Thursday, August 30, 2018

Meet the new community boards! (Same as the old community boards!)

The NYC Charter Revision Commission has issued some recommendations that should be on the ballot this November. If adopted, they will impose the following on community boards:

Term limits

 Provide a limit of four consecutive full two-year terms for community board members, provided, however, that for purposes of staggered implementation, certain initial appointments may include a limit of five two-year terms;

 Establish that the four-term limit would become effective for appointments or reappointments beginning on or after April 1, 2019; and

 Establish that community board members who had previously served for four consecutive terms are not barred from re-appointment after one full term out of office

So in summary, the dinosaurs that have been on the board for 30 years will likely get another 10. There's also a whole lot of gobbledygook about a Civic Engagement Commission which just sounds like an unnecessary government expansion.

All hail democracy!


Anonymous said...

I like that there is no lifetime limit - after you fill your quota, you step down for two whole years (but can still serve on CB committees). Then get back on for another decade.

Its just so stupid.

Well look at the positive, like that mystery guy Renaldino or what ever who replaced the name 'Steinway' in that park, you can get your name to replace someone of quality and real value, have a day named in your honor, and birthday cakes made at public expense to teach the new generation of kiddies the value of hack politics as a viable career option.

Anonymous said...

What? no more Chuck Apelian the Zoning Chair on CB 7?

Anonymous said...

how about just abolishing the pointless CBs and take the BP office with them to the curb.

Anonymous said...

They "resolved" to punt ranked choice voting to a future commission. What a disappointment, the one substantive change they could have made.

Anonymous said...

Not strong enough to keep the party machine from manipulating board membership. They should be four terms and out. Those members who have already served four terms or more should be disqualified for another run. So simple. We have many many talented people in Queens. The public should protest this sham.

Anonymous said...

New people = New ideas. Can't understand why the public has no say as to how their communities are governed. Term limits means ONE or possibly TWO terms. THAT'S IT. This is why we are stuck in the mud with the wheels turning and going nowhere. You don't have to be on a Community Board to attend meetings and have your voice heard. These people are drunk on power. Same old shit - Different day.

Anonymous said...

How to make CBs even more ineffective than they are is the plan. Get rid of all the long term members aka the ones who don't contribute to "diversity". Fill the boards up with those who do. I'm old enough to remember the days before CBs. They are far from perfect but they do provide way ore opportunities to weigh in on stuff that what existed before them. BPs and Council people need to not reappoint the dead wood but they don't. Term limiting will just result in all the actually skilled members also being thrown out. End result will be Bds filled with special interest groupies like the Trans Alternative folks, third worlders, and snowflakes.

Anonymous said...

And who doesn't think that longtime members aren't being influenced ( or paid off) by developers to vote certain ways on community projects. I recall a few CB members we caught in that web over the years. TERM LIMITS NOW!

Anonymous said...

If you think long term members are being improperly influenced or paid off, offer your suspicions and the facts that lead you to those conclusions to the appropriate investigators. If you don't or you haven't, then you are part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

If you think long term members are being improperly influenced or paid off, offer your suspicions and the facts that lead you to those conclusions to the appropriate investigators. If you don't or you haven't, then you are part of the problem.


Anonymous said...

No one asked you to play govt. "See something, say something" is just not about terrorism. It's an obligation of citizenship to report a crime if you are suspicious of one being committed or if you are aware of one being committed.

Anonymous said...

Why does a District Manager make $$$Six-figures?????!!!!!

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