Monday, August 6, 2018

Happy Monday from Forest Hills!

From Forest Hills:

let’s take a look at the Austin St. Underpass Walkway, which after months of complaints had the graffiti finally removed only for it to reappear along with garbage and human excrement (CRAP), plus out of control weeds on a public sidewalk right along with garbage dumping. Photos don’t lie about the FILTH OF FOREST HILLS.


Anonymous said...

When the homeless come to cooper ave,I’m sure they will be meander I to forest hills for a change of scenery now and then.

Anonymous said...

And what about the 71st & continental subway station ? It is way fucking overdue for a rehab.

Anonymous said...

Drunk illegal aliens who didn't get hired as a day laborer or other dangerous homeless. There's a homeless shelter in Briarwood, they could be walking around when FH when they are locked out of the shelter from 6 am to 6pm.

Anonymous said...

Vibrant, baby ... and diverse.

Anonymous said...

Turd world

Gary W said...

So gross, I see a lot of human crap these days even in Manhattan. How the hell can crapping on the street be good for Queens families?

Someone should rub these useless politicians noses in that crap like a bad doggy.

Anonymous said...

Nice pic of subhuman excrement.

Anonymous said...

There's a men's shelter a couple blocks away on one of the floors of the Comfort Inn. That whole area around Queens Blvd/Union Tpk has shady people all around. Most likely this dump in the photo is from one of them. It's a shame because these people are so out of place and don't tell me that they were living in this community before they became homeless. Such a shame

Anonymous said...

>There's a homeless shelter in Briarwood, they could be walking around when FH when they are locked out of the shelter from 6 am to 6pm.

I see homeless men going in and out of that shelter all day long. Where did you get the idea they kick everyone out at 6 in the morning?

Anonymous said...

Our elected couldn't care less for us. They care only for immigrant rights because that will ensure votes. Time to clean the slate and make sure their paychecks stop coming in.

Anonymous said...

San Francisco, here we come! Gotta keep up with San Francrappo, right? Yet another item on the list of why DumBlASSio is too stupid to run a dog pound, let alone a large city.

Tony Notaro said...

The chickens come home to roost for (((those))) who have brought us diversity. Good.

Crusseau said...

You’re surprised? There’s almost ZERO enforcement for ANY quality of life violations. Noise, illegal scooters, speeding, running stop signs. All’s fair in Forest Hills.

JQ LLC said...

These are truly the new bad days, and I am not self-promoting my site nor the slogan I concocted. (Well, maybe a little)

Those are some big shits. That stairwell must get pretty deserted at points if you can getaway with that shit with impunity.

The thing about this is that these public defecators, who I assume are the throngs of mentally ill or morally bereft homeless people should go back to the hotel where they were sent to go and do their doody. But the stupid rules those shelters have where they can't return for 10-12 hours will only lead to more dung piles littering the curbs, and medians on the boulevard. Oh, and in front of the next shuttered stores that will be forced out from the brutal commercial rent hikes and taxes.

de Faustio and Weasel Banks give liberals and progressive policies a bad name (although they are neoliberals). In fact they have shitted on them and stained them for life.

Ned said...

"How the hell can crapping on the street be good for Queens families"

Are you serious asking such a question like that? are you blind?
Let me s'plain ya something for the last time and you New Yorkers (well some of you) better listen, wise up and get your heads out your ass.

The New York fascist mayor doesn't have the power to force people out and confiscate property like Hitler did with Kristallnacht. The only reasonable answer to this insanity is deBlasio is using the mentally ill homeless as paramilitary to crash property values and cause a massive "white flight" exodus. The vultures can then come in, buy cheap and build what HE wants.

Hitler or deBlasio the only difference is:
Hitlers SA were called "Brownshirt Putsch"
DeBlasio's are called "Brownstain-Pants" coming to a 200-1000 bed barracks near you soon

You are going under the gun of communism is at your doorstep and your going to get clobbered, plowed and buried if you don't wise up fast.


Anonymous said...

Crapping in the corners of the steps and curb is what they do in Mexico

Anonymous said...

Why should Forest Hills be immune from what the rest of the city goes through on a daily basis...Oh, I forgot...they're special

Gary W said...

It was a joke Ned. Goofing on a quote from M Katz.

Along with DeBlassholes shock troops it's also why he is pushing Pre K for all. He wants to poison your kids minds as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

The human poop is the signature of Duhblazios tenure. It will be the way many remember him. 56 years living in this city and until a few years ago I could count on one hand the number of times I viewed this particular atrocity. Now its a daily part of walking every block. He must be very proud, and if he ever attempts to run for state or national office we must remind everyone what he brought to our city.

Anonymous said...

>Why should Forest Hills be immune from what the rest of the city goes through on a daily basis...Oh, I forgot...they're special

They're not immune, did you just ignore the entire post?

Anonymous said...

remember, kids: "you'll shoot your eye out!"

TommyR said...

Forest Hills south of the boulevard before the station is a fantasy land constructed in peoples' minds. It's just high-rise towers through and through along that main corridor, an artificial development started by Cord Meyer ages ago, ugly eyesores that presaged its current woes of empty storefronts and bland, hollowed-out and characterless living.

People saw the mansions on 71st and out towards Kew Gardens and thought it somehow made them special to live in far lesser duplex or multi-story high-rise housing on the margins adjacent to the tracks. The Rich removed themselves to those private streets to get AWAY from the rest of unwashed masses, not have them right on their doorstep.

Nothing makes it or any other 'hood special but for the kind of people who live there. The people who live there are increasingly wealthy, insulated, asian/jewish/white upper middle class - disconnected & ultimately interchangeable. The other side of the 'hood is along metropolitan and towards woodhaven and union, which is quiet, unassuming, and actually full of nice detached homes with generations of middle-class families. Those people pray everyday the idiocy going on along Austin never encroaches southward. But along the boulevard? It's boring as shit. Shopping sucks, food sucks, the commute (if you don't drive) sucks (not that Metropolitan is much better along those metrics).

I rant b/c somehow it's "notable" when you see trash like what was pictured THERE in F-Hills, but NOT ANYWHERE ELSE in the borough or City?? The COMET community is far more humble, and outside the usual derelict industrial areas, at least strives to maintain a level of order and neatness, even if we aren't as privileged to live along the mansions like our Whitepot compatriots...take some responsibility and get that shit cleaned up!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful addition of the homeless shelter in Kew Gardens has given us all these little treats in the neighborhood. Thanks deBLOWsio.

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