Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Queens Machine nominates committee members without their consent

From the NY Times:

The New York Times called dozens of the Queens party machine’s nominees for county committee. The candidates for 21 seats were running without their consent.

Most of these candidates did not know they were running at all until a reporter told them; two, including Ms. Gambichler, found out when they got letters from the city Board of Elections showing how their names would appear on the Sept. 13 primary ballot. Only four candidates The Times spoke to said they were running on purpose.

The total number of unsuspecting candidates could be considerably higher: Party leaders fielded more than 1,300 nominees, at least a hundred more than in the last race in 2016.

What’s more, the machine is press-ganging nominees even as reform-minded candidates seeking the same entry-level seats at the table, inspired by Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, are being disqualified in droves for falling afoul of complex filing rules.

It is not entirely clear why the party would want to populate the committee with people who did not know they were on it. But any seats filled by party candidates would not be filled by insurgents.

Many of the machine’s unwitting soldiers are elderly or in poor health, and were confused or upset to learn of their political careers from a reporter’s phone call.


Anonymous said...

Where are the Queens electeds, where are the Queens civics, where are the Queens media outlets, where are the Queens Community Boards, were is Queens Borough Hall?

Should someone start a lawsuit?

Hmmm, Trump and the Socialists could find common ground.

Anonymous said...

There was a picture of the Astoria Civic honchos meeting at the home of Ed Babor (who is Maloney's rep in Astoria) in the Hamptons. Like Crowley, is Babor another of Astoria's reps who don't live in the mess they made of the community over the past few decades?

(I guess the Vallones were down at the Jersey shore?)

Average age - 75-80.

Its just about time, folks, to make our move.

Anonymous said...

Trump should investigate NYC voter fraud the way Johnson went after Alabama.

My name for him was always "Honest Joe" Crowley - now maybe the name will stick.

Snake Plissskin said...

Now the Times has blown your ruse Joe. Scraping the dregs to fill the ranks, eh?
Old men and phantom soldiers to face the barbarians at the gate?

That is serious stuff. This tells us the Trump is winning and the old generals who are, like Honest Joe, scraping the dregs of the Democratic Party, no longer have the confidence of the Patricians hiding on Capitoline Hill.

Yes, but if you throw this warhorse under the bus, in a desperate attempt to find new ground, just what do you have left? Millennial plebs may be a mile wide but their support is an inch deep and Trump is already destroying your walls faster than you can rebuild them.

Anonymous said...

I still think Joe isn't out for November.

He is on the Working Families Party line. There is no primary for that party. Why should he withdraw?

When Republicans can vote and have a no name on their line, a socialist on the Democrat line and Joe Crowley as a third choice??? No question where that vote should go.

Ocasio-Cortez already measuring the office for furniture/drapes. Don't count out Crowley.

I am not a fan of his but if I still lived in that district I know where my vote would go.

The Will of the People!!

Anonymous said...

Because no one gives a crap about any County Committee, that's why.

Anonymous said...

Ample reason to remove them from the ballot.

JQ LLC said...

"When Republicans can vote and have a no name on their line, a socialist on the Democrat line and Joe Crowley as a third choice??? No question where that vote should go."


That is exactly what he's counting on, relying on red-scaring, the familiarity of his name and his innate ability to whore himself and bundle money, the latter being the only thing establishment machine D's and R's have bipartisan solidarity of.

The bastard did meet with a conservative lobby group to get funding for commercials at the last minute in the final days of the primary that he got destroyed in. These political hacks collectively have no sense of decency and don't give a shit about their constituents as long as they can remain in power. They are the real enemies of the people.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...also a bunch of people were actually running for county committee and the petitions were marked invalid, not with fatal errors, a simple coversheet error that by law can be corrected.

georgetheatheist said...

Crowley ain't dead yet. The everything-to-lose puppet-masters Reich, Bolz, and Sweeney are resuscitating him.

Anonymous said...

