Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Your tax dollars at work, DHS edition


Anonymous said...

There is obviously no doubt that the city gets ripped off by having to pay this. At the very least however the invoice for serves provided should reflect what actual services they did provide, how many individuals and families received and "benefited" form those services and when those services were actually provided.

Anonymous said...

$400+ million? Who are Acaica? What's going on here? Details??

Anonymous said...

Yep, someplace in the boiler plate housing court is not to evict single parents with children. If they are currently housed, The landlord must pay for them. No mention about going after all the baby daddys or if a male moves in.

Let Me guess: Next thing coming down the pike is if your a homeowner with small household and spare room/unused basement you MUST take these people and allow the city to convert the house to an additional occupancy for sec 8 homeless with children?

Rob in Manhattan said...

"Let Me guess: Next thing coming down the pike is if your a homeowner with small household and spare room/unused basement you MUST take these people...."

I read this crap every time the subject of homeless or DHS comes up.

This will --never-- happen. Write about what is really going on.

What is happening is the slow removal of single family houses in the areas where housing prices have gotten ahead of the actual desirability of the neighborhood.

I don't live in Queens but have 5 businesses there and am out in various sections every week.

When I see asking prices nearing, or exceeding one million dollars for single family houses in Astoria, Jackson Heights, Sunnyside etc, you have to realize that many of these will be destined for redevelopment --meaning apartments.

You can try to fight this via zoning, but that will put you in conflict with people who have worked 30+ years to pay off a mortgage and now expect a big windfall...and the sharks in the real estate who have been known to brib...I mean favor certain politicians.

This City will need more taxes over the coming years and higher density is is one way to get that.

Rob in Manhattan

JQ LLC said...

Acacia runs cluster homes. Which the city (allegedly) has put a stop to. Wanna bet the majority of that poverty profiting lucre went to administrative and executive salaries?

Anonymous said...

Rob in Manhattan is right. Homes are selling for a million dollars and are being turned into rooming houses in single family neighborhoods. The fact that realtors are renting rooms in houses and stating that there are roommates already in place should signal to DOB that there are violations to the Zoning Resolution's SRO rules in these communities. (Single Room Occupancy)

Anonymous said...

>Next thing coming down the pike is if your a homeowner with small household and spare room/unused basement you MUST take these people

The law allows landlords to discriminate when it comes to renting rooms in the house they personally live in. They'd have to change that first before the slippery slope can get that tilted.

Anonymous said...

While James Oddo will never let this happen in his community. His borough is the only borough not to get a borough jail under the close rikers plan.

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