Monday, July 22, 2019

Con Edison intentionally shuts off all power in Southeast Brooklyn and Queens neighborhoods

PIX 11 News

 Looks like Gothamist thought my headline was good.


Anonymous said...

That's where the sweating blubber is! The obese deplorables need air conditioning the most as they drive vehicles as bovine as themselves and need to be motored to their turdhole and abuse all our resources. Just make them turn off their air conditioners!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. Diblasio already has an action plan to fix this. He will rezone these areas for more large, out of character developments and require the installation of bike lanes on any street that lost power. There will also be a new tax applied to our electric bills to pay for income inequality. That will fix this issue so it never happens again!

Anonymous said...

I remember when they did this to Bayside

Anonymous said...

Why is Con Ed so very haughty about this. They don't give real answers, and they don't feel they have to. Perhaps they put so much hardware on computers they don't know themselves?
If so this is a very bad situation.

Anonymous said...

I laugh every time I read these articles on shitty NYC and SO GRATEFUL & HAPPY that I left such a shit hole. My only regret that I stayed too long and did not leave earlier, but no matter, I am HAPPY to not live in a shit hole city. NYC is not the norm, it is an aberration, millions and millions of people crammed on top of them on a small island. Everyone I know who has left, never looked back.

Anonymous said...

Just a practice drill for when the Guv shuts down Indian Point.

Anonymous said...

Why is Con Ed so very haughty about this. They don't give real answers, and they don't feel they have to. Perhaps they put so much hardware on computers they don't know themselves?
If so this is a very bad situation.


Anonymous said...

It's not our fathers' Con Ed. When Gingrich deregulated power generatio9n, Con Ed decided it could not compote with the newer generators so it sold all of its generators to concentrate on monopoly transistion. The old kind of very conscientious, detail-oriented, courteous ConEd people no longer work there.

Anonymous said...

That should read monopoly transmission. Sortry.

Anonymous said...

Keep overbuilding and overpopulating.

Anonymous said...

"When Gingrich deregulated power generatio9n" Gingrich could not do this alone. The President had to sign on on this. If memory serves me, Clinton would have been the approving authority.

Anonymous said...

"Just a practice drill for when the Guv shuts down Indian Point."

The future for almost all energy production will be Generation IV reactors.

Anonymous said...

My mother(senior citizen) lives in this area and she did not have electricity for 26 hours. Lost all a cold fridge items. Makes me mad the Con Edison was not prepared and just decided to cut of power to thousands of people. It was so hot those days we are paying high rates for this kind of service makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

"The future for almost all energy production will be Generation IV reactors." Totally agree with you. But how do we re-educate a generation of idiots who think anything nuclear is bad. We don't let nuclear powered ships enter NYC harbor during fleet week.
Democrats have reduced many people to binary thinking.

Anonymous said...

Don't blame Con Ed. Blame this fucked up city for overbuilding without proper infrastructure. You cannot have 9 million people living in a small area and except it to run properly.

Anonymous said...

But how do we re-educate a generation of idiots who think anything nuclear is bad.

After Fukushima you want to re-educate?

Anonymous said...

Keep overbuilding and overpopulating.

The real problem in NYC. Goes for sewer, streets, sidewalks, electricity, water, etc.
Lack of urban planning and money hungry politicians, tax money is what they want.

Anonymous said...

"After Fukushima you want to re-educate?" First Fukushima was a Gen 1 reactor that did not have any of the safety improvements we put into our Gen 1 reactors. Second we're talking Gen 4 reactors, that if the lose cooling and external power (as happed at Funkushma) simply turn themselves off (I'd explain how it works but it's late). Third, are your aware nobody actually died from the reactor failure ? Look it up.
Perhaps we start educating people here.

Anonymous said...

Third, are your aware nobody actually died from the reactor failure ? Look it up.
Perhaps we start educating people here.

Nah man. Everything is cool. They only killed all life in the Pacific Ocean for a long time.
Go see it for yourself, instead of drinking the GE cool-aid.
You can start educating yourself first - with the facts.

Anonymous said...

"They only killed all life in the Pacific Ocean for a long time. " I see the NYC school system has really reached rock bottom since I graduated from Brooklyn Tech in 1970.

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