Sure Joe can get elected - then what? And what would the Dems in Washington do with him?

Pissing off the Hispanics, the kids, the odor factor would be a stink you could measure in DC. That's all the Dems would need is for their base under the age of 50 to sit home in the future. You can be sure that Trump will use this to his advantage. Crowley getting in because the Trump Party voted for him?

Sure he could win. Then what? The past is past. His own party will consume him. He is dead man walking. The article is poison.

Anonymous said...

He looks so smug in the picture.

Anonymous said...

Change the election law. Top two nonpartisan primaries.

Anonymous said...

A party is required by Election Law to fill 15% of their County Committee seats at a primary or they can not meet as a County Committee. No County Committee, No County Chairperson.

Anonymous said...

It constantly amazes me how utterly anemic Queens elections are. From a long long time ago and far away, some people ran for various offices and won. Having won, they then proceeded to adopt the party line, the heck with the people who elected them, and then sat on their fat rear ends for the ensuing decades, collecting bribes and graft. No truly honest and able candidate showed up to be elected and 4/5 of the eligible voters stayed home anyway.

Is this the best we can do? Is there some law that says we don't deserve honest hardworking politicians? Only bums like Koslowitz, DeBlASSio, Meng, Crowley, et al? Or a wild eyed commie IDIOT like Occasional Cortex? My cat has a higher IQ than that chick.

The roads will continue to be full of potholes, criminals will continue to get a baby slap on the wrist and then be released to cause further harm, the last bits of green will continue to be paved over to benefit the greedy pols and developers, the streets will continue to receive insane markings and bike lanes making them very unfriendly for cars, and every other kind of decline of quality of life. Illegals will continue to be cosseted and enabled at our expense. Your kids will sit in crowded classrooms with shortages of supplies so that money can be diverted for bilingual books/teachers/guidance counselors to which the illegals are not entitled, being illegals. Even the parking meters are going up, making it harder to shop. Why should anyone with a modicum of self respect stay to be subjected to this wallowing in third world filth? There are plenty of other more desirable places to live. Let the tax base be further reduced, so that taxes will yet again be hiked.

Keep putting forth these losers as candidates and keep voting for them, just because they've held their offices (and done NOTHING except feather their own nests) for decades. Then, you deserve what you get.

Anonymous said...

Well this makes sense was to why Crowley was running ads on BREITBART!



Remember, ignore what they SAY- watch what they DO.

Anonymous said...

Leave NY suckers

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am going to enjoy Ocasio-Cortez and the remnants of Bernie's Army pitch a fit on election night when Joe accepts the Will of the People and becomes the first Congressperson from the Working Families Party!

I can't wait!

I knew she was a light weight when she said the unemployment rate was low because lots of people are working two jobs. That from a woman with a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Boston University.

No wonder she bars the press. She is as big a walking gaffe machine as Biden used to be.

Vote Crowley just for the show!

Anonymous said...

Every party recycles its county committee every two years. Most committee members don't even show up to the re-org meeting. They vote by "proxy" The Queens GOP has had more contested re-orgs than the Dems so the Dems aren't used to this. Will be interesting to see what happens.

Anonymous said...

Leave NY suckers.


As bad as NY is, do you really think the rest of the country is better?

Hate to say it, but there is no there there.

Anonymous said...

Remember, ignore what they SAY- watch what they DO.
If the Boss is appealing to the Brietbart crowd does that mean that 'Queens Values' is bullshit?

Guess so! Now lets see which Queens newspaper will take this up!

Anonymous said...

Vote Crowley just for the show!

Is there no one running on the Republican or Conservative lines?

JQ LLC said...

Reading this wretched story again, it's easy to overlook the fact that Queens Machine is committing identity theft and perpetuating disenfranchisement not only of voters but also those yearning to serve the public in government. And they are doing this in plain sight and see absolutely nothing wrong with it. Despite the macabre element, it's like counting dead people for votes, but the well-meaning neoliberals in the Dem Machine thinks it's o.k. because at least these candidates are still breathing.

