Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Tenant kills his landlord

NY Post

 A deadbeat, rent-owing tenant shoved his Queens landlord down their building’s front stairs so hard on Sunday that the man later died — and the whole thing was caught on the home’s security camera, the victim’s grandson and police sources told the Post.

Landlord Edgar Moncayo, 71, was trying to collect rent around 3 p.m. at his 102nd Street building in Corona when 22-year-old tenant Alex Garces allegedly pushed him down the stairs, cops said.
His grandson, Nicolas Jativa, 20, told the Post that Moncayo was pronounced dead at 12:30 p.m. Monday after being on life support with head trauma at NYC Health + Hospitals/Elmhurst.

“My grandmother wasn’t home when this happened, she was on her way back home already when she got a call from a neighbor telling her what had happened,” the grieving grandson said. “As soon as she saw my grandfather she just dropped to her knees and started crying. I didn’t believe it until I saw the video for myself and it’s horrible.”

Police attributed Moncayo’s injuries to a landlord-tenant dispute and were looking for Garces and possibly a second person for questioning, according to officials.

The tenant initially told cops the fall was an accident that happened as he tried to carry his mattress out of the building and hit the front door, causing Moncayo to fall, police sources said.
But the landlord’s family reviewed video from the Ring video camera installed on their door and saw a horrifying series of events unfold.

In the video, the victim can be seen standing in front of the building on the phone with his wife trying to hold the door shut to keep Garces from leaving, the grandson said. The tenant was able to get the door open, however, and allegedly pushed the landlord down the steps, where his head hit the concrete, he said.


Anonymous said...


georgetheatheist said...

RIP Edgar Moncayo.

Now what's the legality here? A landlord can prevent a tenant, dead-beat or not, from leaving the building? A landlord can cross the threshold of a tenant, dead-beat or not, and enter uninvited into the premises?

Just asking.

Anonymous said...

What's Moncayo at the door saying? Translation please.

Anonymous said...

George, it was a room in a shared house, not a standalone unit.

TommyR said...

Gotta be very careful to whom you rent. Lots of dead-beats willing to hurt someone over a little money.

That was a short flight of about 7 steps, and he flew back and down, what, all of about nine feet (5' back, 4' down?). Deadly shove can end someone's life - watch your back, literally.

Anonymous said...

This guy will get off! Best way to evict a tenant is with a lawyer and if necessary use the Sheriff. Money is never worth your life. I was a landlord in NYC for 20 years, the courts are always pro-tenant, but non-payment of rent moves them out. I only had to evict two and lost some chump change. By doing it the right way you'll lose a little, but that's why you should charge a lot. Get better tenants and cover your potential losses.

Red Ipsa said...

The tenant was renting a room in the house, not the whole house. So the landlord should have been able to enter the front door.

That said, this guy lost his life trying to collect a few hundred dollars. I know this is a pro-tenant town but maybe small landlords need to be able to get people out for non-payment in something faster than 6 months.

Anonymous said...

Tragic outcome ! Should have be avoided with a better outcome for both.

Jon said...

The landlord can not keep a person against their will. That landlord should have never held the door shut.

This really sucks too because now the tenant can argue the landlord was illegally preventing him from leaving. And the video supports that claim. If the tenant did not call for help (and the fact that the tenant lied) this could work against him.

Anonymous said...

Corona never had this shit going on when Corona was Italian
Times change,neighborhoods change,attitudes change and that's why Democratic city's are shitholes,dumps filled with homeless and Broke.

Anonymous said...

georgetheatheist said...

And with people like you this family will get no justice. Let's blame it on the landlord.

Robert Mulligan said...

What a sad situation. The cockroach will likely get off easy.

Anonymous said...

Corona hasn't been Italian in 40 yrs. I lived in Corona in the 60s.

Anonymous said...

Hows that sanctuary city working out for you mayor dumbdumb?

Marv Throneberry said...

Hope the perp enjoys his Mets tickets

Angelo said...

Does that person not remember the Mafia running drugs and killing people.

Anonymous said...

Cameras rule!

Anonymous said...

