Friday, July 6, 2018

The new Astoria stations are spiffy


JQ LLC said...

What the fuck MTA.

Maybe we should commission these shitty artists to do some art on the tracks and signal system in order to speed up true infrastructure needs for commuters.

Joe Moretti said...

Sure waste money in making the surface nice and shiny, while underneath the damn subway system itself is falling apart every day due to a shitty infrastructure that has been ignored for decades. I would take a crappy looking subway any day if the damn subway ran on time 24/7 without incident.

As usual waste of money of shit that does not matter, while what matters keeps turning to shit.

Anonymous said...

Polish a turd, it's still a turd.

R185 said...

I find it ironic that on a blog site devoted in part to NOT building stuff that looks like crap, readers prefer the crap. I guess there's more support for Fedders houses than I thought. Nice looking doesn't have to cost more.

Anonymous said...

General consensus is that the shiny decor will be marred in a few months - and the platforms will be all but impossible to walk in the winter with no protection from the wind and snow.

Anonymous said...

Come on people, it is an improvement for the eyes ! Little by little things get better.

Anonymous said...


georgetheatheist said...

I always liked the 1917 decor.

Chester the Dog said...

But the service is still terrible.

Anonymous said...

Keep your temporarily shiny station and WiFi. Just make the trains run on time!

Anonymous said...

Bright and shiny subway for the millennials. They will love it and keep voting for the "progressives" while the trains run like shit.

Anonymous said...

I saw the new stations at 30 Ave. and 36 Ave. for the first time today. It was my first time in a few years taking that Queens stretch of the N/W train line and I was rather astounded. Astoria really has become the other yuppyville to some extent (though not as extreme as LIC). I'm seeing people and stores that I never would've seen in the area ~10-15 years ago. Heck, there was lady (in her 30's probably) on the train asking me if Astoria was a good area to live and she mentioned that Manhattan was expensive. These people are pretty much folks who would rather live in Manhattan but have either outgrown their post-college lifestyles or don't want to pay as much in rent. Lol.

One other thing to note is that the MTA recently redid one half of the 121 St. station for the J line, which is also above ground. It looks nothing like the new ones on the Astoria N/W line. These vanity projects were clearly done with an eye to the newer people moving into the area. But that shouldn't be too surprising considering that transients, tourists, and the wealthy get the most attention from the government in this city.

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous said...

Come on people, it is an improvement for the eyes ! Little by little things get better.


WRONG. It is not an improvement, but a vanity project to take away from the main problem of the fucking subway, IT DOES NOT RUN PROPERLY. You don't spend money washing a car, giving it a great paint job and brand new shiny bumpers when it does not run.

Another idiotic comment from the clueless gullible masses

Anonymous said...

Astoria really has become the other yuppyville to some extent (though not as extreme as LIC). I'm seeing people and stores that I never would've seen in the area ~10-15 years ago.
Yes, and they don't give to sh*ts to Astoria - its just a place to sleep, play trivia, hang out in gin mills showing off their new tats, and a burning desire to get back to the real world as soon as $ permit.

The locals still wax poetic about hanging out in school yards in the 80s, how the newies are a pain in the butt, and a 'cultural scene' pretty much composed of saying how great Vollonia is and taking picture after pictures of the Triboro Bridge.

To paraphase Woody Allen, there is more living culture in a vat of yogurt. All this talk of revitalization is merely a real estate shill to fill apartments shoddily built, with surly sketchy Greek landlords and overlook noisy Queens Plaza or the Ditmars Line.

Sunnyside Al said...

I would rather have industrial strength that lasts a century over contemporary design meant to fall apart. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Another case of using budget money on crap so that you can request more every year.

This was done mostly for the yuppies who can’t afford Manhattan anymore.

I remember, as a kid, nothing getting done in Queens because our neighborhood was still working class. It seems the majority of projects today have negative consequences anyway.

Then POOF....the yuppies steamroll in and the people living there for decades are either forced out by increasing costs of living or have to pay more through the nose.

Anonymous said...

ooh yes ! the freekin station "mezzanines" where people spend under 3 minutes MUST BE recreated as friendly ,inviting safe spaces for the yuppies and hipsters.
Let's see the mediyuuh return in six months and show us what happened to this waste of money.

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