To those who think Crowley will win or will vote for Heinous Joe because they don't agree with Alexandria's views, her intellect or the strawman argument about the spreading of socialism (because our current system has been going so swimmingly for the past half-century), you better pause for a moment if this type of establishment crony cutthroat politics that has infested and ruined this borough and other towns across the nation is appropriate to continue unimpeded.

Hell, vote for the college professor on the R ticket at least. By the way, where the hell is he???

Anonymous said...

Q. Hell, vote for the college professor on the R ticket at least. By the way, where the hell is he??? A. He is a straw candidate set up to perpetuate the myth of democracy - now Crowley needs the votes the real Republican will be MIA.

This whole thing stinks and its in full sight in the 'media capital of the world.' Hell if they can care about some kid trying to find his illegal relatives or some high school kid that wants to wear a dress to school, how about a little outrage of an illegal use of our sacred electoral system in plain sight by what perhaps may be a criminal syndicate?

Trump, the buffoon, does not scare me. The Queens Democratic Machine scares me sh!tless.

Anonymous said...

Why can't the Working Families do something like go out of business for a few months?

Or even better, come up with some really radical positions on things and print up a bunch of literature with Crowley's mug on it?

ron s said...

Interesting that the old white farts in Queens (actually my own demographic) cannot tolerate the change that Ocasio-Cortez represents. She has to be called "stupid" (hardly) "communist" (not) "occasional cortex", etc. I see derogatory references to her age, ethnicity, gender and more.
She is smart (certainly outsmarted Crowley in the primary), energetic, fiercely anti-Trump (not far fetched for a NYC Democrat). She likes such dangerous "communist" ideas as people having healthcare. Is that really so scary?
Incidentally, even if she were Lenin incarnate, it is pretty hard for a new congresswoman from Queens to overwhelm the entire US Congress and push the country in her dangerous new direction.
I think we should relax, support her and other new Democrats with energy. After all the years of whining on this blog about pushing out the political hacks, when we finally do, everyone complains.

Anonymous said...

Another unclear story. Are we talking about the Democratic Machine, since you have King Crowley's mug in the story. Are we talking about the Republicans; I doubt. Maybe they're trying to save NYC from Socialism/Communism. Too late if they are. Please print the entire facts for us.

Unknown said...

I k ow a Vietnam vet and his wife who had a Stroke and was working with Bank of America and they s tole their home. This woman has been trying to get coverage to No Avail. 25 year. The husband was a marksman. Its a degrace no one has taken their story. I went with the wife to do a show sause with discharge papers in hand it was Denied. Every attorney she went to see 7000.00 retainer no promises. She has the letter her new serv i cer sent 2 days before the Alleged sale giving options. Shame on Bank of America. Shame on you Vivian Cooke. Charles Barrons office in Brooklyn thank God gave her some advice. This woman filed a Civil Suit herself 50% vision. Shame on this Great United States whom this Vet fought for and Now Kiss My Ass. They have 400.000. In Equity never took a loan. I smell a Dirty Rat. . please share this I must do everything I can. Is New York for Sale.

Anonymous said...

No Ron, she is stupid, and willfully ignorant.

The fact that she got an Econ degree from BU speaks volumes about higher education in this country and we should all be scared.

But I am glad I don't have to choose between these three pathetic candidates.

Anonymous said...

I'm just sitting back with the popcorn watching the Democrat party implode into ineffectual socialism, LOL.
They just elected a socialist for Governor in Florida who wants to abolish law enforcement for illegals and raise taxes in a state that most go to in order to avoid tax increases.
Meanwhile in California the front runner in that Governor's race is some plastic looking fool who wants Americans to cover medical insurance for citizens of Mexico, Pakistan, Slovenia or whatever other country people wander in from. This is in California with the nation's highest poverty rate!

