From the second article I posted:
"In comparison to the 31 patients on placebo, the 31 receiving the hydroxychloroquine adjunct to standard treatment were reported to have significantly shorter average time to recover normal body temperature (2.2 vs 3.2 days, P = .0008) and time to cessation of cough (2.0 vs 3.1 days, P = .0016). A larger proportion of patients on hydroxychloroquine than placebo also demonstrated an improved chest CT (80.6% vs 54.8%), with 61.3% of the treatment group having significant improvement. In addition, the 4 patients in the trial who deteriorated from mild to severe acuity were all in the placebo group."

That data sounds like it's promising. In fact it appears to have statistical significance. Something you can't fake.
So despite your Trump Derangement Syndrome, try to understand that science doesn't have to conform to you Democrat "emotions", no matter how much you wish for something to fail.

One thing Trump is good at is Winning....and that makes you the loser because you're hoping against hope that the science and the experience of the researchers is wrong.

Harry Haller

Unknown said...

Trump haters are rooting for the virus to win. This shows us exactly who's been "infected."

Anonymous said...

Check and see if all the Democrats have recently put a bunch of money into pharmaceutical companies.

Ron S said...

To Harry, Re:
That data sounds like it's promising. In fact it appears to have statistical significance. Something you can't fake.
So despite your Trump Derangement Syndrome, try to understand that science doesn't have to conform to you Democrat "emotions", no matter how much you wish for something to fail"

Let me 'splain this to you really simply. Trump wishing for this to be an effective medicine does not make it so. Trump advising people to take the medicine on their own will kill people.
We all want an EFFECTIVE PROVEN SAFE medicine. The studies here are small, mostly uncontrolled, do not show an effect on very sick individuals, and not peer reviewed. They are published in a journal that gives possible findings an initial outlet. You do not use a medicine on a widespread basis on flimsy evidence. It's dangerous. Would I take it if I was about to die? Yes. That's not a real standard for touting it to America.
Let's hope we get a vaccine and an effective vaccine and medicine soon. In the meantime, let's also get a president with a conscience and a brain.

Anonymous said...

@Ron S said..."Effective Vaccine" ?
You take it first and let us know how it works out.
Trigger Warning: Harry Haller is in your head !

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