Reality is reality, George. Your town is the shit-hole city that it is, because you and people like you vote for and covet the democratic party. It's not gonna get better. Also, in reality, it doesn't take six months to unload a non-paying tenant. Even in the liberal gutter of NYC. Those landlords who dicker with the tenant who's check doesn't show up on the first, can only blame themselves. They lose valuable time. #1-Don't lease; Rent! #2-When the check doesn't show, immediately have the 30 day letter sent out. It might take a couple of months but he'll get flushed. Holdover tenants have nothing to hold onto.

Anonymous said...

Aww, the tenant is a poor, misunderstood member of the oppressed class, it’s the landlord’s fault for asking for the money he is owed... shaking my head, welcome to socialism

Anonymous said...

Can't anyone translate into English what the landlord was saying in Spanish before he got killed?

Julie B. said...

Anyone remember the poetry=writing inmate played by Eddie Murphy in 1980s SNL? CILL MY LANDLORD!! Spelled with a C cause he wasn't very literate.

Anonymous said...

I really have to object with the news reporter classifying the tenant the way he does. First off there's no proof he owed any money to anyone. Was this guy really the landlord? Did he own the property or was he renting the house from someone? We don't know that. If he was renting out rooms then he had an illegal boarding house, the certificate of occupancy was defective and no one should have been paying rent to the property owner under those circumstance.

In a perfect world, the so called landlord would not be trying to keep anyone inside a house. That was his mistake. He thought he was some kind of patron from South America, where are tenants are garbage. I am sorry for the family's loss. God Rest his Soul.
My experience in these illegally converted houses that are for ONE FAMILY is that the third world owners go far over the top. No doubt he had been harassing the tenant for some time.

To the idiots who insist the NYC housing courts are tenant friendly has never been evicted from one. No, they are not. Queens County has the highest rate of corruption among judges.

Anonymous said...

the unfortunate man who died was running an illegal rooming house, not declaring that income on his taxes. Wonder why the sewers overflow in some areas? Overcrowding is why.

He was the cops on his boarder to evict them with out going through the court. Word to the wise. Don't try to hold a door shut when you're standing on the top of brick stairs.

Anonymous said...

"It might take a couple of months but he'll get flushed"

If the Sherriff has no available homeless shelter for the dead beat he stays !!
You may also be offered a sec 8 contract and if you refuse, he stays
The 30 day letter don't mean shit, after the 30 day notice you must hire a due process server and perhaps a year in housing court where the judges treat landlords like they are the heartless, greedy scum of the earth.
The mayor does not want any more of these deadbeats on the street, a judges evection order can be "stayed" if no shelters have room.

JQ LLC said...


I did,that influenced the post headline

He got guard dog, do he bite? Kill my landlord.

Anonymous said...

I was evicted from my rent stabilized apartment and no one offered me a Section 8 rental voucher - pays 70% of your monthly rent to the landlord.Maybe I’m the wrong color & am not an illegal alien.
Deadbeat tenant? The guy trying to block the egress from a building was in the wrong.
How about slumlord threatening one of his boarders in an illegal rooming house? No one has proven that the deceased owned the house- these people from 3rd world countries think American law doesn’t apply to them. The alleged landlord thought he was above the law - go to Roosevelt Avenue & 85th Street in Jackson Heights and you will find hundreds of thousands who are encouraged by Democrats to break our laws- if they can get away with all the nonsense why not this too?
If the tenant/boarder really owed money take him to housing court that some posters here believe is so tenant friendly- don’t try to commit unlawful imprisonment.
I would go one step further - so called landlord- the deceased- illegally partitioned rooms and blocked access to other exits in the building.

Anonymous said...

hopefully, he gets a lifetime free rent in jail.

Anonymous said...

This happened because there’s no strong pressure on people to assimilate to the existing culture and Laws !

Anonymous said...

He won't even get six months. It's hard to sympathize with you NYC crybaby liberals. Keep voting democrat and these problems can only end one way, Bad! I'm living happily in a republican state. Don't come here.

Anonymous said...

you will find hundreds of thousands who are encouraged by Democrats to break our laws- if they can get away with all the nonsense why not this too?

The Democratic Party is not liberal but Fascist. The needs of the Party supersedes the good of the nation or its citizens. They are perfectly happy if the government just withers away and will do anything to shame an American citizen from stating their mind Bill of Rights, Constitution, et al be damned. They will determine what is good and what is bad.

They have lost touch with the American people. Now we are stuck with Trump - and have the Democrats to thank for that too.

Anonymous said...

"Now we are stuck with Trump"
It's wonderful !

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