You can't make this crap up!
This is a recipe for disaster for Dems in November with the economy booming, wall street at record highs (read sky-high pension statements for all those older voting Americans), winning on trade deals with Mexico and Canada, destroying enemies of our nation overseas and big time reductions in governmental regulations.
What do the dems offer up in response?....socialism, bwahahahahahahahaha.

Harry Haller

Anonymous said...

1. The college professor is only there so they can all put in for quadruple matching of donations on our dime.

2. She thinks the unemployment rate is low because some people have two jobs. That is just ignorant. It is idiotic for someone with an BA in Economics.

I want to welcome home JOE!

georgetheatheist said...

"I think we should relax, support her and other new Democrats with energy."

Hitler, the National Socialist, sure had a lot of energy, no?

How about supporting Anthony Pappas, the Republican candidate, low energy but a PhD from Yale?

Anonymous said...

Socialism - a dream which is always out of reach and bankrupts every country that tries it


taking our future and giving it over to stupid hacks so they can bankrupt our future with mismanagement?

I choose socialism as the people that are running Queens are arrogant d!cks and it will really be funny to watch them whine and disappear. From what I gather, outside of of their clique, everyone has moved to get away from them or, if they are stuck here, are heartily sick of them and want them to go away.

Anonymous said...

How about supporting Anthony Pappas, the Republican candidate, low energy but a PhD from Yale?

Sure, someone with more like 'no' energy. This guy should be out there and if he looks remotely credible and serious might even get elected. The trouble is he is not. Joe likely cut a deal with the Republicans to make his election look legit. Pappas has not the slightest interest in doing anything but following orders and building his resume. Thinking of that, you can say that about any politician.

Two years of a handful of Socialists in Congress will not to much damage to the country, but will do wonders for Queens by trying to loosen the death grip those yo-yos in the clubhouse have over our lives.

Besides, maybe they can get Trump to investigate 'Honest Joe and the Boys.'

ron s said...

Blogger georgetheatheist said...
"I think we should relax, support her and other new Democrats with energy."

Hitler, the National Socialist, sure had a lot of energy, no?

Ocasio Cortez as the new Hitler----my nominee for most idiotic statement in the entire history of Queenscrap-----and there's been a lot of competition!

Anonymous said...

Crowley's primary cards said he was pro-immigrant and anti-Trump.
Do Breitbart readers know thta? They should!

Anonymous said...

The divorce judge gagging Pappas is violating his civil rights.

Anonymous said...

say what you want but Joe brought back millions for the district i guess she will hand out free metro cards
i will voting for joe

Anonymous said...

There is a There and I am There!

Anonymous said...

say what you want but Joe brought back millions for the district i guess she will hand out free metro cards
i will voting for joe


Anonymous said...

>Ocasio Cortez as the new Hitler----my nominee for most idiotic statement in the entire history of Queenscrap

Seconding this nomination. She's not even the new Stalin.

Anonymous said...

>The divorce judge gagging Pappas is violating his civil rights.

I looked it up, and jesus, the monstrous injustice Pappas has been subjected to. I'm amazed it hasn't come up before this.

Anonymous said...

And notice how he has been in every photo op around Queens lately. Many with Katz too. I thought he visited Queens a couple times a year.

Anonymous said...

Crowley's primary cards said he was pro-immigrant and anti-Trump.
Do Breitbart readers know thta? They should!

Funny, he never said that on the ads he must have paid for on that site.

I guess those primary cards were intended for the party faithful in Queens.

Anonymous said...

>The divorce judge gagging Pappas is violating his civil rights.

A judge undoubtedly appointed by the Democratic Machine. How does it feel to live in a a Fascist State people?

Anonymous said...

After the primaries, an emergency state GOP meeting with excommunicate apostate false Republican Anthony Pappas and give Ocasio and Crowley a real opponent.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, read:

Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left,
From Mussolini to the Politics of Change

by Jonah Goldberg


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