Sunday, February 23, 2020

Immigrants have been very very good for NYC

NY Post

Immigrants love New York — they always have.
And they are having the greatest economic effect here, out of all the states, according to a new report.
The WalletHub study compared the economic impact of foreign-born populations on the 50 states and the District of Columbia. It used 23 indicators to determine which states benefit the most — and least — from immigration.
New York was No. 1 because “foreign-born population is almost 23 percent, second-highest in the country, and more than 12 percent of its households are made up of second-generation immigrants,” the report said, adding, “The percentage of income generated by immigrant households is over 25 percent, the highest in the nation.”
WalletHub analyst Jill Gonzalez attributed New York’s immigrant bounty to a number of factors.
“Some of the reasons immigrants have the highest economic impact in New York include the third-largest share of foreign-born workforce, over 27 percent, and the second-largest share of foreign-born business owners, over 25 percent,” she said. “The state also has the second-largest share of active physicians who are international medical graduates, 37 percent.”
In addition, New York has a large number of international students and enjoys the “brain gain” and innovation brought by immigrants.


Anonymous said...

It's only because most of ny is made of foreigners anymore. All of the small businesses that were owned by citizens all went broke because the rents went skyrocketing. The foreign investors only use it as a tax write off plus dont forget that when you spend 500k here to buy property, you automatically get citizenship into America. I see alot of foreign stores that dont do any business at all but the storefront remains opened.

Anonymous said...

Have they checked the data of the pros and cons about this? Did they check the following

Amount of welfare they get
Amount of overtime we give our government employees like garbage men and MTA workers because of the strain they put by living 50 people in one house or bedroom so that equals more trash and more people on the subways
The amount of strain they put on our roadways if they do drive
The cost of translation services we provide for them
The cost of the ESL programs we have to provide
The cost of free lunches they get in schools
The cost of Medicaid they receive

Please check to see if all of these services REALLY outweigh how much they put into the economy then write an article about it.

Anonymous said...

How much did Jeff Bezos and the mayors office pay the NY Post for this crock of shit?

The numbers are high because the illegals, immigrants and people on the H-1B visa program (all your hospitals) outnumber American born whites, Blacks and Puerto Ricans in NYC. The Asians in flushing can live 30 per house and work 14 hours days on 2 bowls of rice.
They are now buying all the old 1 family Colonial & Tudor houses in Manhasset, knocking them down and building nasty boxes to the maximum property line buffers.
This cancer was good for NYC my ass, that article was rigged and paid for by somebody for some special interest reason.
Perhaps certain people wants more cheap labor and democrat votes.

Anonymous said...

Yep. Typical neocon trash writing from the Post. It's all about GDP.

I guess we can just say goodbye to social cohesion, shared values, civic unity or any other essential underpinnings of democracy. We'll just have to get used to demographic warfare and single party rule.

Ned said...

Read to the last lines "New York has a large number of international students and enjoys the “brain gain” and innovation brought by immigrants"

Translation= The machine is promoting a plan to bring in more, This the feeding us shit wile telling us its a meal.
I don't see any “brain gain” on the streets of Ridgewood or Queens, only downgrades, $2800 single bedroom rents and slobs slurping noodles & octopus on the trains.


Anonymous said...

The article did not differentiate between legal immigrants and illegals.

Anonymous said...

"Immigrants have been very very good for NYC" = Good for the already Rich !

Vincent James

Most Immigrants won’t vote Conseritive or Libertarian ! Look what happened to California, Texas is next to fall in 2024. The first and second admentment means nothing to most of today's immigrants. Today’s immigrants don’t assimilate like immigrants from the past and abuse the welfare state. How many times to you see strollers filled with babies with Americans ? Immigrants will take American jobs, lower wages, and hurt the native poor that are trying to get ahead. This NY Post story is total BS !

'Opa said...

Some of you people are so ignorant.

Who commenting on here is not from an immigrant family and lives in Queens?

Argh, your racism is sad. Grow up.
<< slobs slurping noodles & octopus on the trains.

Anonymous said...

What BS! Immigration is killing America.

TommyR said...

