Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Toby pushing for kitchens at shelters

From the Times Ledger:

State Sen. Toby Ann Stavisky (D-Flushing) was joined by members of the advocacy group Elmhurst United last week outside the former Pan American hotel, where she announced legislation she recently introduced that would mandate homeless family shelter units to have working kitchens.

The measure, S7181 A, would require family homeless shelters for 10 or more families to have working kitchens within 60 days of the registration of the contract between the operator of the shelter and the city of New York.

Stavisky’s bill is in direct response to the recent and controversial uptick of repurposed hotels being used as homeless shelters. In Stavisky’s district, the city came under fire for turning the former Pan American hotel on Queens Boulevard in Elmhurst into a family shelter without supplying functioning kitchens in each unit.


Anonymous said...

Give them food vouchers for McDonalds and Burger King instead.

Anonymous said...

Good. If this goes through, it'll be much more prohibitive to open hotel shelters in the future, and perhaps give those fighting current ones new grounding to sue.

Anonymous said...

Are we just building more housing projects? That's what it looks like.

Anonymous said...

Not vouchers - the kitchen requirement is a good one: we see "boutique" hotels appearing with the clear intent of serving as shelters - thus avoiding standard community review and efforts to avoid over-saturation. And I say again: build homes, not shelters.

Anonymous said...

Give them nothing. We are the only fools in the nation putting up with this. Guess what happens when you stop coddling people with free everything-- they go someplace else.

Anonymous said...

How about they get to pick: A job cleaning train stations, city parks, or public buildings, or a ticket to Washington DC.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with the concept of building homes not shelters. The idea of Housing First needs to be fully adopted. You need to provide comprehensive and supportive services. You are doing this less to as one of the writers said "coddling" and more because at the end of the day it's going to save money. There is something known as the 80/20 rule which is that 80% of our problems are caused by 20% of a certain population.Focus in on the 20% and try and reduce costs that occur with shelters, emergency room visits, prison stays etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

Ship them all to the cesspool that is Seattle.

Anonymous said...

20% of shelter residents have come from other states within the last 5 years. It's a joke. And hardstrapped NYers are paying for this shit!'

Anonymous said...

Yeah, give them kitchens and knives to start fights with. Why not give them waitresses and butlers, too? Nothing's too good for all the bums that flock to NYC to be fed and clothed and housed. Being in a homeless shelter is not supposed to be comfortable and long term, or else they'd stay there forever on our dime.

Anonymous said...

Why they can burn the shelters down. Toby Ann Stashitsky...grasping at straws to keep her NON TERM LIMITED job in far away hole in the wall hideout...Albany!

Anonymous said...

First; we need to have term limits for ALL politicians.
If eight years is enough for President, it's certainly enough for State Assembly or City Council or State Senate.

Second; stop voting Democrat,
the homelessness issue is created by years of liberal policies when it comes to personal responsibility, education, housing and family values.

Third; just like the President is starting to make a dent in the illegal immigration flooding this nation, the City needs to start limiting access to free services to anyone that shows up at the Port Authority Bus Terminal or Penn Station. Then again, we have a Republican in the White House while we have an ineffective Democrat in City Hall.

Things to think about.

Harry Haller

Res Ipsa said...

This is well-intentioned but barely worth the paper it's printed on. The requirement is for 60 days after the contract registration, but a recent audit found that 43% of the shelter operators are working without contracts. Many of the contracts take more than a year to register....and the stat is only going to get worse, as it has for this whole administration. If they really wanted to stop this, then they would make it so that the place could not be used as a shelter---meaning nobody can move in--- unless there are functioning kitchens.

Anonymous said...

Avella's sittin' on his ass in Albany too.
Aside from multi photo ops, what is the percentage of laws he's gotten passed?
Mini! Not entirely his fault. The Albany crew is out to fuck any reform politician.

Anonymous said...

Somebody ought to push that old hack out of Albany. The Stavisky family political business has been operating since the 1960s. Time to toss it.

Anonymous said...

Just keep throwing money at a problem Dems and Libs created. Why not solve the underlying problem first? It would save hardworking taxpayers $Billions.

M. How said...

Anonymous said: "Just keep throwing money at a problem Dems and Libs created. Why not solve the underlying problem first? It would save hardworking taxpayers $Billions."

Yeah, but if we fixed the underlying problem there would be no lobbying donations for electioneering, no kickbacks from construction companies, no pay-for-play from suppliers, etc., etc.

Millions would starve!

That's why we have to keep throwing money at our politicos and developers to not fix the underlying problem.

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