Friday, February 7, 2020

Nice house in Astoria to be demolished for five story apartment building


Permits have been filed for a five-story residential building at 31-17 28th Avenue in Astoria, Queens. Located at the intersection of 28th Avenue and 32nd Street, the lot is one block south of the Astoria Boulevard subway station, serviced by the N and W trains. Bell Realty is listed as the owner behind the applications.

The proposed 50-foot-tall development will yield 15,442 square feet, with 11,251 square feet designated for residential space. The building will have 16 residences, most likely rentals based on the average unit scope of 703 square feet. The masonry-based structure will also have a 30-foot-long rear yard.

T.F. Cusanelli and Filletti Architects is listed as the architect of record.


Anonymous said...

No place in NYC is safe from crapification.

Anonymous said...

I lived across the street from that house. As kids we thought it was abandoned or haunted since we never saw any activity. It also had some lovely weeping willows IIRC. It was indeed a nice house and added something pleasant to the neighborhood, sort of like a small park in the middle of the concrete jungle does, but even more so. If I ever won the lottery, I would have bought it. C'est la vie PJM 2/8/2020.

Anonymous said...

This is garbage compared to the atrocity the community is doing to itself in Old Astoria.

You should cover that.

Unknown said...

Must demolish every propert that obtains mature native landscaping

Anonymous said...

This actually is a nice house, what a shame.

Why does that car parked right in front of the house have some sort of day-glow traffic cone on it's hood? Check it out in Google Street Maps for a better view.

Henry22 said...

The traffic cone is on the car because they probably want the owner to move it.
This house has some cool apartments in it with balconies (entrance is on 32nd St).
Welp, progress has to happen! C'est la Vie.

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