If no one's having kids, then you need a continual flow of immigrants to prop up a primarily consumption (consumer) based economy. Look west of and north along the Hudson to the gutted rust-belt communities, now opioid-addicted wastelands for what happens in the absence of either new generations or new émigrés, when nothing anchors manufacturing to an area or encourages people to arrive, stay and set up shop. The opposite is also bad, but far less so than when towns and cities sink into dilapidation and decrepitude. There's no solution than for other countries to become the sort of places that make America look far less favorable to move to by comparison, which isn't happening anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

Immigration used to be good for America. Years ago they came over and help build NYC and make it a great place. Nowadays this new wave of immigrants just want to have health insurance that someone else pays for (Medicaid) and Food stamps that someone else pays for( the working people) free housing that someone else pays for( our tax dollars). They aren't helping build this city or country. They are sucking it dry so that the next generations will work till they drop dead just so they can live off of everything. Something has to be done it isn't fair how someone never contributed gets to live off this land.

Anonymous said...

I was like, really? when I read the puff piece. No one has mentioned it so I will.... the subways and buses are jam crammed thanks to illegal immigrants. It's difficult to get an apartment when illegals will call up their friends as soon as they get a one bedroom and now it's a five bedroom & Maria is pregnant with four children under 6 years old- this is so she can apply for WIC, food stamps, welfare for the children and any housing vouchers she can scam. . I went to look at a place advertised as a room for $900 in Astoria yesterday. 31-04 32nd Street. A Chinese woman called me and showed me the place. A filthy dirty walk up building - she's the super or claims to be the super. It's a broken down disgusting place- supposedly 3 bedrooms .The sparse furniture looks like it was pulled in off the street from trash pick up day. Only one guy is in there - She claims I was discriminating to ask what ethnicity he is- he just came from China. oh great, he doesn't speak English and could be a Corona virus carrier - It gets better. The room is $975, a smaller one is $925.00- the one she advertised is $900.
You do the math. For a rent stablized apartment -that's $2800. When I asked her who the landlord is she tells me to not talk so loud. For all I know she has a Section 8 voucher and is paying $300 a month. It's an illegal boarding house inside of a rent stablized building. This is what illegal aliens bring to our city. And no, it's not good for anyone

Anonymous said...

I blame the N.Y. people who voted for this "Crap" every November and the ones who stay home and don't get out to vote. Prime example is AOC's district she wins a primary with very few people voting and now we have to listen to her Far-Left views she learned being brainwashed in our school system that is expressing hatred upon the United States of America !

Ima Grant said...

Did you graduate from high school?

Go back and read the history of NYC and what people were saying about immigrants 100 years ago. It is the same thing you are saying now.

You are just spewing the same ignorant garbage.

Buy your own place Anonymous. If you are not an immigrant and were born here you've had more than enough opportunities to get an education and a job to pay for a nice place. It is so much easier to blame immigrants for your issues because then you don't have admit it is you that is the problem.

>>> Immigration used to be good for America. Years ago they came over and help build NYC

Anonymous Anonymous said...
--I was like, really?

Anonymous said...

Illegal lives matter!!!

Anonymous said...

'Opa said...
"Some of you people are so ignorant.

Who commenting on here is not from an immigrant family and lives in Queens?"

I'm from an immigrant family in Queens that traces its roots back to the most advanced, artistic, scientific, progressive and prosperous society in the history of human civilization western Europe.

When my ancestors found your ancestors Newton had already published the Pricipia - 3 laws of physics and the science of calculus. Your ancestors were still living in huts, had no written language, no modern cities (still don't),no rule of law, and were still practicing paganism.

There is is difference between us and you. A big one.

We maintained the beauty of Queens for over a century. In just a few decades - its all been torn down and replaced with favella construction, degeneracy, prostitute massage parlors, etc. We've also undergone a complete loss of civic pride and neighborhood harmony.

Anonymous said...

'Opa said...
"Some of you people are so ignorant.

Who commenting on here is not from an immigrant family and lives in Queens?"

I'm from an immigrant family in Queens that traces its roots back to the most advanced, artistic, scientific, progressive and prosperous society in the history of human civilization western Europe.

When my ancestors found your ancestors Newton had already published the Pricipia - 3 laws of physics and the science of calculus. Your ancestors were still living in huts, had no written language, no modern cities (still don't),no rule of law, and were still practicing paganism.

There is is difference between us and you. A big one.

We maintained the beauty of Queens for over a century. In just a few decades - its all been torn down and replaced with favella construction, degeneracy, prostitute massage parlors, etc. We've also undergone a complete loss of civic pride and neighborhood harmony.

Anonymous said...

Ima Grant said:

"Did you graduate from high school?"

Yes. We almost always do (white people, that is).

Now go check the stats for minorities. While your there checking graduation rates for minorities, check median IQ, FBI crime statistics (especially violent crime), recidivism rates for felons, etc.

It's all minorities - and the "mob" and the Irish slums of years ago did not even come close to the minority crime stats of today.

Europeans assimilate faster. Our new "friends" assimilate not at all.

And if you were referring to the poor treatment of the Irish in NYC upon their arrival here, I suggest you look at the current state of Ireland. The Irish are being DECIMATED by replacement migration. The Irish have no history of slavery, no Jim Crow and had only recently been recognized as "white". But for some reasons (Soros, Spectre, Rothschild, etc.) they need to be replaced by Africans because 'diversity is their strength' or something.

Anonymous said...

"Did you graduate from high school?" WTF dose that mean ?
News Alert : Wisdom is not taught in high school Ima !
Look what happen to California and you should learn from that.
"Go back and read the history of NYC and what people were saying about immigrants 100 years ago"
Demographics are not the same as 100 years ago !
YOU Ima are the one along with the Far-Left Demorats and Fake news Media(CNN/MSNBC..)that are spewing ignorant garbage and Fake News ! #MAGA2020

Idi Allurmoms said...

The people who comment here are so dumb it's fascinating.

People are talking about immigrants and someone makes a racists rant on minorities.

Really? Who is monitoring this comment section.

Then some comment equates high school graduation and a failing California; which, by the way, generates money for the federal government than any other state.

We can disagree but my God, learn to make an argument that makes sense.

Oh and please, make the Fake New jab because that hasn't gotten played out.

I Love Gay Sex said...

This are so related, said no one.

>> And if you were referring to the poor treatment of the Irish in NYC upon their arrival ??
>> here, I suggest you look at the current state of Ireland.
>> The Irish are being DECIMATED by replacement migration.

Tom said...

This comment is an argument in favor of white people's superiority. The poster does not even see the irony.

>> Yes. We almost always do (white people, that is).
>> Now go check the stats for minorities. While your there checking graduation rates for
>> minorities, check median IQ, FBI crime statistics (especially violent crime), recidivism rates for felons, etc.

>> It's all minorities - and the "mob" and the Irish slums of years ago did not even come
>> close to the minority crime stats of today.

Joe said...

"Who commenting on here is not from an immigrant family and lives in Queens"
Typical liberal bullshit. Yes many of our grandparents immigrated, were vetted, health & literacy checked at Ellis island. They had skills, worked and needed sponsors, learned English and contributed.
2-We didn't have welfare, all these handouts, sec 8 and sanctuary city policy's back then.
Explain how yourself, Demorats and all the fake news media can call all these nasty 3rd world slobs immigrants if they never immigrated?
I worked in Television and found not one newsperson, leftists & liberal would answer this question (other then call me racist) so how about you genius?

The answer is simple: -They never immigrated.
Most simply illegally overstayed a visa crossed the Rio grand river and jumped a fence perhaps committing a dozen other crimes to trespass in this country.
That makes them criminals not immigrants.

If one breaks into this country by never immigrating or filing for refugee status and going thorough the process it makes them TRESPASSING CRIMINAL !!
How about I break into your home, see something things of value and say "I like this stuff" take some of it, then call some of my family and say the back doors open "come get some"
Would you like that ?
Why and cant some people understand this?


Anonymous said...

"Really? Who is monitoring this comment section."
You are calling for censorship because you "Feel" people said something you don't like ?
Do you need a safe place ?
Don't like QC then read something elese in your echo chamber snow flake...

Anonymous said...

"California; which, by the way, generates money for the federal government than any other state."
Really prove it with some facts ! California is in the red and people are leaving as quick as possible.

Jo Eizdum said...


The comment said "Who commenting on here is not from an immigrant family and lives in Queens"

Then you went on some rant about illegal immigration and how immigrants now are so much worse than before. That is just not true. Maybe they called you a racist because you are one.

Joe, read some literature written 100 years ago.
People were saying the same things about immigrants then. "They are lazy" "They commit crimes".

Italians were considered dirty, uneducated and the scum of the earth when they came to NYC.
The Japanese were considered savages. Same racism, different time.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous Idi Allurmoms said...

"The people who comment here are so dumb it's fascinating."
Did you read what Joe wrote ? What don't you understand ?

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